Ch10- Escape

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-(warning! Spoilers ahead!)-

Layla's POV

A monster came out from the back of the seraph. Huge-scary monster! To be truth it's frightening me.

" What is that thing, Nee-chan? " I asked Krul. She looks very serious yet worried.

" Abaddon, Devil of Destruction. " Krul replied. I was shocked. Very shocked.

Devil of Destruction? The humans are truly insane!

I saw Kureto companion, the yellow haired girl, throw something at the monster and created many black Four Horsemen of John.

" Layla! Behind you! " Krul shouted. When I turn, a black Four Horsemen of John behind me with its mouth open, ready to eat me.

I gasp as I closed my eyes but nothing happen. I open my eyes back, and saw Ryuzetsu. He saved me!

" Mom! Are you alright? " He asked, caring. I nodded slowly.

We heard both humans and vampires, screaming as the Four Horsemen of Johns attack them. When I saw Mika was attacked, Ryuzetsu and I tried to help him but Yuu already do.

I shock when I saw Yuu stabbed himself. A pillar of fires appears on Yuu also cause Mika flew away from him. Krul act fast and catch him. Nee-chan is the best! Best Mommy ever!

We watched horribly, Yuu scream when two black wing sprout from his back. I close my open mouth and my eyes widened. Yuu is a Seraph too?

" We gotta do something, " I muttered and run toward Yuu but Ryuzetsu block my way. He stared me, signalling me, ' It's dangerous! '

At the same time, someone attacked us. Ryuzetsu and Krul jumped to the left while I jumped to the other side. Just then I felt someone grabbed my wrist. It's Guren! His grip are very strong until can overcome my vampire strength.

He walk toward Kureto as he pulled me with him. I struggled to free myself but I can't.

" Let me go, you idiot! " I snarled at him and tried to kick his stomach. He block it with his sword.

" Guren-sama, what are you doing? " I heard Sayuri's voice asking. I look to the left and see Mito, Sayuri, Yukimi, Goshi and Shinya standing.

" Don't bother, Sayuri! I'm going to kill her right now. "
I was surprised upon hearing his answer. Kill me? But why?

" What?! Don't you dare, Guren! " Shinya snarled. I stared at him.

" I said don't bother! I know from Crowley that she is the Vampire Queen's sister. Meaning to say that she is one of the Royal Blood. I need to kill her! " Guren raised his voice. I gasped for a while.

He knows from Crowley? I understand now. Someone send Crowley to killed me. I think Ferid is that 'someone'.

I though when Guren was distracted by his squad, its my best chance to run but before I could move, Guren pulled my hand to him.

The agonizing pain in my stomach stops me from moving. A black sword with red details, pierced into my stomach. Its f*cking hurts! Guren pulled his sword from my stomach, as I scream in agony and tears fall down my face.

" What are doing, Guren?!! " I still can hear Shinya screams.

With my 30° open eyes, I can see Ryuzetsu shoot Guren with his rifle. When finally Guren let me go, Krul catches me.

" Ugly humans! How dare you touch my sister with your filthy hands! " Krul shouted angrily.

I pressed my wound. My right hand covered with blood. I've never been so hurt before. Crowley 1st class-weapon may sting and painful but Guren's sword are more hurting moreover it's hard to heal. I close my mouth. Blood coughed up and spat into my palm.

Ryuzetsu let me drink his blood to recover from my injury. I let go of him after almost drink too much of his blood. I may not heal completely but at least I'm okay now.

Third Person

A pillar of fire appears, surrounding Yuu just after he stabbed himself. He begin to scream as two black wings sprout from his back.

" Kureto-sama, we're picking up an unknown Seraph of the end response. It's coming from the pillar of fire. " Aoi inform the Lieutenant General Kureto Hīragi.

A frown created on Kureto's forehead, " huh? What does that mean? "

Aoi shakes her head. " I'm unsure. "

" That meaning it's bad. Aoi, destroy it. " Kureto orders Aoi. His personal assistant only nodded without hesitation.

" All units, move! The target is the Seraph of the end. You too, Devil of destruction! " She gave orders to the JIDA soldiers also the Abaddon.

The monster fires a spiraling black fire from it's mouth to the pillar of fire where Yuu is.

Boom! The pillar of fire disappears and reveals Yuu who has already become a seraph. His eyes were golden-black just like Seraph Mirai Kimizuki.

" Its all over. All humans who've broken the taboo shall become pillar of salt! " His voice was echoing at the battlefield.

He swing his right hand, creating an wave of salts. Its hitted the JIDA soldiers and turn them all to salt.

Aoi was shocked, " That's the Second Trumpet! Kureto-sama, it's the King of Salt! "

Kureto glared at Seraph Yuu before hissed, " I don't care! Kill it, Devil of Destruction! "

Seraph Yuu create a spear from the salt then run toward the Abaddon.

" Now! " Kureto shouted and the Abaddon fires again.

Seraph Yuu raise his left hand. 7 walls of salt appears but Abaddon's black spiral fire was able to destroy it and attack toward Seraph Yuu.

Seraph Yuu block it with his spear but caused his right wing destroyed. When the black spiral fire disappears, he take the chance to fly to the Abaddon and slice it with his spear. From the top of the Abaddon, he pointed his spear to the devil and turn it into salts.

The Abaddon burst. The skies become clear as the airport return to normal. Mirai's 4 wings disappears. She slowly land on the ground before collapse.

While Seraph Yuu is still flying on the air.

