Chapter 13: Arcturus' Champion

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Fietta's status surprised her, so before they arrived in Morgiana, Akko asked Diana about Rize.

"Rize is Morgiana's queen. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you at the Coven. You seemed so nervous and I decided that I would deal with Fietta and Rize," said Diana.

Akko was stunned. "A queen..."


"Diana, what should I do?!" asked Akko in a panic. The manners book didn't have anything about dealing with royalty.

"Calm down. Fietta invited us, so Rize may not even be there. If she is there, let me respond first and do what I do."

While they travelled, Diana made suggestions on how to behave in certain situations. Akko tried her best to memorize what Diana said.

Eventually, they exited the ley line and were greeted by Morgian red witches who cast translation spells on them. They flew with their escort to the Duchy mansion. It was nice to be able to fly from the ley line terminal for once. The landscape of Morgiana was colored with patches of green, yellow and orange based on whatever crop was planted in the fields. Akko wished that they would slow down so she could enjoy the view longer.

They landed on a beautifully landscaped lawn with several decorative fountains. Fietta was there, wearing a simple white dress.

"Welcome! It's good to see both of you again!" said Fietta.

"Thank you for inviting us," said Akko.

"This way, please."

They followed Fietta into the mansion. Akko marveled at the richly decorated hall. It was even fancier than Diana's manor. She drew her arms in, afraid of bumping into something and breaking a priceless item.

When they reached the reception room, Akko was surprised to see Rize who was dressed in a simple purple long sleeve shirt and blue pants. She slowed her pace to walk behind Diana.

"Good afternoon, Akko, Diana. How was your trip?" asked Rize.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty. Our trip was quite pleasant. We truly appreciate the escort. We didn't have to worry about finding the mansion so we were able to enjoy Morgiana's beautiful countryside."

"You're welcome. I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself, but you may drop the formalities. I'm on vacation this weekend. Follow me and I'll show you to your rooms."

Akko was amazed at Diana's calm demeanor and reply. If it was her, she wouldn't be able to deliver it so well, or even craft such a gracious reply. She also wondered how often Rize gave herself vacations. She supposed that it was an advantage of being a queen. They walked to a tall alcove that went up to the ceiling and stepped into something that looked like a giant woven basket. Rize tapped a bell marked with the number 2 and then the basket levitated to another floor. If this was the magical version of an elevator, Akko loved it. It beat being in a metal box with buttons.

After walking through two hallways, Akko wondered how big the mansion was. Eventually, they stopped in front of two rooms, and the red witches who carried their luggage bowed.

"Is there anything else required of us?" asked a red witch.

"None. Return to your posts," replied Rize.

"At once." The witches teleported away.

Rize gestured to two rooms with closed doors. "You may use one or both of these rooms as you desire. Three doors down the hall is the bath and water closet. Make yourselves at home. A page will fetch you for dinner at around six o'clock."

"Thank you very much," said Diana.

"Thank you very much," repeated Akko.

After Rize rounded the corner, Diana asked, "Which room do you want?"

The doors looked the same, but the plaques on the wall were different. The right door's plaque had 'The Ostentatiously Enchanting Room of Ethereal Pleasures'. The other plaque had 'The Quiescently Pastoral Room of Rustic Humility'. Akko read the plaques twice and couldn't understand what kind of rooms they were since it used such complicated words. "Uh... do you mind if I look first?"

"Be my guest." Diana winked.

"Hey! You're a guest too!" Akko opened the right door and her jaw dropped at the sight. Thick, lush carpet with floral patterns covered the floor. The desk, dresser, chest, changing panel, cloak stand and cabinet were gilded with silver and gold trimmings. One very large bed was covered with an embroidered rose patterned quilt and had a canopy with silk curtains. Across the bed was a scrying mirror which was the magic equivalent of a television and chat. The chairs were padded with leather and had embroidered pillows and cushions. The sweet scent of flowers calmed her nervousness and enticed her to enter. She stepped in and her shoe sank into the thick carpet. Feeling that she was entering someone's home, she removed her shoes and walked across the room, relishing the soft and warm carpet as the gentle chirping of birds serenaded her ears. The ceiling had an enchanted sky, mimicking the afternoon sun with warm, orange tones.

