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The red dragon lands and looks at Jerren "Revan I heard him" Jerren says "what is he saying?" My name is Ferner I know Sapphire is your dragon Revan and your brother Jerren is my rider I heard the dragon say "I heard him too" I say looking at Jerren you two are brothers so of course you can hear me I hear Ferner say I look at Sapphire Jerren can hear me too he hasn't been listening I look at Jerren "how can I hear your dragon?" I say Jerren looks at me "I don't know" "you two can hear other dragons because of this" I look over and see Tarja with red liquid floating her above her hand. "Is that blood?" Jerren says pointing at it "its in your blood" she says "I can sense magic in it" I look at Jerren "we should be flying lets go" he says "where?" I say "to the power stone" then he flies away on Ferner I look at Tarja "do you want to fly?" Tarja smiles and gets on Sapphire and we take off.

I look down and see Light Lake. "There!" Tarja says pointing "Sapphire land" I say I look up at Jerren on Ferner he nods at me and both dragons fly down and land. "So Jerren how did you like riding your own dragon?" I look over at Jerren "it was like I was free" Jerren says "guys the stone is in the lake" Tarja points at the lake she looks up at the sky "its getting dark we need to hurry" "ok you said its in the water?" Tarja nods her head "one of us needs to swim in there to get it" I look at her "when do the sirens come?" Tarja looks at the sky "soon one of you needs to swim to that ice stone" I look at Jerren he shakes his head "you know you're the older one here" I say Jerren looks at me "I know" I shake my head. Why Jerren? I look at the lake again "remember the light will shine on it when you see it" Tarja says.

I nod my head, hold my breath and jump in the lake and swim down. The further I swam down the darker it was getting then I saw a small light. Is that the stone? I was getting closer to it. I reached my hand out and grabbed it. So this is the ice stone? I look up and saw how deep I was. I start to swim back up then I saw woman.

She had long blond hair to her waist and she has a fish tail. Is this a lake siren? "I am a siren. What do you want to see?" The lake siren swims towards me and touches my head. Somehow I can suddenly breathe underwater, everything around me changed. The sun was up and I was in a valley with hills. This looks like Light Hill. I saw a little girl running towards me. She had black hair and blue eyes "father!" she says laughing. This is what I want to see? "You look confused" the lake siren says "this is your future that is your daughter" she points at the little girl. I reach out to touch the little girl but my hand went through her and she disappeared.

Then I heard yelling above me. "Revan!" I look up and the scene around me changes back to the lake. I have the ice stone in my hand I am in the lake holding my breath. I look at the lake siren she hissed and more sirens came out of the darkness I need to get out of the water before I see more things. I start to swim to the surface. Then I felt hands grabbing my legs I look down and saw a lot of sirens grabbing me and more coming I look up to the surface. "Come with us" I hear a siren say "you can breathe here with us" another siren says. I kicked them away "he doesn't want to see more of his future" I hear another say. I don't want to see more. Tarja said these sirens mess with our minds and make us see things that are not there. But what I saw was it my future? I kept kicking the sirens away from me. Then fire shot past me in the water the sirens swam away.

I reached the surface. I look around and its dark "Jerren there he is!" Tarja says I look over and see Tarja and Jerren waving their arms and Sapphire and Jerrens dragon looking in the water. I swim towards them I got on the land "are you alright?" Jerren says covering me up with a blanket "yea" I look at Tarja "did I see my future?" I say she looks down. "What did you see?" Jerren says "I saw a little girl she looked a lot like me" Tarja walks over to me, grabbed my hand, closes her eyes and didn't say anything. Her eyes opened and she looked at me and walks away from us without saying a word. I look at Jerren "what happened there?" I shrug. I get on my feet and follow her.

"Tarja" I say she didn't respond she kept walking. "Tarja" she still didn't respond "Tarja" I grab her hand, she stopped and looked at me "what's wrong?" I say "I saw it too" she says "the lake siren is right" "right about what?" "That girl is your daughter" Tarja looks down. I wrap her in my arms she accepts my hug. "Revan we need to find the rest of the power stones we need three more here in Light Hill telepathy, future and your choice" "does that scroll say where they are?" Tarja nods head "we have fire and ice now what stone do you want to go after next?" "Telepathy" "alright its dark we should go back to Bright or set camp" I say "I think we should set camp after being the water for long and you might be cold" Jerren says "I'm fine" "you need fire" Jerren sets wood in front of us I release Tarja from my hug and she sets fire on the wood.

Tarja sits down in front of the fire. "Where is the Telepathy stone?" I say Jerren takes out the Oswor map he has and puts it in front of us Tarja looks at it "I found the fire stone here in the Light Hills" Tarja says pointing at the hills on the map "we just got the ice stone from Light Lake" Tarja takes out the scroll and looks at the map "telepathy is in Pirn here Tarja points a woods area on the map" "Pirn? That place is like Helback" Jerren says "telepathy must be there according to this its there" I look at Pirn on the map "have you been there?" I say "I haven't been there before like Jerren said its going to be like Helback" Tarja looks at Jerren "when did you go to Pirn?" I say "Father took us there when we were kids I remember people being there and then they all vanished" "maybe its not a ghost town" I say "what if its a magic town?" I look at the map. "Lets get some sleep" Tarja says.

I saw the little girl again running towards me. "Father!" I smile and grab her in my arms she laughs. "Revan!" I look behind me and see Tarja waving at me "we have to get back before it gets dark" she says "alright" I look at the little girl I set her on the ground. Then I saw on her arm the same dragon mark as mine and Jerren's. She's a dragon rider? She runs towards Tarja I follow behind them.

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