" It's over. The chain of lust produced by humans will all turn into the pillar of salt today! " He spoke with his voice echoed.

Suddenly a lightning struck him. Kureto ran toward him with his cursed gear activated. He falls to the ground and block Kureto's sword.

Seraph Yuu burst his spear caused Kureto thrown away. When Guren approach him, he ready to draw his cursed gear bus stopped as his demon appeared.

" I'm happy Yuu. You're finally going to use me but in order to control the seraph, I have no other choice to use this. " Two horns comes out from Yuu's head and his eyes turn into red. He collapse on the ground.

" Minna-san, let's go help Yuu. " Shinoa and her squad ran to Yuu.

" We should go too, " Mika suggest.

Layla, Ryuzetsu and Krul nodded their heads, agreed with Mika.

" Okay, don't let the humans get a hold of Yuu. We'll retrieve him. " The Vampire Queen gave her orders.

When Mika start to move, she pulled him back as she sense an attack.

Crowley fly toward them and attacked Krul. The Queen easily dodge and cut Crowley right hand which is holding his sword.

The 13th Progenitor takes back his hand, " I'm not done. "

But Krul already jump over him, " no, you are done. " She broke Crowley's neck and the 13th Progenitor fall down the ground.

Suddenly, Ferid appears with an evil grin on his face.

" You panicked, my queen. Your beautiful neck is wide-open. " He grabbed Krul and bite her at the neck.

" Bastard! " Krul curses and tries to fight but she can't.

" Krul! "
" Mama Krul! "
" Nee-chan! "

Mika, Ryuzetsu and Layla shouted in unison. They come over but Krul stop them. " Don't come! Tch! Dammit! "

Layla swing her sword, creating a blast of wind to help her sister but its no use.
" Go! Mikaela, take care of my sister and my nephew. Help Yuu and his human friends. " She give her last order.

" No! I won't leave you! " Layla protest.

" Go now! Survive, Layla! " She yells. Layla shook her head and try to attack Ferid again but Mika grab her wrist.

" Let's go, Layla-nee. " He pulled Layla and run along with Ryuzetsu.

" N-no! Nee-chan!!! " The 14th Progenitor scream. Tears start to fall down her cheeks.

Layla struggle to free from Mika's grip while they were running. Just then she bumped with Shinya. She falls on the ground.

Mika try to get her back but Ryuzetsu signal him to go first. Family matter.

" Hey, what's going on? " Shinya asked but the girl continue crying without answering him.

The Major General look at his son. Asking what happen? Ryuzetsu pointed at Ferid who is still sucking Krul's blood. Shinya nods as he understand.

He hugged Layla, rub her hair, trying to calm her down. Then he lifted her chin up, to see her face. Both of them stare each other before kissed.

When they broke of, Shinya strokes her face gently.

" You gotta go, now. Go somewhere safe. " He whispers. Layla frown.

" Why people keep telling me to go? I want to stay here! " She protested.

" If you stay, you're dead. Go now and survive. We will meet again, I promise. " He kiss Layla's forehead, lovingly. Then he help the girl to stand up. He pulled Layla into his hug again after pull Ryuzetsu too. Family last hug before they separate. For Layla she use 'AGAIN'.

Shinya watched her lover and son run toward Shinoa squad where there's also Makoto Narumi and a blonde vampire.

He materialized his cursed gear as he saw Guren walk to follow them.

He pointed his cursed gear at Guren, " explain, Guren. "

But his bestfriend only let out of a small laugh. Annoyed too much he punch Guren on the face, " explain dammit! Don't laugh! "

" Don't be so mad, Shinya. This is what we dreamt about when we were kids. " Guren said in a calm voice.

" What do you mean? " Shinya asked, confuse.

" I'm changing the world to a world where foster son like you or junior branch like can move or chooshe who we want to be with. " Guren respond.

Shinya grabbed his collar and yells, " what are you talking about? You hurt my girlfriend, our men, our comrades! "

Guren only smiles just like innocent person. Suddenly, a thought come to Shinya's mind. He released Guren and steps backward.

" Don't tell you're possessed by-- Oi, Guren! Can you hear my voice? "

Ferid let go of Krul as she already fall unconscious. The Queen collapsed on the ground but not dead yet.

Crowley stand up and repair his broken neck back to normal.

" Oh, wow Ferid-kun! You really did beat the Queen. " He said with a smile.

" Praise me some more, " he replied, jokingly then chuckles.

" But, we let her sister escaped. What should we do? She is one of the royal blood too. " Crowley asked.

" Don't worry about her. First we need to take care of the Queen. "

They bring Krul to where the vampires gathering. Ferid grab her neck and raised her in front of the vampires.

" Vampires! We just uncovered Krul Tepes serious treason. Her involvement in the experimentation of Seraph of the end.-- Therefore, I, Ferid Bathory, the 7th Progenitor, will take charge. Kill those humans! " He give his order with a grin.

He lean his back on a plane, watching the humans and vampires clash. Crowley is next to him.

" Relax, Crowley. We will recover Layla Tepes when the new king, arrive. I'm sure the Progenitor Council will notice that the last heir of the royal blood had missing. When they order us to find her, we'll do it then we kill her. " Ferid explained his plan and received nods from Crowley.

Just wait Layla. Soon all the royal bloods will vanish and the new revolution will rise.

Woah! 2014 words! finally I've completed the Nagoya Arc. I will update the last chapter soon. Hope you enjoy it!

BTW, have some awesome pic of Seraph Yuu- the King of salt.

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