Feelings //Tommy x Ali

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Basically inspired by that one scene in Cobra Kai.

Tommy's hands started shaking as he walked through the front doors of West Valley High School for the very first time. He was a freshman this year, and everything felt new to him. Most of the faces that he passed in the halls were unrecognizable, most of them looking like they were much older then he was.

He pulled the crumbled paper out of his pocket, checking to see which class he had first. Homeroom. He sighed a breath of relief. It wouldn't be to bad if he was late to that class. It's not like it was important or anything.

He was walking with his head down, his headphones placed over his ears. He wanted to be noticed as little as possible. He only had a few good friends, Johnny, Bobby, and Jimmy, but they would most likely be hanging out with their karate friends, not the loser they went to middle school with.

Tommy walked into his first class, but since he wasn't looking where he was going, he ran straight into a girl, causing them both to fall over. He cursed at himself before taking his headphones off and standing up, offering her his hand to help her up. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up, dusting her skirt off afterwards. A light chuckle escaped her lips. "It's fine. I wasn't looking either." She said. She looked happy to be there, and didn't look mad at all about the fact that he knocked her over.

"Yeah. That still doesn't make it better though." He glanced down at his feet nervously, then looked back up at her. "I'm Thomas, by the way. But everyone just calls me Tommy."

"Wel, Tommy. It's nice to meet you. I'm Ali. With an I." She said. Emphasizing the 'I' part, as if that would somehow change how he said her name.

"It's nice to meet you too, Ali with an I." He said. He was trying to be funny, but utterly failed. They made eye contact for the first time, and Tommy swore his stomach was fluttering with butterflies, right now.

She was pretty, definitely. Curly hair, brown hairs. A girl that a guy like him, would never get a chance with. Still, he tried anyways. "Do you wanna sit by me?" Tommy asked, gesturing to the two open tables in front of them.

"Sure!" Ali said, giving him a smile. She set her backpack down before taking a seat. Tommy did the same thing she did. He was gonna say something else, but the bell ringing to indicate the start of class, interrupted him.


A few weeks had passed. Tommy and Ali had talked to eachother every day since then. It also wasn't unusual for them to talk at lunch, or hang out after school and help eachother with homework. They were just friends though, nothing more.

"I don't know, man. It seems like you have a chance with her." Bobby said, after watching Tommy and Ali converse. "Yeah! C'mon man! Strike first! You'll never know unless you try." Johnny said. He didn't know what girl they were talking about, but whoever it was, he agreed.

Tommy sighed and smoothed out his hair. Looking at himself in the mirror again before stepping out into gym class.

It wasn't uncommon for him to see Ali during this period either. Since she was on the cheerleading team, she was often outside practicing, the same time he was outside for gym.

When he came outside, Ali smiled widely and ran over to Tommy when she spotted him. "Hey!" She said. Stopping in front of him. "How was class?" She asked.

Tommy shrugged his shoulders. "Eh. Y'know. Same as usual. Boring." He said. Adding a dramatic eyeroll for effect.

"It has to be better then what i did. We had to dissect pigs. Not only was it gross, but I felt bad for the poor things." She said.

"I'm sorry. But maybe someone will have to come in and make you feel better." He said. They both knew it was him that he was talking about. Even if he didn't say his name or anything.

"Oh really? And how would this savior of mine do such a courageous thing?"

Tommy was quickly going through scenarios in his head. Should he ask her out, should he not. Eventually, he became nervous and decided not too.

"Ice cream tomorrow? Before we study? It's my treat." He said with a light shrug of his shoulders, making it seem like it would be a casual thing.

"Yeah. That sounds fun!" Ali said, before leaning in and hugging him. Tommy couldn't help the blush that spread across his cheeks. He avoided looking up after she moved away.

"Cool. I'll see you tomorrow then!" He said. Running off to rejoin his group of friends. He brushed his hair out of his face and smiled.

That went well didn't it? After all it was almost like a date. It would just be the two of them. Going out for ice cream. Together.


That had gone well. Just like it always did. Whenever they hung out, or talked, it went really well. So why couldn't he just ask her out?

After all, they talked everyday in home room. So it wasn't like he was asking some completely random chick out. But yet, he still couldn't bring himself to do it.

Until it was too late. He was at the movies with his friends, everything seemed to go in slow motion. He watched Dutch throw milk duds at the back of Ali's head. He knew it was Alis' not that he looked at her that much, he just knew. And he watched as she turned around and started yelling them. He watched Johnny's eyes light up, and knew that he had just lost every thing.

Johnny's philosophy of 'Strike First' was going to work. Because after asking her out, Johnny got the girl and Fommy didn't. Tommy hadn't followed the philosophy and he clearly lost one of the best things that could have ever happened to him, because of it.

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