chapter 3 : kartik's glimpse of naira

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Naira arrived to Udaipur. Akshara and Naksh were waiting for her outside at the arrivals.

Naira was extremely happy that she was finally back here but she was missing her father but she decided not to think about that right now.

"Finally Naira! You got what you want and you are back to Udaipur!"Naira said to herself with a smile and walked out.

"Mumma said she and Bhai will come but where are they?"Naira thought looking around when she couldn't spot them because of the crowd but Akshara saw her.

"Naksh look! Naira is standing there!"Akshara said excitingly and went towards Naira.

"Naira!"She Called and Naira turned around with a smile when she heard her mother's voice.

"Mumma!"Naira said and hugged her. Akshara got a bit emotional when she hugged her. She broke the hug and kissed on her forehead.

"How are you beta? I missed you so much!"Akshara said

"Mumma I am good! How are you all?"Naira asked.

"Everyone are so healthy and good! Now everyone will be more happy when they see you!"Akshara said and laughed with Naira.

"Ahem Ahem if the mother and daughter reunion is over can we have a brother and sister minute!"Naksh asked.

"Haa Duggu! Take her!"Akshara said. Naira smiled and Naksh pulled her into a hug.

"I missed you so much!"Naksh said.

"I missed you too Bhai!"Naira said with a smile and then three of them hugged each other again but all of them missed Naitik.

"This moment would have been more beautiful if papa was here too..!"Naksh blurted out. Naira looked at Akshara and didn't fail to notice that sadness in her eyes.

"Bhai let's go home. I want to meet everyone!"Naira said changing the topic. Akshara and Naksh nodded with a smile and then left the airport.

After they arrived the Maheswari's welcomed Naira grandly.

After she met everyone Naira was in her room unpacking her clothes when Mishti and Naksh came in.

"Naira Di I am so so so happy that you are here!"She said and hugged Naira.

"Me too Mishti! It will be so amazing!"Naira replied.

"Naira so are you excited? From tomorrow onwards your college will start!"Naksh asked

"Yes Bhai! I am!!"Naira replied with a smile. Just then Akshara called Naksh so he left the room and went downstairs to her.

Mishti was talking over normal things and telling about the college while Naira was listening to them while unpacking. Mishti is first year student while Naira is going to join as a final year student.

As Naira was near the closet her hand accidentally hit the closet handle and her bracelet which was gifted my Kartik got struck to that and Naira didn't notice that. In hurry she accidentally pulled her hand making the bracelet to cut and fell down.

Naira quickly turned around and saw it lying down there.

"Oh my god,what happened? My bracelet..No this can't happen!"She said falling on her knee and she picked it up.

"Di what happened?"Mishti asked and came towards her.

"My bracelet..!"Naira said getting emotional looking at it.

"Kartik Bhai gave this one to you right?"She asked and Naira nodded. Mishti tried to console her and wiped her tears.

"This was the last of what I have of Kartik. I don't even know where he is now. Mumma said she also doesn't have contact with his family..this was very special to me Mishti..!"Naira said in a cracking voice and just then Naksh walked in.

"Naira! What happened? Why are you crying?"He asked and rushed towards Naira. Mishti explained Naksh what happened.

"Naira don't worry. I will get it fixed. I know this shop owner who does good job with them. He will fix this soon. Give to me and I will get it done. Why are you crying over a small thing? I know it is special to you and we have a solution so don't cry. Now stop crying!"He said and wiping her tears. Naira nodded and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Bhai!"Naira said hugging him.

Meanwhile Kartik was playing Basketball along with Shivaay in their college ground.

Kartik was lost in Naira's thoughts again and was not concentrating on the game. Shivaay notices this and threw the ball at him and it hit Kartik's shoulder bringing him out of his thoughts.

Kartik glared at him and then went towards the bleachers and sat there.

"What happened huh? You were definitely not concentrating!"Shivaay said sitting next to him.

"It's nothing...!"Kartik lied and Shivaay chuckled.

"You do realize that you are talking to me right? And don't even try to lie when you can't! Come on Kartik I know something is wrong so tell me what it is!"He said and Kartik looked at him.

"Are you thinking about Naira?"Shivaay asked and Kartik sighed.

"Wherever she is I hope she is well!"Kartik said

"She is! I am sure she is Kartik. I know you care deeply for her and trust me you guys will meet. Don't loose hope!"Shivaay said

"When? It has been 13 years. Since I saw her and even talked to her. I am sure she forgot me!"Kartik said.

"What will you do if she thought like this too? If Naira thought you forgot her did you? You didn't right? I am sure she remembers you so stop acting like a stupid love failure guy!"Shivaay said.

"Shut up!"Kartik shot and Shivaay chuckled. When they were walking to their next class both of them saw their classmate Anika arguing with someone.

"This girl! She is always fighting with someone or irritating me!"Shivaay said

"Come on Shivaay she's a great girl. And you also fight with her for no reason so it's not her fault!"He said.

"She always comes in my way! What am I supposed to do then?"Shivaay said. Kartik chuckled at his behavior and then went to their next class.

Next day Naira and Mishti arrived at the college. When they came Mishti saw her friends near the gate and went to talk to them. Naira waited for her inside.

"Naira Di let's go!"Mishti said coming towards Naira. Naira nodded and they were about to go but were stopped by a group of boys who were seniors.

"Look who's here!It's our very own favorite Chotu Mishti"One of the boy said.

"And she brought another girl with her!"The another one said looking at Naira while Naira was totally irritated by them but tried to keep her cool.

"What is your name and which year?"One of the boy Dhruv asked.

"Why should I tell you?"Naira replied with full attitude. She's a Sherni after all.

"Hello! Don't give that attitude okay? We are seniors!"Dhruv said.

"Even I am a senior!"Naira replied back

"It doesn't mean we can have fun with you!"Dhruv said

"Oh really? Then come here..!"Naira said with a fake smile. Dhruv without thinking went towards her and Naira gave him a tight slap shocking him and it also caught all of the Student's attention.

Kartik who arrived along with Shivaay also saw this whole scene. He was quite impressed by the girl but couldn't see her as her back was facing towards him

"Mess with anyone but not me! I am not like all girls!Keep that in your stupid mind!"Naira shot while Dhruv was full angry. He was about to say something but the principal came just in time.

"What is going on her?"He asked. Dhruv and his gang panicked seeing the principal.

"Nothing sir!"Dhruv lied.

"He is lying sir. He and his friends are ragging students!"Naira said. Dhruv was very angry at Naira now while the principal also got angry at Dhruv.

"Dhruv this is not the first time I warned you. I swear if you do something like this again your whole gang will be suspended for one semester! Keep that in your mind! This is my last warning!"He said. Dhruv couldn't do anything. He apologized and then left with his friends.All the students also went to their class.

"Wow Naira Di you were so amazing!"Mishti exclaimed in happiness while Naira smiled.

Here Kartik was restless to see her face. When Naira turned around Kartik saw her face and immediately felt an unknown connection with her. If only he knew that she was his Naira.


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