Chapter 1 - The Big News

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The Survey Corps had returned from the mission with the usual heavy losses. Many people had fallen to the Titans and now they were all coping with the heavy loss of friends and comrades.

Eren Jaeger was alive and well though very many found it hard to believe. He was currently in a coma and had been for the whole three days since they had returned. Everyone was worried but Captain Levi and Hanji did frequent check ups.

Levi seemed to be really worried even though he seemed as bored and stoic as usual and got frequent information that Eren was still alive.

But everyone worried greatly for Levi since was deteriorating quickly with his health. He wasn't sleeping or eating much at all. If he ate anything, it was one slice of bread that Hanji had to force him to eat. Everyone was really worried for the captain.

But Levi believed nothing was wrong with him. He believed he was completely fine and that all he needed to worry about was making sure Eren was okay. No matter how much people tried to get him to leave, he always stayed by Eren's side.

Levi had just finished eating a loaf of bread and drinking some tea. Hanji was happy that she was able to get Levi to eat something but was still worried since he was still sitting by Eren's bed.

"Levi you really need to keep yourself in check. Everyone is really worried about you."

"Hanji I've told you that I'm not leaving this spot until Eren wakes up. I need to make sure he's okay."

"Levi I know you love him but look at yourself. You're really pale and you look sick."

"Hanji I'm fine!" Levi shouted.

Hanji stepped back with a look of shock on his face.

"I'm sorry Hanji...I'm just really stressed right now. All I want is for Eren to be safe."

"I know Levi. We're doing everything we can to get him to wake up. But you need to take care of yourself too. We don't need to have our two most important soldiers MIA during battle. We need you Levi."

Levi sighed and placed a hand on his forehead with a loud sigh.

"I'll try. But I can't guarantee anything."

Hanji smiled and hugged the small raven. Levi growled slightly and did nothing.

"Call me if anything is wrong with either of you okay?" She asked in her usual happy tone.

Levi nodded slightly while he looked back down at Eren's unconscious body. Hanji left the room and ran off somewhere.

Levi ran his thumb over the smooth surface of Eren's hand.

"Eren...I miss you. We all miss you. Please wake up."

Levi touched Eren's hand to his forehead and felt tears begin to trickle down his face.

Suddenly, Levi felt his stomach wanting to drop, as if something wanted to come up. He clasped his hand over his mouth and frantically looked for something to empty the contents of his stomach into.


Levi saw a trash can. He ran over to it and grabbed it before the little bit of his dinner that he'd managed to scarf down made its reappearance.

The short raven scowled. He placed a hand on his forehead while he groaned in annoyance.

"Goddamn It..." he said quietly.


Levi looked up and saw that Eren was awake. He looked at the older male with concern and worry.


Levi stood up and made his way over to the brunette teen.

"Eren you're awake."

Levi wrapped his arms around Eren carefully since he didn't want to injure the boy.

"Yes I am but look awful. What's been going on while I've been asleep?"

"People have been saying that I need to eat and sleep more but I only wanted to make sure you were okay. I still ate and slept but it was still only a little."

"Oh don't need to jeopardize your health because of me," Eren said in a gentle voice.

"Y-yes I did...what if something happened to you while I was gone? What would I do if you died and I wasn't there in your final moments?"

"Well look at me now. I'm perfectly okay. I can't have my boyfriend being sick."

"By you saying that...I assume you saw me throwing up a few minutes ago..."

Eren nodded and rubbed the small male's head.

"I'm sorry Eren. I was just really worried about you."

"It's okay Levi," Eren said as he kissed his forehead.

"Hey Levi forgot to tell you that-"

Hanji was walking into the room to tell Levi that the superiors were having a meeting in about twenty five minutes but was surprised when she saw Eren awake.

"Eren! You're awake!" She said as she ran over to the boy.

Eren nodded while he rubbed Levi's back.

"Yes I am. But I don't need you to be running tests on me. I want you to make sure Levi is okay."

"Eren I-" Levi began.

Eren held his hand up to tell Levi to stop talking.

"Levi? Is he okay?"

"Well as I woke up, I heard someone throwing up...I looked over and saw Levi doing just that in the trash can."

Hanji looked at Levi with a look of worry on her face.

"Levi what did I tell you about eating?"

"Hanji I did eat...I just don't think that me or eating or sleeping has anything to do with it. I have this feeling telling me it's not."


Hanji walked over to the counter where the medical supplies sat. She reached up into the cupboard and got the materials to draw some blood.

"Levi I'm going to draw some of your blood."

Levi looked at Hanji with a slightly afraid face.

"Wh-why do you need my blood?"

"I can test you for many different illnesses and conditions. I just want to find out if anything is wrong with you."

Levi looked at Eren with a hesitant look. The brunette rubbed the small raven's head comfortingly.


Hanji rolled up Levi's sleeve and used a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean of the spot where she would stick the needle in the arm.

"This shouldn't hurt too much but you might feel a small pinch."

Hanji slowly stuck the needle into Levi's arms and drew the amount of blood she needed. When she finished, Hanji pulled the needle out of Levi's arm and taped a cotton ball to the area where the needle went in.

"I should get the results after the meeting. I'll leave them here while the tests are run."

Eren nodded.

"Thank you Hanji," he said while rubbing Levi's back.

"No problem. Now I have to get to this meeting."

"But what about Levi? He's a superior so he should be at the meeting too shouldn't he?" Eren asked.

"I'll tell them that you're awake and that Levi wants to take care of you."

Eren nodded. Hanji then walked out of the room and to the meeting.

Levi looked up at Eren.

"Eren what if I have some terrible illness? What if I die in a matter of a few weeks? Eren wh-what if I-"

"Levi stop."

Eren took ahold of Levi's hands and looked him in the eyes.

"You're not sick. And even if you were...I'd be with you through the whole ordeal and I'd be by your side while you passed. But you're not going to die. You won't. I promise you."

Levi felt tears come to his eyes. He buried his face in the crook of Eren's neck.

"I'm sorry...I just worry because I just l-love you too much..."

Eren rubbed his head and placed kisses all over his head.

"It's okay Levi. You'll be okay."

The meeting went by really quickly and Hanji soon returned to the infirmary.

"Heyo Levi!"

Levi glared at her while he still clung to Eren. She walked over to where the tests on Levi's blood were being run.

"Let's take a look shall we..."

Hanji looked at the result as from all of the different tests she had run.


She read through the first nine tests on the passer but her eyes widened when she got to the last one.

"No way...I ran this test as a joke...there's no way it's positive..."

Eren looked worried as well as Levi.

"What's wrong with him? Is he okay?"

Hanji turned back and walked over to them before sitting down in a chair. She handed Levi and Eren the piece of paper while they scanned it. As they came over the line that said positive, their eyes widened.

"You can't be serious..." Eren whispered," this isn't real..."

Levi placed his hand over his mouth as he looked at Hanji.

"Hanji...a-am I really..."

Hanji nodded and smiled sympathetically.

"Yes.'re pregnant."

1490 words!!! So I know that this is a smaller amount of words than the original chapter but hey...I feel like that this one is a lot better quality and that's what matters right? Anyways I hope you guys like this!

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