Listen while you read~
"Nee (Y/n) chan, is this yours?"
Dazai walked over to you and handed you a dusty CD case. You took it and noticed that it was your mothers old favourite CD that she gave you when you moved out. "Wow... I wondered where this went..."
You opened the case and looked at the disk, it had your name written on it with two kisses next it it. You smiled down at it and Dazai looked at you confused.
"Is it from one of your former boyfriends or something?" He scoffed and pouted when you have him that look.
"No silly, it's from my mum. Oh do we have a CD player? I'd like to see if it still works." You asked innocently and Dazai pondered for a moment or two before concluding that you do have one.
"Yeah I think so." He walked off into the bedroom and emerged a few minutes later holding a CD player. He placed it down and plugged it in.
You passed him the CD and he put it in and pressed play. Being rather old, it took a while to start playing and when it did it made you both jump slightly.
"Ahhh this song! I used to dance to this with her hahah." You joyfully said to no one in particular.
Dazai stood back up dusting off his knees. "You dance (Y/n) chan?"
"Me? God no. I'm terrible at it. Last time I danced with someone I almost broke their toes through stepping on their feet so much... Why do you ask? Can you dance Dazai?"
He laughed at you and respond to your last question. "I've been known to dance sometimes yes~" He smiled and reached his hand out. "Wanna try?"
"But your feet! What if I break you or something?" You said concerned before delicately taking his hand. "It'll be fine, I'll lead so you just need to follow my steps. Okay?"
"Ok." You guiltily smiled at him and he placed his hands on your waist. "Uhh... Where do I put mine?" You flailed your hands in the air slightly from not knowing what you were doing and you received a small chuckle from the taller man.
"On my chest, shoulders or put your arms around my neck. Anywhere really." He looked slightly embarrassed as he named his body parts but you paid no mind to it and chose to plant your hands on his shoulders.
After you did so, he started to sway gently from side to side and you looked down to watch where his feet were going. After a while and only stepping on his feet a few times, you managed to figure out what you were doing and you took your eyes off of the ground.
You relaxed, letting your body mould into his and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You went to look up and then realised just how close you were to him. Your faces practically skimmed each other's and you blushed deeply and looked back down.
"You're cute when your embarrassed (Y/n) chan." You sunk further into his chest as he made his comment. "I should make it happen more often~" Dazai purred more seductively than he meant to.
"Dazai!" You gave an embarrassed whisper yelp and he chuckled out a sorry.
"Look at me." His voice re sounded after a moment of silence and you looked up to have him place a soft kiss on your lips. He smiled and lent his forehead down onto yours. "We should do this more often."
"What? Dance?" You would rather not break any more toes through dancing.
"We could if you wanted but I mean like, just have more time to ourselves. If you want that is. If you don't it's fine too, I don't want you to feel pressured or any-"
You shut him up by placing your thumb on his lips and caressing his cheek with your hand. "Of course I would you attractive idiot."
You both chuckled and then he replied,
"I'm not just any attractive idiot. I'm your attractive idiot~"
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