Chapter 31 ~ Dates & Truth

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Chapter 31 ~ Dates & Truth 

Seth struggled against the chains on the wall, groaning at the pain in his wrists from the cuffs chaffing them. He didn't understand why Roman kept him here; why hadn't he just killed him already? Wouldn't Roman want him gone, once and for all? 

Of course not. Roman would want to make him suffer for stealing his man, his crush. He wanted to show Seth who ruled in this instance, and who would come out on top. Roman wanted to prove that he was the lucky man who had Dean as a soulmate. He wanted Dean all to himself and would do whatever it took.

Seth squinted as the door slightly opened, revealing a bulky man. His head was pounding from dehydration, and he knew he couldn't survive much longer.

How long had it been since he was taken away from his lover, his soulmate? He supposed a week or more.

His empty stomach growled, making him whimper once the man got closer, inches from Seth's nose. He could smell the whiskey on the man's breath, making him feel physically ill.

"You're going to shut the fuck up, you got that?" he drunkily muttered, tipsy and hanging onto the chains to keep himself from  collapsing. "Cause you're a dirty whore. And I won't let anyone find you."

Seth rolled his eyes in annoyance. He was the complete opposite of intimidating at that moment, and Seth wished he could run away and back to Dean. The man got close once more, practically grinding on Seth as he mumbled other inaudible sentences. Nothing he said made any sense.

"Go away, Roman," Seth huffed and kicked at the man's ankle. Roman growled and grabbed Seth by the throat, squeezing with all of his might as Seth's eyes bulged and he began gasping for air. 

"I said to shut the fuck up," Roman repeated, waiting until Seth gave a slight nod to let go. "You either listen or you die, you got that?" 

Seth nodded once more. He wanted to spit in Roman's face and tell him to suck his dick, but he knew it'd only make matters worse. And right now, what he needed was the complete opposite of trouble​.

He wanted to be back with Dean, rubbing his pregnant belly and whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He missed Dean so much it physically hurt.

Roman grumbled, slapping Seth across the face with a smirk on his own before strolling off with confidence in each step. He was drunk, but that didn't stop the feeling of accomplishment he had.

Seth whimpered lightly, the sting of his cheek turning to a burning sensation. He looked at the ground, feeling hopeless. He was never going to make it out of here. He would forever be there, chained to the wall and starving to death. He wanted out. He wanted everything to be back to normal.

What was normal? After everything that has happened, there was no normal. Normality was overrated; it has disappeared for everyone by now. 

To Seth, crazy had become the new 'normal.' 

He struggled against the restraints once more, injuring his own wrists in the process. Blood dripped down his frail arm, dripping onto the cold pavement floor. He knew it was getting closer to the end. 

He knew he didn't have much longer. 

He dryly coughed and ceased fighting, knowing it was no use. He'd have to cut off his own hand before he were able to leave. 

Meanwhile, Heath feared the next night. He knew he was stuck in the middle of this nonsense, and if he didn't do as Roman demanded, he'd be revealed as a fraud. He couldn't stand letting Dean get hurt even more, especially in his current condition. So he went along with the lies Roman spewed, hoping that just once, Dean would be able to see through them. 

But he never did, and Heath was forced to plaster a smile on his lips as if it were truth to salvage what was left of Dean's broken heart. 

That night, Heath barely slept a wink. His mind was racing with tons of scenarios of what could go wrong tomorrow night. 

Dean, on the other hand, slept peacefully, excited for the night to come. He was excited to spend this time with Roman. When they were together before, Dean had a great time. He forgot all of his problems and focused on himself, the baby in his belly, and Roman.

When the big night arrived, Dean was very excited. He was getting himself prepared with nice clothes that would fit over his huge belly. He did his hair and waited out on his porch for Roman's  car. 

Roman was preparing himself. He was wearing fancy clothes, hair slicked back, and car warming up so Dean wouldn't get cold on their way to the restaurant. He didn't want Dean to catch a cold with him  being 9 months pregnant and ready to pop at any time. 

He got into his car and drove off, heading to the place Dean was staying at. He saw the pregnant man sitting in a rocking chair on the porch, rubbing his belly with a smile. 

He got up once he saw Roman and walked over to the vehicle. Roman got out and opened Dean's door with a grin. Dean blushed and got in, situating himself before Roman shut the door. 

They chatted quietly on the way to the restaurant. Dean kept questioning where they were eating at, but Roman wouldn't reveal the location. He wanted it to be a surprise, even though Dean was making it very hard. 

"Come on, you know you want to tell me!" Dean giggled, setting a hand on Roman's thigh. This sent chills up the Samoan's spine. "Please?" 

He gave Roman a pout and although hard to resist, he kept his stance. "I told you it was going to be a surprise," Roman chirped with a smile. "You'll have to wait and see." 

"But I wanna know now!" Dean whined playfully. "Please?" 

Roman shook his head with a smile. Dean continued to harass him about the location, only stopping when Roman pulled into the parking lot of Dean's favorite restaurant. The pregnant man's eyes widened with glee, and a girly squeal escaped his lips as he turned towards Roman with excitement beaming from him. 

"Surprise," Roman grinned. "You like it?" 

"Like it?! I love it!" Dean screeched and hugged him. "Thank you so much! How'd you know I loved this place?" 

"Oh, a little birdie told me," Roman smirked, thinking of how he beat Seth until he revealed the answer. "I have my ways. I know how to find out little things about you without you knowing." 

Dean giggled. "I'm glad." 

Roman got out to open Dean's door, given a nod of appreciate in return. After closing the door, Roman took his hand and walked inside, seating them. He was excited to spend this time with Dean, and knew the other man felt the same. 

While the happy men were on a date, Heath did some investigating. He knew Roman was hiding something, it was just a matter of figuring out what that was. 

Roman was vague during their conversations, never giving much information on anything he did. He kept everything to himself, never revealing his true feelings or intentions. 

Heath always felt this was suspicious. No one could hide that much of themselves from someone they cared about, or in Roman's case, loved. Dean didn't seem to know as much about Roman, but the Samoan knew an awful lot about the lunatic. 

It just didn't seem to add up. 

What was Roman hiding and why? 

To give into his curiosity, he went to Roman's house. He knew he had already left for his date with Dean since he received a text from his pal saying Roman had just arrived and to not worry about him, that he'd be fine. 

Dean was the only one who trusted Roman, and Heath was slightly grateful for that, considering Dean was going on a date with the man. If he didn't have trust, he shouldn't go on the date. 

Heath picked the front door's lock and slipped inside, surprised there was no alarm. He went into the kitchen to find everything put away ever so neatly, nothing out of place, except for a stray note hanging on the fridge by a magnet. 

Interested, he went over and read it: 

Don't forget to check on Seth.

He should be dead soon. 

Maybe tease him with some water. 

Heath's eyes widened in surprise. Why would Seth be dead soon? And how did Roman know where he was? 

Something wasn't right about the situation. Roman knew more than he was leading on, and this made Heath even more suspicious than before. 

He left the kitchen and searched on. Nothing seemed out of place or odd. 

With a raised brow, Heath walked down some stairs he assumed would bring him to the basement. As he neared the bottom, the stairs creaked beneath him, obviously weaker, and it was cold, sending a chill through him. 

He went to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He assumed it had a key to open it, but that item was nowhere to be found.  He messed with the door some more, trying to loosen it, but to no avail. 

Just as he went to walk away, he heard a familiar voice holler, "Help!" 

And that grabbed his attention - he knew Roman had been up to something. 

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