Chapter 31: How to Cheat a Dragon

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How to Cheat a Dragon

On Sunday, Diana invited their new club members to join them for a day out in town. They went to a dessert cafe and were seated in two booths by the window. She and Akko sat with their club while Sucy and Lotte sat with Amanda, Constanze and Jasminka. They ordered the variety sampler. The servings were small, but enough to get a taste of each pastry. Since Lynn recognized Chariot first, she and Akko treated Lynn to an ice cream sundae.

Akko sat across from her by the window. If it were just the two of them, she would've held her hands. When waitress brought over the dessert tower, the younger girls stared in wonder at the two dozen sumptuous treats displayed on five levels of trays.

Diana carefully rotated the tower. "There are many different flavors. If it's on the other side, just spin it like this to get to it. If you like something in particular, the number on the doily matches the one in the menu. Just tell the waitress and she'll get it for you."

"This looks great!" said Minna.

Akko took the plum cake as usual and was so focused on the cake that Diana felt a bit lonely. A selfish part of her wanted Akko's attention. She slipped off her shoe and tapped Akko on her shin with her toe. Akko's fork paused in its journey to a waiting mouth and reddish brown eyes stared at her in surprise. Diana smirked and slid her toe up to Akko's knee. Pale cheeks turned pink. She withdrew her foot and sampled her parfait. From time to time, she would tap Akko's leg and watch her blush.

After they finished all the desserts, they left the cafe and headed towards the center of town. Diana felt Akko's hand on hers and she matched Akko's pace. The younger girls and their friends walked several feet ahead. Suddenly Akko pulled her into an alley.

"I need to kiss you," pleaded Akko.

Diana was more than happy to oblige. Stepping behind discarded crates to hide them from the sidewalk, she wrapped her arms around Akko's shoulders and captured her lips. Akko responded with equal fervor, pulling her close by embracing her around her waist. Diana's heart raced at the idea of kissing in public and she couldn't help but sample Akko's lips flavored with plum cake. A few minutes later, Diana heard a chime and broke the kiss to check her orb. "It's from Amanda. They're at wand shop."

"Oh..." Akko sighed sadly. "I guess we'll have to go."

Diana leaned down and planted a quick kiss on her lips. "Let's continue this later." To her surprise, Akko held her left arm without being prompted. Diana smiled smugly and led her to the sidewalk. When she invited Akko for the summer, she wanted Akko to get used to touching her and offered her arm as often as propriety allowed. They had walked about a block when Akko gasped and let go.

"Ahhh... Sorry! I just... you know... out of habit..." She blushed.

Diana smiled and offered her arm. "It's all right." The embarrassed look on Akko's face melted into a bright smile as she took her arm. They strolled to the shop to meet their friends.


On Monday evening, Diana received a chat request from Juniper. With a quick spell, she secured her part of the room and started the chat. "Good evening, Juniper. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I went to see Fafnir. Unfortunately, his mind's sealed. There's a spell around his head."

She remembered the battle in Germany. "Yes, he cast it himself."

"Really? I'd wager he's hiding something. But how can we find out?"

"If you have any ideas, please let me know."

"I do. His spell repels any external interference, but what if the spell came from the inside?"

Diana's eyes narrowed. From Juniper's leading question and quick response, she had been thinking about this. "Are you suggesting that we shrink down and enter his body?"

"I'm suggesting that you dream walk and poke around."

Based on Akko's descriptions of the Unseelie in the dreamscape, she didn't like the idea of going into a dragon's dreamscape. "I'm still learning Lucid Dreaming. I doubt that I can just go into his dream."

"I'm not saying to go now. The Hexenritter can keep him alive, so we're not pressed for time."

"I see. Let me consult with Sanya."

"Good luck and good night."

Diana closed the chat and started a new one with Sanya. She explained the situation.

"First of all, what are you looking for and second, is it important enough to risk your life?" asked Sanya.

Diana summarized the cases, the battle for the hammer and the matching plans in Fafnir's home.

"If he really is building these strange structures, then the mutated creatures won't appear anymore now that you have him in custody."

"That's true... but... I think this is part of some larger scheme."

