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We walked in Arkala. I saw a lot of people in black cloaks "Robert are those people in the black cloaks part of Genesis?" I say looking at him. "Yes if they freeze time we'll still be able to follow them but your friends will freeze" I look back at Father, Mother and Leo. "Zuri if we freeze just continue on" Mother says. I saw the black cloak figures closing in on us "Robert?" I say "I know they see us but they won't freeze if I use the freeze time magic" Robert says.

Then the time froze Father, Mother and Leo are frozen like ice. Robert looks at me "they know that we can't freeze?" I say Robert nods his head the black cloak figures are getting closer to us. I look around and counted six. We won't be able to take on all of them. Then one black cloaked figure snapped it's fingers and all of the frozen time people moved away making a big area around us.

I look where Father, Mother and Leo are and they're still frozen. "What do they want from me?" Robert didn't say anything the black cloaked figures surrounded us there's no escape. Then all stopped a few feet away from us. "Robert" one figure says removing it's hood. It's Gerold. "I've been waiting" I look at him Gerold's alive.

I look at Robert and back at Gerold. "I thought you dead" I finally say Gerold shakes his head "well I'm not" he says "all of those dreams, it was you talking to me" Gerold nods his head.

I look at Robert "there's something you're not telling me" I say Robert looks down he nods his head "Genesis wants you" he says "why?" "Because we know that you're more powerful than we are" Gerold says "what do you mean?" Robert looks at me "there has never been a dragon rider with purple eyes" "will you tell me how I got these eyes in the first place?" I say Gerold and Robert look at each other "you might not believe it at first" Robert looked at Mother, Father and Leo "Tarja" "what does Mother have to with me getting purple eyes?" "Tarja is a witch she gave you those eyes" "I don't believe you." I say "Zuri think how I got these eyes" Gerold says "you didn't have them before." Then Gerold snaps his fingers I look at Mother, Father and Leo and they all unfreeze.

Father ran up to us with Leo and Mother following him. "What's happening?" Leo says "Genesis" I say. Leo looks at Gerold "he's alive!" Mother says "Tarja tell your daughter the truth" if it's true I don't think I would never forgive her. Mother looks at me "I gave you those eyes" I didn't say anything she must have sensed magic on me in the beginning of this. "Why?" I say "Genesis is a group of people born with purple eyes" Father says I didn't say anything. "Gerold wanted to see if a dragon rider could be strong like them so he asked me at Dragon Tail to make his eyes purple when I did it failed so he asked me to make your eyes purple and it worked." Mother says I looked at Leo. How am I stronger? I didn't feel anything different. Mother looks at Leo "did you notice Zuri was stronger?" Leo looks at me "at the Inn you held that shield a lot longer than you did at King's Watch" Leo says.

I look up at Greold "what do you want from me?" I say "to be powerful like you Zuri" Gerold says "we just want your blood so we can be equal" I look at Mother and back at him "Gerold I trusted you before we all thought you died. Then you used my mother against me just to get my blood you will never get my blood from me" I say "kill them!" Gerold yells then Mother did an Earth Shield around us. While the Genesis shot fire balls and electric bolts at the shield.

"Zuri tell Shirow we need to get out of here!" Father says "Shirow we need your help!" I whisper "we're in Arkala you will see us when you fly above" I look up and see two dragons. It's Shirow, and Jewel with Xander on her back. Shirow landed on the ground, whipped the Genesis people on the ground with his tail and Jewel did the same. Zuri get on I hear Shirow say breathing fire the Earth Shield disappears and Leo, Mother and Father ran to Shirow.

I look behind me and see Robert wasn't coming "Robert!" I say "come on!" "I can't go with you" he says looking back at some of the Genesis members "your dragon killed Gerold they need a leader and I'll be their leader" I look over and see Gerold is dead "I'll stay with you!" "I'll be fine go find Jerren!" "What if I can't find him?" "You will find him I know you will" Robert says "I'll be back!" I say climbing on Shirow's back "Shirow let's go" Shirow and Jewel take off from the ground and fly away from Arkala.

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