She would've wanted this room but what about Diana? Is the other room like this? She should look at it too. Reluctantly, she left the room and opened the left door. There were two single beds with metal frames on the weathered hard wood floor. Both beds had simple gray fleece blankets and one small pillow with a white cover. The only furniture were two plain wooden desks and cabinets. There were no pictures or decorations on the wood paneled walls. This room wouldn't be out of place in a dorm.

It would be nice if they could stay in the Enchanting Room but it only had one bed. She would have to sleep in the same bed with Diana. Her body warmed at the idea and began to sweat. Maybe that may not be a good idea. She might not be able to sleep.

"I'll take this room," said Diana who flicked her wand to float her luggage into the Pastoral Room.

"No, wait! I haven't decided!" said Akko, stepping in front of Diana's luggage. She had seen Diana's room in Luna Nova and at home. Diana would be uncomfortable in a room like this and she didn't want to be the reason for her discomfort.

"Please take the other room, Akko. We may be guests here, but I'm still your host for the summer."

She had to think fast. Knowing Diana's kind nature, debating would be useless since she wasn't that good at debating anyway. She would have to use other means and held out a clenched fist. "Rock-paper-scissors. Three out of five. Winner gets to choose."

"All right."

It took five rounds for Akko to win. "What's the teleportation spell?"

"For yourself? Veprim mem. Focus a location that you've been to before in your mind and cast."

"What about a thing?"

"Veprim and the object's name. Point your wand at the object." Diana stared at her suspiciously. "What are you planning?"

Akko pointed at the closest frame bed. "Veprim bed!" The bed was teleported into the Enchanting Room. "Yes! You take the big bed, Diana."

"I don't think that's fair. Veprim bed!" The large bed teleported into the Pastoral Room. "Veprim bed!" The second frame bed teleported into the Enchanting Room. "Now that's settled..." Diana's luggage floated into the Enchanting Room.

Akko sighed with relief. It would be tough to convince Diana to take the Enchanting Room. Since they had camped together at Avebury, she hoped that Diana would accept a compromise. After she put her luggage aside, she went into the Pastoral Room and got two large fluffy pillows. She offered one to Diana. "These are really soft."

Diana smiled. "Thank you."

Akko sat on the frame bed closest to the door and took off her socks. The carpet felt so nice and warm so she just spent a few minutes wiggling her toes on it. When she had enough, she took slippers from her luggage, put them on and tried to find the water closet to refresh herself. It was just as Rize had said. When she was done, she looked around for toilet paper but couldn't find any so she just used a cloth towelette and put it in the hamper. Oddly enough, the water closet had two sinks, one at knee level and the other at waist level. Since the knee level sink was closer, she turned the knob to wash her hands. Water gushed from a receptacle at the bottom of sink and drenched her face and front. Akko quickly turned it off, but enough water had spilled to make a puddle on the floor. She used more towels to soak it up.

When she returned to the room, Diana stared at her. "What happened?"

As Akko described how she got wet, Diana started giggling. "What's so funny?"

"That isn't a sink. It's a bidet. It's used to wash your... um... private area." Diana's cheeks colored to a light shade of pink.

"What?!" exclaimed Akko.

"Change your clothes and I'll show you."

Akko did so then they went to the water closet where Diana demonstrated how to sit and the hand motion to cleanse one's self. Akko felt warm as she imagined Diana without her pants, sitting on the bidet and cleansing herself.

Diana stood up. "Remember to turn the knob slowly till you get the right amount of water that's comfortable for you."

They went back to the room and Akko activated the scrying mirror to write messages to Lotte, Amanda and Sucy about Morgiana.

Meanwhile, Diana moved the small pillow aside and put the fluffy pillow in its place. She closed her eyes. "I'll just rest a bit. If I fall asleep, please wake me for dinner."


As she composed a message, she noticed Diana's faint reflection in the mirror. She decreased the chat usage on mirror's surface so that she could see Diana's face. "So cute..." thought Akko. While writing, she would glance at her reflection and smile.

Around quarter to six, she heard someone knocking at the door. Akko opened it.

