Quality Feedback

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Hey there, look at you trying to be the best reader you can be! You must want everything you can get from the club and/or want to be as helpful as possible. That's very brave and we're proud of you for taking this step!

First things first, what is considered quality feedback?

For inline comments, that varies. Inlines can help to correct a specific grammar issue or point out a line that really left an impression on you. But they're also great for simply reacting to that exact moment in the story.

Now, you may think reacting to a story isn't all that helpful, but some authors would beg to differ. There are writers here who enjoy getting those reactions from you as a reader. Of course, that doesn't mean you should only be reacting. The whole point of book clubs is to be helpful after all.

Do the best you can to offer advice, praise something you like, and react within your inline comments. Sometimes, with inline comments, quality and quantity are the same things. Who doesn't like lots of inlines, after all, right?

End-of-chapter comments or chapter reviews are where you can truly shine with your feedback.

This is where you can combine all your thoughts on the chapter and go into detail. You can talk about what you liked and why, what you thought could be improved, get deeper into some grammar issues you may have noticed, and make predictions for the next chapter.

Sometimes for final reviews, it can be helpful to have a list of different areas to cover. Here's one you can use if you'd like.




What you liked and why:

What you thought could be improved:

What you think might happen next or even what you hope will happen:

Overall thoughts:

For your first time reading a new story, you can even include your thoughts on the title, blurb, and cover.

Though the biggest thing to focus on in a chapter review comment is giving it your all. Even if you choose not to follow a list or cover every area, there are still ways to be as helpful as possible. Be open, honest, and supportive. Maybe you didn't find anything wrong with the chapter, and if that's the case, that's fine. Just let the author know everything that worked for you and give as many details as possible.

On a final note about end-of-chapter comments, we know that English is not everyone's first language. So, sometimes leaving in-depth feedback can seem daunting when you don't feel equipped enough to tackle subjects like grammar. All we ask is that you do your best. No matter what, we will be able to tell who is trying their hardest and who isn't, regardless of language barriers. And, if this is a concern for you, feel free to message us.

Now, with all that said, we feel you can never go wrong with being honest. Express your thoughts and feelings on what you read, BUT be respectful.

Be careful of your tone of voice when writing your comments. Sometimes purely being blunt can be read differently than you intended, so try your best to be mindful of what you're saying and how you are saying it. Do your best to also point out something you thought was done well that can help soften your review and keep the writer from feeling discouraged. You don't have to be all sunshine, rainbows, and lots of fluff. No one has to kiss anyone's backside. But there is such a thing as tact, and we ask you to use it when writing your reviews.

At the same time, if someone is simply expressing tough love, don't take it as an attack right away. Read their comment from a non-biased perspective. Yes, you love your book and you worked hard on it. You want to protect it with every ounce of your being. But you also joined this club to receive constructive criticism and gain feedback from different perspectives.

Ask yourself, is this rude or honest? Is the reviewer using harsh words that tear my work apart? If they aren't and they're just giving their true thoughts and feelings, then take a deep breath. Not everyone is going to be a fan, and if you want to be a writer, you need to learn how to take critiques that aren't always favorable.

What is not acceptable is deleting comments your partner left before a founder or admin has checked them, editing the reviewed chapter before it's been checked, fighting with your partner in the comments, or causing a huge fuss within the club book or Discord. If you think there is a problem, message the founder, Red_Leasia directly. Also, keep in mind that every comment is read and checked for quality. If there is a problem, we will handle it. Bullies are not tolerated in Other Worlds and we will not allow anyone to harass you.

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