chapter 26 : kartik and naira to meet?

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Kartik's sleep was broke with the continuous rings of his phone.

He sat on the bed and answered the call.

"You better have a good reason for calling me and waking me up!"Kartik shot

"Is naira okay?She is fine right?"He questioned

"How much you care for her!If you care that much why can't you come here and clear up your misunderstandings"Shivaay said

"You tell me why you called me"Kartik said

"I am getting married next week.You are coming and that is final..!"Shivaay said.

"So you and Annika finally decided to get married huh?That is great.I am so happy for you guys"Kartik said

"I don't need these thank you's!Come and thank me on my wedding day"He said

Kartik remained silent thinking about naira.

"Is she coming?"He asked

"Annika somehow convinced her,so yeah she is coming"Shivaay said.

"Please come...don't think of saying no kartik!"Shivaay said.

"Fine I will come.."Kartik agreed.

"Thank Youu!I will talk to you later!"He said and ended the call.

He picked up the photo frame from the nightstand which had her picture.

"6 months passed and you didn't even contact me once naira...even still this didn't hurt me naira but that day when you didn't trust me..that broke my misunderstanding separated us both in this way..I don't know what will happen now when we meet again.."He said looking at her photo.


Kartik reached Udaipur and went home first.

"Kittu!!"Suhasini exclaimed in happiness when she saw Kartik come.

Everyone saw him come in and felt very happy and were surprised as he came without informing them.

"Kartik?You came without informing?!Is everything okay?!"Manish questioned.

"Haa papa everything is great!Shivaay is getting married so he asked me to come,I couldn't say no so I came"Kartik explained.

"When will you go to his wedding tonight?"Swarna asked

"In the evening maa.."Kartik said

"Acha,then go and get some rest!"Swarna said with a smile.

He nodded and went into his room.


Next day in the evening Kartik arrived to the resort in Goa where the complete wedding ceremony's will be taking place at.

As the guest's arrived he too got down the cab and walked towards the entrance.

Coming to this resort started to bring him too many memories because this resort was the very same place he came for vacation with Naira after they graduated and after he joined in the company.

It was the first trip Kartik has planned after he and Naira became a couple back then. Looking around the place made him remember the moments he spent here with her.

"I can't do this..I can't stay here...!"Kartik thought and turned around bumping into Shivaay

"What are you doing? You are not going anywhere!"He said

"Shivaay listen to me..!"Kartik started but was stopped by Shivaay.

"I told you not to give me any stupid reasons and I also said if you don't come or leave before my wedding our friendship is so over. So shut up and go inside!"Shivaay said

"Yeah fine! Just so you know one day I am going to kill you!"Kartik said and Shivaay gave him a smile taking him inside.

After Kartik went to the reception to take his room key Shivaay came to meet Annika

"Madam,My best friend is already here and where your best friend? She is coming right?"Shivaay asked Annika

"Hey Bhagvan!have some patience Shivaay. She said she will come naa? And I know Naira very well. She will come and I trust her! Just wait for sometime!"Annika said


"Sir here is your room key!"The receptionist said handing over the key to Kartik.

When Kartik took the room key his eye's fell on the number room.

"No no no way I will stay in this room. Please give me another room!"Kartik said.

"Why sir? Is there any problem?"she asked

"I just can't stay in this room!"Kartik said. It was the same room number which he stayed with Naira when they came here.

"But sir Shivaay Sir told me to give this room's key to you. He was the one who arranged this whole list!"she said

"That idiot is so dead in my hands!"Kartik said to himself and just then Shivaay came.

"Hey what's wrong? Why are you still standing here?"Shivaay asked causally

"Do you want to die in my hands even before you got married?"Kartik shot

"What? What are you saying?"Shivaay asked

"Why did you book this room for me huh?"Kartik asked

"What room?"Shivaay asked acting innocently

"Shivaay don't make me shout. I know you did this on purpose so get me another room!"Kartik said

"Look bro I have no clue what you are saying. And if we had extra room's or any left I would have definitely got you them but we don't. Everyone arrived and only that room is empty so I can't do anything Kartik!"Shivaay said

"I will sleep and stay in this lobby rather than going into that room!"Kartik shot

"You don't need to make that much of sacrifice. Now just shut up and go. Don't make a huge scene out it Kartik. Otherwise I will trash you!Go now!"Shivaay said

"Fine but this conversation is so not done! I have a feeling you are up to something and whatever I think you are thinking should stop right now!"Kartik said and left.