"Going into a dragon's dreamscape is very dangerous. Their will is very strong. Even I don't want to go in there because if you can't break their will, you'll be trapped in their dreamscape and you won't wake up. Also, consider this: if a Seelie can't read his mind, then what chance do you have to find anything in his dreamscape?"

Disappointment filled Diana. Still she had to try. "Suppose there's a very important reason, how would I prepare to enter Fafnir's dreamscape?"

"You would have to be a dragon."

"What do you mean?"

"Think! Why should a human appear in a dragon's dream? They're arrogant and humans are just annoying pests. They tolerate us because we can be useful tools to bend to their whims. If you want a decent conversation with a dragon, you must be a dragon."

"But I'm human."

Sanya looked confused. "Were you the mouse in my house?"

"No, that was Akko."

"Ah... now I understand. I thought that you were the mouse who saw me with the Unseelie. Get rid of the idea that you can only be in human form in the dreamscape. If Akko can be in mouse form, you can be in dragon form. And not just any dragon. You must assume the identity of a dragon that Fafnir knows. Once again, please consider my two questions. What are you looking for? Is it important enough to risk your life?"

"I understand. I have some thinking to do."

"Please promise me that you won't go there without enough training."

"I won't. Thank you for your help. Good night."

"Good night."

Diana closed the chat and requested another one with Juniper. She told her about Sanya's concerns.

"Is that it? Are we done?" asked Juniper.

"No... not yet. Please bring me anything about Fafnir's relatives and friends from the Archives."

Juniper seemed relieved when she grinned. "Aye! I'll personally deliver them."

"Thank you. Good luck." Diana closed the chat. She wasn't ready to give up.


The next day, Diana received a message on her orb about a visitor. When she got to the visitor's reception room, she was surprised to see Juniper.

"Good afternoon. You really came!" greeted Diana.

Juniper smiled. "I said I'd deliver them." She opened a basket. Inside was a box that contained orbs. Beside the box were lots of vegetables. "The vegetables are from Anna."

She remembered the garden that she cultivated with Akko. Akko would be glad to see their vegetables. "How kind of her to gather them up. Thank you for bringing all of this."

Juniper leaned forward and whispered. "Bernhardt found something. Read her report."

The door opened and Amanda walked in. "Aunt June!"

Juniper held up a fist. "Hey lil bean. How goes?"

Amanda bumped her fist. "Doin' good. Fight anything lately?"

She shrugged. "Just a few stubborn minotaurs. One second..." She turned to Diana. "That's all I have. Is there anything else you need?"

"No. I'll look through this first. Thank you again. Good luck!"

"Good luck!"

Diana left and went back to her room. She picked up the orb with the report and read. The contents alarmed her so much that if she wasn't using both hands to hold the orb, she would've dropped it. Carefully, she put it aside to send a chat request to Sanya. While waiting, Diana cast a spell to secure the area around her desk.

Sanya's image appeared in the orb. "What is it?"

"Bernhardt found evidence that Fafnir is sending instructions and materials through a portal so that a dragon on the other side can open it."

"A portal to where?"

Diana's eyes narrowed. "A place that has mutated monsters."

"Do you suspect that he has a collaborator and they're trying to bring these beasts into our world?"


"What do you want to do?"

"I'd like to find out who the collaborator is and how to prevent a gate from opening."

"Are you very certain that Juniper tried every means to read his mind?"

"She said she couldn't. She even suggested that I dream walk."

"Damn. Why did she ask you? Unless... Can you speak Dragonese?"

"Yes. All Cavendish witches are home schooled in Dragonese per our Foremother's will. I became proficient at the age of twelve."

"So that's why..." Sanya sighed. "I wouldn't wish this on myself or anyone. Going into a dragon's dreamscape is dangerous."

"But is it impossible?"

"It's not impossible. You can step in and step out at the boundary and nothing will happen unless a dragon decides to come after you. When they come after you is the dangerous part."

"How can I go into a dragon's dreamscape safely?"

"You must be familiar with their stronghold. A stronghold is any place they call home."

"What else?"

"If other creatures appear in the stronghold, it would be helpful to know how to deal with them. But first, do you know where he lives?"

"Yes, Rastaban."

"Good. Go there and memorize the layout."

