chapter 11 : kaira find out the truth

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Kartik still couldn't believe to know that his doubt was true the whole time.

She was his naira.

his sherni.

"Yeah?"Naira said and turned around. She saw Kartik holding her bracelet.

"Oh god,I dropped it off again?!I can't believe myself!"Naira said and went towards him.

"Thank you!"Naira said and was about to take it from him but he pulled it away from her confusing Naira.

"Kartik,what are you doing?Give it to me!"Naira said but Kartik was silent and didn't utter a word

"Kartik!What are you thinking?!"Naira asked

"Where did you get this?!Who gave it to you?!"Kartik asked while Naira looked at him in confusion.

"My childhood best friend..He gave it to me and he made me promise that I would never take it off!"Naira said.

Kartik's happiness had no limits. He smiled and hugged her tightly taking Naira by surprise.

"I can't believe this..!"He said happily.

"Kartik,what are you doing?Are you okay?!"Naira asked

"What?!You saw your Mendak after so many years and don't you want to hug him?!"He asked still hugging her.

"What..Mendak?!"Naira asked in shock realizing what he just said. Kartik broke the hug but still was holding her so close to him.

"Your Mendak,it's me Naira. Your Kartik!"Kartik said with a smile. Naira was shocked too but was happy more.

"Mendak?"Naira said with a smile and Kartik nodded.

"Kartik!"She said and hugged him again. Kartik happily hugged her back.

"I can't believe were right next to me since the last few days..but I didn't recognize you..I can't believe this..!"Naira said

"I had my doubts. When I saw you first and when I found out your name I thought it really was you. But I didn't find your bracelet on your wrist so I thought I was mistaken!"Kartik said

"No Kartik,the day I came to Udaipur my bracelet was given to repair. It got struck to the door of the closet. So Bhai took it and got it fixed!"Naira said.

"God I can't believe this is happening. I am so glad you are here..right infront of me!"Kartik said looking at her.

"Me too!I actually thought you moved to America. But papa spoke to your papa earlier and he informed me that you are here in Udaipur itself!"Naira said

"Haa actually I went to America for a year after you left but I came back!I never thought..not even in a dream that we would fall apart..!"He said and Naira became silent.

"What happened all of the sudden?Everything was okay right?!"He asked

"Yeah..why wouldn't it be?Everything is fine!"Naira said looking away.

"Your hiding something from me..I know you so tell me what is the matter!"He said and Naira looked at him.

"My parents got separated so things haven't really been that easy for me..!"Naira said

"What?!Uncle and Aunty got separated and you never spoke to me about this?!"Kartik asked in shock

"Kartik,everything is fine now. Don't worry about that. They are on speaking Terms but things changed. I got used to it!"Naira said

Kartik decided not to ask about that further because he understood she was not feeling good talking about this issue and that she was pretending to be okay.

"Now come on let's go to class. Once college is finished let's go to my house first. Mumma and everyone will be very happy to find out that we met!"Naira said with a smile holding Kartik's hand. Kartik nodded with a smile and then they went off to their next class.

The rest of the day Kartik and Naira sat next to each other and enjoyed each other's presence so much. They missed each other so much and they were extremely happy to be together.

Once college was done both of them went to Naira's house.

"Naira,you are early!Where is Mishti?!"Akshara asked when she saw Naira come inside.

"Mumma Mishti had extra class. She said she will come home. But listen I brought a special guest!"Naira said with a smile as everyone just came into the living room.

"Who did you bring Naira?"Naksh asked and just then Kartik came.

"Betiyaraani,who is he?!"Rajshri asked

"Are you guys serious?!Can't you recognize my Mendak?!"Naira said and laughed.

"Hey Bhagvan!Kartik?!"Akshara said and everyone finally realized.

"Radhe Krishn!How are you all?!"Kartik asked with a smile greeting them.

"Kartik Beta! I couldn't recognize you at all. How are you?!"Rajshri asked. Kartik smiled and went towards her hugging her from the side.

"What Nani?Even you never thought about me all of this time?!I expected this from that Naira but you also?!"Kartik jokingly said earning a glare from Naira.

"Oii sherni,Nani is on my side from now on. Don't come near here!"Kartik said while everyone laughed

"Oh hello Mendak!She is my Nani. Not your's. Get away!Get away from her!"Naira said going towards them and pushing Kartik away slightly.

"Chup tum dono!You both have grown up but still act like kids. I love you both so much equally!"Rajshri said and hugged them both.

"Kartik Come on inside. I will go and make your favorite food!"Akshara said

"No Maa,not this time. I will come again this Sunday and will eat fully here. But I want to take Naira to make house. Can I take her?"Kartik asked

"Haa Kartik sure!Why not?Why are you even asking?"Akshara said. Kartik smiled thanking her and then left with Naira.

When they got on the bike Naira smiled and hugged him from the back.

"What happened?"Kartik asked.

"I am just so so happy that I have my Mendak back!"Naira said with a smile and Kartik saw it through the side mirror.

"I am more than happy to have you back my sherni. My life has been so dull without you. Now it's colorful again!Please never leave me again!"Kartik said.

"Never ever Mendak!"Naira said and Kartik smiled.


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