"That's not going to happen! You and Naira both made a mistake and you guys have a chance to clear it. I won't let you both waste it!"Shivaay thought.

When Kartik entered inside his hotel room he tried to not thinking about those beautiful memories they have shared here but he couldn't help it but think about them.

He remembered every single thing and her beautiful smile and those deep conversations they have shared regarding their future.

Thinking about her only made him emotional

"If I stay here for one more second I don't know what I will do now. I should go out and get some fresh air!"Kartik said. He placed his bag inside the room and then left.

Naira too arrived at the resort that same night. She paid the cab driver and got down taking her belongings.

Naira felt the same feelings when she saw the place remembering every single second she spent with Kartik here.

"You took the decision to come here after knowing what will happen Naira. You can't feel weak now! When he is not bothered why do you care? He is the reason for this whole thing so don't feel guilty! You can do this!"Naira said to herself and took a deep breath.

Just then someone patted on her back which caused her to freak out.

"Hey hey Naira it is just me!"Shivaay said

"Oh god! You love to scare me right?"Naira shot

"I am sorry yaar! But hey thank you so much for coming!!"Shivaay said hugging her. Naira hugged him back and smiled.

"Of course. I promised you two I will come and here I am!"Naira said.

"Come on in then. Annika is waiting for you only!"Shivaay said taking naira's bag

"I can bring them in. You don't need to do it Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi!"Naira said

"Sherni Ji we know you are strong but just let me help!"Shivaay said and they both laughed

"So what are you doing out here alone? I mean everyone seems to be inside!"Naira questioned Shivaay

"Woh actually I was looking for Ka....!"Shivaay started but stopped right before he could sat kartik's name.

"Ka..who?"Naira asked

"Not Ka..Kritika! You know naa my cousin sister? I was looking for her!"Shivaay said covering up and Naira bought his lie and didn't question any further.

Shivaay and Naira went to the reception to get her room keys. Just as they did Shivaay's phone rang.

"Haa Bhai? What happened?"Shivaay said speaking to his older brother.

"Where the hell are you?Kartik is drunk!"His brother Om said

"He's drunk? What the hell?Who on earth got him drunk huh?"Shivaay shouted in shock

"Is everything okay? Who's drunk?"Naira asked

"my cousin brother,he got drunk!"Shivaay lied again and he honestly felt bad for lying to Naira again and again

"Naira I really have to go. Wait look Annika is there!"Shivaay said as he saw Annika and called her.

"Naira!! You are here!!"Annika shouted in happiness and came running towards Naira and hugged her.

"Thanks for coming!!"Annika said

"Don't mention it Annika!"Naira said with a smile.

"Annika take Naira to her room. I will come join you guys in sometime!"Shivaay said. Annika nodded and then went with Naira to naira's room while Shivaay rushed to the bar.

"Where is he?"Shivaay asked Om as soon as he reached the bar.

"One of the worker just took him to his room!"Om replied

"What the hell was Kartik doing here in the first place?"Shivaay asked

"I found him here drunk.He ordered a normal drink only but the waiter got confused and mixed alcohol!"Om said

"And you left him alone with Some unknown guy?"Shivaay asked

"Relax Shivaay Kartik will be fine.He is being taken care.You go and do your work!"Om said and just then his phone rang.

"Haa?'He said answering the phone

"Haa okay okay I will inform Shivaay!"Om said and then ended the call.

"Kartik reached his room and he's sleeping.The worker made sure that he slept and he left. Now don't worry!"he said and Shivaay nodded and left.


"God I missed you so much Annika! I missed our talks and everything!"Naira said as Annika and Naira went outside to take a small walk in the back garden.

"Same Naira. I know things didn't go the same way as we expected after what happened two years back but you remember I am always there for you. You will always be my best friend!"Annika said.

"And the same goes for you. I love you and I will always be there for you!"Naira said with a smile. They chatted for sometime and then went back inside.

Annika stayed back in the lobby as her relatives came while Naira was heading back to her room. Just then she bumped into a guy who walked out of his room.

"Can't you watch where you are going!"Naira shot without paying attention to who it was

"Awh my jaan!!" Naira didn't need to think twice to know who's voice that was. She looked up to see Kartik standing infront of her. He smiled and pulled her cheeks and giggled like a small kid.

Naira didn't know how to react. She was seeing him after 6 freaking months.

But something was wrong with his behavior.

"What happened to him? Why is he acting weird?"Naira thought and that was when she understood that he was drunk.

"Oh god..who got Kartik drunk...!"Naira thought.


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