A young witch in brown robes said, "Good evening, my name is Mura. When you're ready, allow me to escort you to the Dining Room."

"Give us a few minutes," said Akko. She gestured to a nearby chair. "Have a seat."

"Thank you, but I must wait here." Mura moved to the side of the door like a guard.

"Oh... ok." Akko closed the door and tried to finish her message to Sucy. Meanwhile, Diana yawned and began brushing her hair.

When they were ready, they followed Mura to the Dining Room. Rize sat at the head of the table while Fietta sat to her right. Two place settings were to Rize's left. Akko slowed down so that Diana would sit first. Instead, Diana pulled the chair furthest from Rize for her. As she sat down, she felt touched that Diana thought of her first.

After Diana was seated, a green witch served plates of salad and bread from a cart. Akko's nose twitched at the scent of freshly baked bread and she immediately buttered one up. As she ate, she noticed everyone else was eating salad, so she did the same, making sure to use the correct fork.

"I'm glad that you were able to come so soon. I hope we can discover as much as we can," said Fietta.

"Fietta was so worried that she even divined goat entrails," said Rize who wrinkled her nose. "It was quite fragrant."

"You didn't have to watch."

"But I like watching you," said Rise with sly smile.

Fietta rubbed her forehead. "Don't blame me if your clothes stink."

Next was soup, followed by flaky pastry stuffed with minced meat and vegetables. Then two green witches brought carts with large covered platters. They stopped behind her and Diana. When the witch lifted the cover, a smoky aroma floated in the air. The witch put a platter with sliced meat in front of her plate, along with an assortment of sauces. The other witch put a similar platter and sauces near Diana. Then the witches moved on to serve portions to Fietta and Rize.

Akko stared at the meat. Something with fur stuck out prominently, pointing up. She poked it with the provided meat fork. "What's this?"

"The tail. As our honored guest, you get one of the best parts, the goat's rear," replied Rize, smiling proudly.

"You didn't have to cook it," said Fietta. "I had other dishes planned."

"And waste perfectly good meat? You only used entrails."

Akko's stomach flipped and she was losing her appetite. Her eyes travelled to the plate of bread.

Diana moved a small plate near her. "May I have some of your rear?"

Akko had to do a double take then stared at Diana to see if she really was serious. Diana arched an eyebrow and tilted her head in the direction of the platter with the goat's rear. Akko swallowed nervously and moved several slices to the small plate.

"Thank you," said Diana. She took some meat from her portion and placed them on a small plate. "Here's some of mine."

"Thanks," said Akko as she accepted the plate. She took the time to watch how Fietta and Rize ate. They took a piece, dipped it in one or two sauces then ate it. Diana cut a piece of rear, dipped it in green sauce and put it in her mouth. From the corner of her eye, Akko watched anxiously for any negative reaction. Diana remained calm and poised. Then she dipped something that looked like a small pearl onion into a white sauce. Akko saw a similar one on the plate that Diana gave her, so she copied Diana and ate it. It had a squishy, jelly texture while the white sauce was buttery with a hint of cheese and pepper. On the same plate was some pink meat, so she tried it with red sauce. The meat had a juicy, spongy texture but the red sauce was quite spicy. She didn't care for spicy stuff so she washed away the taste with juice and bread. She dipped the rest of the pink meat in orange sauce which had a delicate citrus and mint flavor.

"Do you have more of the round white stuff?" asked Akko.

"There are only two eyes," replied Diana.

"Eyes?!" exclaimed Akko. Her own eyes were wide with surprise.

"Oh, yes... as an honored guest, Diana gets the other best parts, the head and belly," said Rize.

"You ate all the tongue I gave you, so here's more," said Diana adding two more slices to the small plate.

Akko began to sweat. How could an eyeball and tongue taste good? She stared at platter before her and took a deep breath. If Diana could eat it, so could she. "Bring the butt on!" she thought and moved slices of meat to her plate. She tried each sauce and discovered that the spicier sauces were to the left while the savory ones were to the right, so she just used the savory ones. Thank the stars the bread was good. If anything else, she would eat that.

They talked about food and cooking methods. Akko was surprised that Rize knew a lot about food preparation. To her utter joy, the dessert was milk puffs. She had three servings.

