chapter 8 : naira to search for kartik?

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"What?!What are you saying?How is my Naira now?!"Naitik asked

"Uncle she is absolutely fine now. Please don't worry!"Kartik said.

"Okay thank you for informing me beta!"Naitik said and then ended the call.

Akshara,Naksh and Annika were with Naira in her hospital room. Just then Naksh's phone rang. He saw Naitik calling.

"Oh no! Papa is calling. What shall I tell him?!"He said

"Bhai please don't tell papa about this. He will get angry!"Naira said.

"Naira he will get ever more mad if he finds out we lied to him!"Akshara said.

"Mumma,Bhai please..he is alone there and now he will get worried. Please!"Naira said. Naksh had to agree and then answered the phone.

"Haa papa?!"Naksh said trying to sound normal and leaving it on speaker.

"Naksh where are you?"Naitik asked

"Papa I am home. Why?!"Naksk asked.

"And Naira?Where is she?!"Naitik asked

"Papa..she..Naira is still in college with her friend and Mishti!"Naksh lied.

"Naksh,I am not a fool okay?Why the hell are you lying?I know Naira met with an accident and now that she is in hospital!"Naitik shouted shocking and confusion everyone.

"How did papa find out?!"Naira thought.

"Is your Mumma there?!If she is give her the phone. I need to talk to her!"Naitik asked.

"Haa Naitik..?!"Akshara said

"Akshara I told you to take care of her. Is this what you will do when I give her your responsibility?!"He said shouting at Akshara.

"Naitik..why..I mean..I wasn't with her..!"Akshara said but Naitik stopped her.

"Is this how you will look after her?You should be more careful and take care of Naira..we know what happened few years back and how it disturbed her. Why are you like this?!"He shouted

"Papa please!"Naira shouted.

"Bhai give me that phone..!"Naira said. Naksh nodded and then gave Naira the phone.

"Papa please. Mumma is not at fault for this. It happened because of me only. I was not paying attention when I was crossing the road. One of my friend saved me. I am totally fine now. Please don't worry!"Naira said

"But princess..!"He said but was stopped by Naira

"Papa I know you and Mumma got separated because of me only and what happened few years back. But please don't blame her for what happened now. This is not her fault. It was mine. Please understand this!"Naira said

"Naira..I..will go and arrange for you discharge. I will take care of the formalities. Duggu come with me. Annika beta please stay with Naira!"Akshara said. Annika nodded. Then Akshara along with Naksh left the room.

"Papa please stop blaming Mumma for what happened that day. I know so much happened but please..!"Naira said

"Naira we know all know after that happened you got affected the most..!"Naitik said.

"Papa please. I am fine. Now don't worry about that. Now I have to go. I will call you again once I reach home okay?Take care!"Naira said.

"Okay! You also take care and princess please take care. I love you!"He said

"I love you too papa. Bye!"Naira said and then ended the call.

"Annika,where is Kartik?Is he still here?!"Naira asked

"No I think he left..!"Annika replied.

"he reminds me of someone..!"Naira said

"Who?Kartik?!Who does he remind you off?!"She asked

"My childhood best friend Kartik!"Naira said

"What?!What if these two are same then?!"Annika asked

"I don't think so. Because Kartik is not living in Udaipur.We were so inseparable in childhood but we lost contact now..!"Naira said.

"How did you know Kartik is not living in Udaipur?Did you ask someone or what?!"Annika asked

"No but when I moved away me and Kartik stayed as friends for a year. Then he told me that he got into a fight with someone and the school suspended him for two weeks. So his papa got mad at him and decided to send him to America for rest of his studies. Kartik told me he was going to America and won't come until his studies are over. But after that we lost contact..!"Naira explained.

What Naira didn't know was Kartik came back to India after a year of staying in America.

"Do you miss him?"Annika asked.

"So much! I could never explain how much I miss him. I so badly miss his presence around me. There were times..when I was at a very low phase of my life I wanted him to be my side,hug me and tell me everything was okay..but he wasn't there..!"Naira said. Unknowingly a tear rolled down her cheek. Naira quickly wiped it and smiled a bit.

Akshara and Naksh finished up the remaining formalities and came to take Naira home.

After sometime they came home. Akshara,Naksh and Annika helped her up to her room.Akshara made Naira to lie down on the bed.

"Stay here only! Don't even think about getting up. If you need something just call us and we will bring it up to you. Most of the time I will be here only so don't even think about coming down!"Akshara said.

Naira helplessly agreed as she had no other choice. After everyone went down to get her something Naira decided to call Naitik and talk to him.

She checked her phone in her bag but didn't find it. She decided to call Naitik from Naksh's phone.

"Did you come home?!"Naitik asked

"Haa papa. And I am sorry that I made Bhai to lie to you earlier...!"Naira said

"It is okay princess. But please be careful and if something happens please talk to me and tell me the truth. That is all I am asking"He said

"I am sorry papa. I won't lie to you again..!"Naira said.

"Good!Thank you!"He said.

"Papa actually I want to ask you something...!"Naira said

"Haa princess what is it?!"He asked.

"Papa do you remember Kartik?!"Naira asked

"Haa of course I do. What about him?!"He asked

"Papa are you still in contact with Manish uncle?If you are is there any way you can get me in contact with Kartik?I miss him so so so much and I really want to talk to him!"Naira said.

"Naira even I lost contact with Goenka's. But I will try my best to get you kartik's number. Don't worry!"He said

"Thank you so much papa!Thank you!"Naira said and then ended the call.

"Please Bhagvan ji,help me in finding my Mendak. I really wish I meet Kartik again!"Naira said to herself.


"Naira's phone is now with me. Shall I go and give it to her?!"Kartik thought.

"I do remember the address of her house so I will go and give it to her tomorrow...!"Kartik said to himself.

Naira's phone just beeped. It was a message from Annika.

Naira's lock screen was a picture of her and Kartik from her childhood. Kartik couldn't see the picture as it was covered by the message notification.

When the phone closed he was about to turn it on but just then Suvarna came in.

"Kartik,Your papa is calling. He said it is important. Come down for a minute!"She said.

Kartik nodded and then went downstairs leaving the phone on his bed.


Hey Guys!

Hope you liked the chapter!

I wrote whatever came to my mind. I'm pretty much disturbed with the new promo of our show🙃!

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