【 Captive 】

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There are violence, blood/gore and sexual themes mentions in this chapter.
If you are offended or you do not like reading about these subjects please do not read this and please skip to the next chapter.
Thank you.

Your eyes fluttered open and you groaned feeling an aching pain in your head. You looked up to find yourself in, what looked like, some form of store house. You went to try and stand up but realised that your hands and feet were tied together with some rope.

You couldn't really see much as the lighting in the room was terrible but, when you moved you felt the cold concrete of the floor touch your bare skin. "What the hell? I can't remember what happened at all..."

You fumbled with the ropes around your ankles with the sides of your legs and feet but to no prevail. You tried the same with the ones that tied your wrists together, this time you tried picking at the rope but you couldn't see what you were doing considering your hands were behind your back.

"They really don't want me to get out of here... Damn, where's the fun in not letting me escape?" You grinned to yourself knowing the security cameras will be picking up every word you say and every move you make.

Acting tough wasn't exactly your strong suit and when the first person walks through the door in front of you, you'd probably be a shaking, blubbering mess but, you had to see what kind of people you were dealing with.

Speaking of the people you were dealing with, you heard voices and footsteps from outside the door. You gulped and stayed rigid against the wall. As the door opened it revealed a tall hooded man and he made his way intimidatingly towards your shaking frame.

The door slammed shut and the lights were finally turned on so that you could see clearly. You looked around you to find that you were not the first person to be brought here. How did you know this? Because you found yourself sitting in a pool of dried up bloodstains.

Your head pounded with fear as the man crouched down in front of you and have you a sadistic smirk. "So the little girly has woken up." You remained silent as he stood up and walked back and forth in front of you. "You fetched quite a good price really, but I'm not surprised that you went for that much when I get a good look at you."

He knelt back down in front of you and grabbed a handful of your (h/l) (h/c) hair and yanked on it pulling you towards him. "It's a shame really-" He paused pulling a knife out and he bought it up to the top of your shoulder.

As he stubbed it through your skin and raked it down your arm you let out a yelp of pain and he continued what he was saying. "- I would've liked to have had some fun with you~"

He pulled the knife out and trailed his eyes up and down your bare body. They had taken all of your clothes other than your underwear. He reached out and trailed his fingers down your stomach and to the hem of your underwear pulling on it slightly.

"I bet your face would've looked amazing while I had my way with you ha-"

His laugh was cut off by the door flying open and a gun being fired. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt hands on you as you were picked up to be used as a shield and a devise for escape.

"Put her down." You head a voice growl out from quite close in front of you and you peeked out at the man. You lurched forward with your eyes watering, "Dazai!" You cried out and he gave you a look of pure sorrow and... guilt? "I'm gonna get you out of here sweetie! It's ok."

"Shoot or move and I'll stab her! Got it!?" The voiced threats from the man behind you sounded desperate and fearful. Dazai froze in his place. You could see the look in his eyes as he desperately tried to find something to do.

Your captor then laughed realising what you and Dazai were. "A couple!? This just got much more interesting!"

As you watched the brown haired bandaged man through your silent tears, you saw him smirk and then you realised something as he allowed his gun to drop to the floor. "Where's Kuniki-"

"Kunikida kun now!" Dazai suddenly yelled startling you slightly but the gunshot noise that came afterwards scared you even more.

You stood with your eyes wide as you heard a cry of pain from behind you and then a thud when the body hit the floor. Stumbling forwards, you fell and landed on your knees. "(Y/n)!!" You heard Dazai yell and then two sets of footsteps running in your direction.

Dazai came to you and Kunikida went to the man on the floor to tie him up and take him out to the police. He told you and Dazai to follow him as soon as possible but he also knew that you were going to be in a state of shock for a while.

You sat there while Dazai quickly but gently cut the rope off of your wrists and ankles. They left quite bad burns on your wrists but you didn't really care about them at that point, you weren't really sure if what was happening was a dream or not.

Your boyfriend moved to your front and pulled a bandage out of his pocket. He tied it around your arm where you'd been stabbed and you flinched a little. "I'm sorry." He apologised.

"It's ok..." You whispered out. "This... This isn't a dream is it?" You asked monotone.

"No, it's real." He said depressingly as he removed his coat and told you to put it on. You slid your arms down the long sleeves and he rolled them up so that they didn't irritate your wrists. Dazai tied the belt up to cover your body up and he helped you stand up.

Your legs were weak and you fell slightly so he picked you up 'bridal style' and proceeded to carry you out to the car where Kunikida was waiting.

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