"I know you must be confused and shocked because this came out of nowhere Kartik..but I really love you!"Naira said standing up.
"Naira —"He started but was interrupted by Mishti who came.
"Di,Sorry for disturbing you both but Everyone is calling you.Bhaiyya said it was urgent!"Mishti said
"Haa I am coming!"Naira said and then went in with Mishti leaving Kartik behind there.
"God what am I going to do now?"Kartik thought and then went inside.
"Papa did you call me?!"Naira asked
"Haa Princess,all of us have a surprise for you!"He said
"Surprise?For me?What is it?!"Naira asked looking at her Naitik,Akshara and Naksh
"Your papa has a great news for his princess!He always does what is best for you right?"Akshara said and Naira nodded with a smile.
"So that is why I gave your name for a dance competition.Opening the dance academy has always been your dream right Naira?If you win this dance competition this certificate will help you very well in opening the academy!"Naitik said
"Oh my god!!Papa are you serious?!God this is such an amazing news!!"Naira exclaimed happily and hugged him
"Thank you so so so much for this papa!!"Naira said
"Princess this is your dream and we are helping you with it in the start.We all know you will win this.The competition is going to take place in 6 months.Will that be enough for you or will you have any problem?!"He asked
"No papa!Six months is more than enough.I will make you guys so proud.I will start practicing from today itself!"She said and then left with Mishti too make arrangements for that.
Kartik was feeling very very very happy for Naira but he was confused with his feelings.
He loves her.Even he knows that but he was still feeling unsure.
He didn't want anything to ruin their relationship.
"Naira means the world to me..I can't loose her..not at any costs!If I do accept her and if something goes wrong in the future what will I do?"Kartik thought.
Naira got busy with her dance practice and didn't have much time to even speak to Kartik at all.She wanted to win this competition and open the academy.This has always been Naira and her parents dreams and she was working hard for that.
In the afternoon she messaged Kartik if he can come over as she wanted to speak to him.
Kartik was sitting in the canteen when he received the message from Naira.
When he saw her message he knew she wants to talk to him about last night.He had no clue what to say about that so he didn't reply that message which was noticed by Shivaay.
"It was Naira's message right?Then why are you ignoring it?"Shivaay asked and Kartik explained him what happened.
"What's there in this to make you ignore her?She loves you and I mean don't you too Kartik?and please be honest with me!"Shivaay said
"I don't know Shivaay!"Kartik said annoyingly and just then Annika heard this who just came.
"Are you mad?!"She asked sitting with them
"What?!"Kartik asked
"Naira loves you so much!And you are sitting here and saying you don't know if you love her or not?"Annika asked
"How did you know about this?Did Naira tell you about it?"Kartik asked
"She did.Kartik don't take stupid decision and make her cry.Naira is my best friend too and I won't stay silent if you hurt her!"Annika said and then left as she got a call.
"See this is why I said no about adding this Annika into our group!"Shivaay joked trying to lift up Kartik's mood.
"It is not the right time to make jokes!"Kartik shot and Shivaay sighed
"Kartik suno,this matter is big.Naira is someone who you knew so much!You have to make sure you will not hurt her!"Shivaay said
"I can never hurt her Shivaay.That is how much she means to me!"Kartik said
"Are you trying to say you don't love her?"He asked
"I don't know..I mean of course I love her..but I don't know what I feel is love.I don't want to loose her in future...if I make a mistake and if I loose her I won't be able to live up with that!"Kartik said
"Okay,first just relax.Relax and don't think about anything else.Then close your eyes and I want you to think about this.Your heart will give you the answer.It will give you the answer to itself if you love Naira or not!"Shivaay said.Kartik decided to give it a try.
He took a deep breath and cleared all of thoughts and then closed his eyes.All Kartik could think of was every single moment he has spent with Naira since their childhood and now.
"I love Naira?!"He said to himself.Right now he was only thinking about her and that was making him believe that he does.
Kartik opened his eyes and looked at Shivaay.He gave Kartik a questioning look but Kartik left without saying anything else.
Here Naira was practicing very hard for the dance competition.Naira and her family moved to the Singhania's house after Naitik retuned back.
Naira was alone at home while her family members went to Maheswari's house.Naira was practicing with a rope which was tied to the ceiling.
Just then Kartik came.He came in and saw Naira practicing with the ropes.When Naira saw Kartik she stopped and Kartik went towards her.
"You were waiting for my answer right?"Kartik asked
"Haa..!"Naira said
"Naira..I Love —"Kartik started but stopped when he heard a huge scream.
He came out of his dream and realized he was dreaming.
But he was wondering where the scream came from.He looked infront of him to see Naira lying down on the floor.He then looked at the rope which was besides her.
"Naira!!"He shouted and ran towards her.Naira was crying in pain as her ankle was paining due to the fall.
"Nothing will happen to you Naira!I am here naa!Don't worry!!"He said and quickly called the doctor.
"Please don't cry,the doctor is coming..nothing will happen!"he said trying to console her and hugged her.Just then Mishti came home.
"Naira Di!"She shouted when she saw Naira and came running to her
"Di what happened?!Why are you crying?What happened?!"Mishti asked looking at Naira and then at Kartik
"She was practicing with the ropes and she fell!"He said.
"Oh my god!I will call everyone!"Mishti said and took out her phone to call but Naira stopped her
"No Mishti..please don't call them..they will get worried..!"Naira said in between crying
"Mishti Naira is correct.Let the doctor come first!"Kartik said and Mishti nodded.
Then he picked her up and took her upstairs to her room.He made her to lie down on the bed and was about to go downstairs to see if the doctor came but Naira stopped him by holding his hand.
"You stay here,with her.When the doctor comes I will bring him here!"Mishti said and left leaving Kartik and Naira alone.
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