"And then?"

"If you really want to go through this, send me a map of his home. We'll practice with a replica in the dreamscape."

"I'll send it as soon as possible. Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome."

"Good night."

"Good night."

Diana ended a chat and sent a message to Juniper to compile a detailed map of Rastaban. Akko often talked about finding another way when problems happened. This time, she would find it.


Prof. Holbrook was quite reasonable especially after she showed her official badge. She granted her and Akko permission to visit Rastaban over the weekend. After their Saturday swim, they left Luna Nova with Juniper. Although she had been there before, she didn't pay attention to its layout. Everything was so large, that even common furniture seemed amazing.

"Is there anything particular you want to see?" asked Juniper.

"Does he have a study?" asked Diana.

"This way."

They flew with Juniper through several corridors and entered a room with shelves of books and parchment. Diana took her orb out and began recording details. Akko did the same thing.

"Did Bernhardt find it here?" asked Diana.

Juniper pointed to a shelf with large books. "Yes. These appear to be normal books about trade and economics, but they're actually journals that have been camouflaged."

"Please show me."

Juniper opened a book and cast a spell. The printed type changed to inked Dragonese. A date on the page read Year 7113, Moon 5th, Day 24. The Dragon year corresponded to the human calendar approximately three hundred years ago. Fafnir wrote: Dressler useless. Waste of time. Grunberg last seen in Wetterstein and the Hexenritter are hiding the Kastners.

Dressler, Grunberg and Kastner were all dwarven families. Gail mentioned that he was hunting them to find von Braunschbank's artifacts. "How much has Bernhardt translated?"

"Almost three journals. It's in one of the orbs."

From there, they explored other rooms, including Fafnir's bedroom which was opulently decorated and luxuriously furnished. The gigantic Mythril bed frame must be worth a fortune. By the time they had finished mapping the complex, it was late afternoon. They flew back to Luna Nova with Juniper.

"Thank you for coming with us." Diana gave Sanya's contact information to Juniper. "Please give her a copy of the map and a copy of report on Fafnir's relatives and friends."

"Aye. Good Luck!" Juniper waved and flew into the ley terminal.

There was a growling sound nearby and Akko hid her tummy with her forearms. Diana giggled. They only had a quick lunch of a sandwich and a bottle of water. Diana held her hand. "Let's have an early dinner."

Akko's embarrassed expression changed into a smile. "Yeah!"

Together, they walked to the dining hall.


The next day, at a quiet corner of the library, she and Akko studied Fafnir's report and the map after their last class. Their table was far away from other students so they can talk privately. It wasn't long before Akko whispered, "I wish we could sit closer."

"Akko, we're in the library," replied Diana. If they were by themselves, she would invite Akko to read under a tree and maybe, Akko would lie on her lap. Even sitting next to each other would be nice. However, the LNN forums were still active with theories on who she kissed. Given how much bullying Akko endured during her first year, she didn't want to invite trouble from envious girls.

Akko sighed. "I know..."

Prof. Valahivon stopped by their table. "Did you girls happen to see Prof. Badcock pass by?"

"About a few minutes ago, professor. She went towards the Ancient Artifacts section," said Diana as she gestured towards the section.

Prof. Valahivon and the two birds perched on her shoulders turned their heads in unison to the section. "I think I see her. Thank you."

The birds were her familiars so Diana guessed that they were closely linked to her and reacted to her thoughts.

"Hey, Diana... mind if I try something?" whispered Akko.

Diana returned her attention to the report. "Go ahead."

"Be right back." Akko stood up and walked away.

She was reading about a Gudrun, a female cousin in Norway when she heard Akko's voice.

"I'm back."

When she turned in the direction of the voice, Akko wasn't there. "Akko? Are you invisible?" She felt a tug on her skirt.

"Down here."

Diana looked down and saw a puppy with brown fur on its upper body and white fur on its belly and legs. Its front paws tugged at her skirt. "A-akko?"

The puppy grinned, showing small teeth. "Yeah, it's me." Large irises of reddish brown gazed at her. "If I said you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

Where was Akko going with this? First, she turned into a dog and now she was asking strange questions. "Akko, I must admit that I may get upset sometimes, but I don't think I'll ever hold a lasting grudge."

