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-One Month Later-

-Kristian's POV-

I stood in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection with a deep sense of unease.

It had been a month since I'd arrived in this country, and I still couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't belong here.

My father had insisted that we move, claiming it would be a "new opportunity" for our family.

But I knew the real reason- he wanted to distance himself from the scandal that had rocked our family back in South Korea.

And as much as I resented him for it, I was too afraid to stand up to him.

So here I was, getting ready for another day at this unfamiliar College, wondering if I would ever truly feel at home.

The only bright spot in all of this was Megan, my new friend's sister. From the moment I had laid eyes on her, I had been captivated.

Her confidence, dominance, her sass, her sheer presence- it was intoxicating.

I found myself thinking about her constantly, fantasizing about what it would be like to have her attention focused solely on me.

It was a dangerous game I was playing, but I couldn't seem to help myself.

A knock at my door pulled me from my thoughts, and I turned to see my mother poking her head in.

Mom-Kristian, are you ready? We need to leave soon

She said, her brow furrowing with concern.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, a touch of irritation seeping into my tone.

K-Yes, I'm ready. Wouldn't want to disappoint Dad

I muttered, the sarcasm dripping from my words.

My mother's expression hardened, and she fixed me with a stern look.

Mom-Kristian, don't start this again. You know your father is only doing what he believes is best for our family.

I scoffed, shaking my head.

K-Yeah, well, his idea of 'what's best' is the reason we're even here in the first place. If he had just-


My mother interrupted, her voice raised for a moment before going quiet, obviously not trying to alert dad.

Mom- I won't have you disrespecting your father like this. Now, let's go. We don't want to be late.

With a resigned sigh, I followed her out of the room, my mind already drifting back to Megan and the tantalizing possibilities she represented.

Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad, after all, if I had her to look forward to.

-Our Brother's Enemy-

-Y/n Pov-

It had been a month since Megan and I had set our sights on the enigmatic Jacob, but our search for information on him had proven fruitless. That is, until today.

As Tony had informed us, he was not staying the full day at his university campus. He only wanted to meet with his basketball team and get an update on the upcoming season.

Megan and I saw this as the perfect opportunity to finally lay eyes on the object of our collective desire.

So, without hesitation, we agreed to pick up our brother from campus, eagerly anticipating the chance to catch a glimpse of Jacob.

Tony said he was changing in the gym so to meet him there.

After we did that we were gonna find Jacob. Megan and I made our way towards the gymnasium, our hearts racing with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

He was probably in class or something.

When we get there, there he was- Jacob, standing in the middle of the gym, punching away at a heavy bag with a ferocity that sent a thrill down my spine.

And he looked so good

I couldn't help but admire the way his muscles rippled beneath his sweat-soaked shirt, the intensity of his movements drawing my full attention.

Beside me, I could feel Megan's energy radiating with a similar captivation.

We stood there, transfixed, our gazes locked on the man who had so effortlessly captured our interest.

Y-There he is...

Megan breathed, her voice barely above a whisper.

M-Looks like we found our mystery man.

I nodded, a coy smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Y-we didn't even need to find him.

Exchanging a conspiratorial glance, Megan and I began to make our way towards Jacob, our hips swaying with a deliberate, alluring rhythm.

This was our chance to get up close and personal with the man who had so piqued our curiosity, and we were determined to make the most of it.

As we approached him, we noticed he had headphones in. He only noticed us because of the Gym's mirror

Y- Hey sexy

-Jacob Pov-

I looked up shocked at the women I met a month ago.  How did they find me and why are they both here.

I take out my headphones turning around

?-Hey, sexy.

I froze a bit but tried to act cool and play it off

??-You a boxer?

I was so confused. They knew each other. Are they friends? Do they even know what they did to me?

J-Uh, yea, I box here and there. So uh...I would play it safe If i were u.

They looked at each other and smiled chuckling to themselves

?-He is so funny sis...

??- He really is, i don't remember him talking such a big game when we met.

They inched closer and my whole body tensed up. I had to play it cool though.

It seems, maybe they're friends or actual sisters?...

?-I think in our line of work, we could handle you just fine on our own.

I smirked acting cocky, nodding as I looked away

J-Yea, I definitely remember you two.

She smiled.

?-Hello again, darling.

I pointed at the two of them.

J-So what exactly are y'all?

They looked at each other then back at me still inching a little closer

?-We're sisters.

I nodded definitely shocked.

J-I met u two at the party, right?

They both nod.

?-I helped you with a drink and u didn't even ask my name. But i heard from this one, that u and her are well acquainted.

She smirked. All she did was smile and i'm getting flustered.

??-Yet, he never asked my name. He does know me by one name though.

I'm about to throw myself into this mirror. She, is so shameless that she is talking this was in from of her sister

J-Yea, uh, sorry i'm just probably humiliated so uh yea.

They both chuckled again, it was so...sexy. How does a laugh turn me on?...

?-Stop, you had nothing to be humiliated about. At least with me. You looked so cute like a deer in headlights.

??-I bet that's why u had me wait-

I cut her off before she could even finish.

J-alright, ok, I get it...Give me ur names.

When I said that, their face instantly changed into a confused yet serious look.

??-Give, you? Did we not talk about manners?

J-I uh....

The other one alone, got closer looking down at me with a stern confused look

?-Such a rude little mouth, ik you can ask better than that, right? Right, darling?

I looked down trying to keep my composure as I stammered but then heard chuckling and looked up.

?-Lighten up, we're kidding-

??-I'm not.

She huffed giver her sister a look before turning back towards me.

?-I'm Y/n. This is Megan my sister.

M-I can speak for myself.

She interrupted looking at Yn with a serious look.

Y-Well act like it.

She returned the look, Megan shaking her head, her gaze finally catching mine

M-I'm Megan, little boar. Although I think, I prefer "Mommy" a little more


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