"It looks like you have a challenger for queen of sweets," said Fietta jokingly.

"I'm not done yet!" declared Rize proudly. She started on a fourth serving.

Milk puffs after milk puffs were consumed. Akko adjusted her waistband as she finished her seventh helping. Meanwhile, Diana stared at her with amazement.

Fietta clapped twice. "All right, you two. That's enough. Impressive, but you shouldn't overdo it."

"Just one more?" pleaded Rize with puppy dog eyes.

"No," said Fietta sternly. "That's your ninth."

"I can't believe you counted," muttered Rize.

Akko's jaw dropped. How could Rize eat so fast? She sighed and stretched against the chair's back. Her tummy felt really full.

Fietta looked at the clock. "Let's meet at nine by the green house."

"They just got here. Do you want to start already?" asked Rize.

"The sooner the better."

Rize stood up. "You get ready. I'll prepare the field."

"Thank you." Fietta teleported away.

"Akko, Diana, a page will get you around nine," said Rize.

Mura approached them. "Please follow me to your rooms."

Akko walked slowly, her tummy feeling heavy with the effort. "I was wondering... why can't we just teleport?" It would be easier if she didn't have to walk.

"Guests aren't allowed to teleport without proper clearance. I don't have clearance either since I'm just a page," replied Mura.

When they finally reached the Enchanting Room, Akko flopped down on the bed and rubbed her tummy. "Ughh... so full... it was good though..."

Diana closed the door. "That was unbelievable. May I use the mirror?"

"Go ahead. You don't have to ask me."

"I just want to make sure that you're finished." Diana sat down in front of the mirror and activated it. "You changed it."

Akko froze and her heart skipped a beat. Would Diana realize that she was watching her nap earlier?

"I didn't know you liked lilies."

Next to Diana's bed was a side table where there was a vase of lilies. Thank the stars Diana was taller and not sitting exactly where she had been. "Er... yes... they smell really nice."

She felt too full to move so she just watched Diana as she used the mirror. She could only guess that Diana was reading something, since the mirror appeared gray to anyone but the current user. Her hand motions were so graceful even though she was doing something mundane as flipping a page. When she was concentrating, she would lean forward and stroke her chin, a mannerism which Akko thought as cute. If she didn't like what she was reading, she would lean back and cross her arms, sometimes tilting her head to the side. Whenever she made a mistake, she would make a small 'tsk' noise and languidly sweep her hand over the composition tablet.

Around quarter to nine, there was a knock on their door. With a groan, Akko managed to get up and opened the door.

"I'll take you to the green house when you're ready," said Mura.

"Give us a few minutes," said Akko. She closed the door. "Mura's here."

"I suspect whatever Fietta has planned may take some time," said Diana as she deactivated the mirror. "I'm going." She left the room in the direction of the water closet.

When they were ready, Diana offered her arm even though they were guests. As she held on to Diana's arm, Akko felt more relaxed despite being in a new place. They followed Mura to the basket elevator.

"All witches on duty would like to thank you for leaving us such a generous amount of sacred goat," said Mura as they walked.

"Uh... you're welcome..." replied Akko. Did that mean they ate her leftovers?

"Everyone was able to get one or two slices. Sacrificed by White herself, and cooked by the Queen's own hand! We feel blessed to be able to partake in such a meal. Each of us will be the envy of our peers." With her hand over her heart, Mura's face had a look of utter reverence.

"Er... I'm glad you liked it." She didn't mind sharing, but it seemed a bit strange that someone else would be so grateful to eat her leftovers.

As soon as they entered the green house, a myriad of fragrances tickled her nose. Amidst the exotic plants stood Fietta, wearing white ceremonial robes. Together with Rize, they walked through the green house and exited into a manicured lawn with a fire pit where two green witches in ceremonial robes stood.

Fietta gave Diana a star chart. "For this, I only need Akko in the casting circle. You may stay and watch or you may star gaze."

Diana took the chart. "Thank you. I'd like to watch."

"Very well."

Diana sat down at a nearby bench and Mura stood near her as if she were a guard. As she followed Fietta across the lawn, Akko noticed granite stones were laid out in geometric patterns and an arrow. Based on

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