"So... it's ok? Because you really have a beautiful body."

Diana blushed. "T-thank you..." They stared at each other for a while. Reddish brown puppy eyes looked at her expectantly. Why did Akko say that as a dog? She could've said it in human form. And why didn't she transform back? It's as if she's waiting for something. Was this a test to see if she would get mad and hold it against her? Her mind latched on the words 'hold it' and she gasped in realization. "You silly girl..."

Diana picked up Akko and put her on her lap. She kissed the top of her furry head. Her left hand threaded through soft belly fur. Akko's puppy form felt nice and warm. She whispered, "How in Beatrix's name did you think of this?"

Akko tilted her head back and whispered, "If Prof. Valahivon can have her birds with her, then you can have your familiar with you." She winked. "And you can hold your familiar against you."

Diana giggled. "A familiar also assists her witch. Were you looking at the report or the map?"

"The map."

Diana moved Akko's orb in front of her. "Is here all right?"

Akko put her paws on the table and touched the orb. "Yeah, I can reach it."

After a few minutes, Diana had to admit that this was a really good idea. She could hold Akko and study. Moreover, Akko's fur was fun to touch, and she couldn't help but plant a quick kiss on her fluffy head. Sometimes, she lingered a little longer and inhaled the calming scent of Akko's plum blossom shampoo. Meanwhile, her hand would rub her belly. It felt so soothing. When something tapped against her thigh, her hand moved to find out what it was and touched her tail. Her fingers twirled around its curve.

Akko made a short whine. "Ummm... Diana... that tickles..."

"Sorry... Your tail is curly. Isn't it supposed to be straight?"

"Nope. Akita dogs have curly tails."


"Yeah." Akko manipulated her orb. "See?"

Diana looked at Akko's orb which had pictures of many Akita dogs. "Oh! It is curly!"

"It's a Japanese dog," said Akko with unmistakable pride.

"So that's why you picked it."

"Do you like it?"

"Very much so."

"Yes!" said Akko with a triumphant grin.

They continued studying until the dinner bell chimed. Akko jumped off. "I'll be right back."

"Can you stay like that for just a bit longer?"

"Oh... ok." Akko sat on her haunches.

Diana packed their things away and knelt down with her arms out. Akko's jaw dropped for a moment then she bounded into her arms. With Akko facing front, her forearms supported her torso. Diana walked towards the dorm to drop off their things before going to the dining hall. Near the dorm, they ran into Amanda.

"What a cute dog!" Amanda patted Akko's head.

"Thanks!" said Akko.

As she moved her hand away, Amanda's smiling face changed into a confused one then to a surprised one. "Akko?!"

Akko yipped. "Yeah, it's me."

Amanda smirked. "You two are getting cozier every day. Are you getting dinner now?"

"I have to go to my room first," said Diana.

"Ok. See you there." Amanda walked away.

When Diana entered her room, she was surprised to see Hanna and Barbara there. She hadn't been eating with them since the potion incident, so she assumed that they had already gone to the dining hall.

"Hi Diana," said Barbara who seemed nervous.

"Hello." Diana walked towards her side of the room.

"What a cute puppy! Is this your new familiar?" Hannah's hand moved towards Akko.

"Don't touch," said Diana with an uncharacteristic sharpness in her voice. Meanwhile, Hannah stepped back and withdrew her hand. She drew a deep breath to calm herself and said in a more neutral tone, "Please don't touch." Somehow, she felt strangely protective of Akko.

"Er... sorry..."

Barbara cleared her throat. "Um... Diana... do you... um... are you going to dinner now?"

Diana sighed. She had to give them a chance. "In a bit." She placed Akko on her bed before putting the orbs in the secure chest.

"W-would you like to eat together?"

Now she understood why they hadn't gone ahead. "Do you mind eating with my friends?"

"W-we don't mind," said Hannah.

"In a few minutes, I'll be ready to go." At her answer, both Hanna and Barbara seemed relieved. Her sudden protectiveness surprised her. She let Amanda touch Akko but told Hannah not to. For a few moments, she stared at her hand then understood. She was afraid that Hannah would discover Akko and she

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