Chapter 8
I broke.
"Take me away from here," I cried into the phone, breaking down suddenly. "Please!"
When my parent's news finally settled in, it felt like there was a hole in my gum from where my tooth would have fallen out. I could chew, eat, I have plenty of other teeth, but my tongue keeps going back to that empty place, where all the nerves are still a little raw. A part of me had been dependant on that missing tooth. A part of me had be dependant on them.
"Sorry you have the wrong number," He mumbled.
I quickly interrupted, "No, I know I'm talking to Alexis Montigue. I'm the girl you met in the alleyway," I confessed ashamed that we met in such bad circumstances. I had humiliated him by dismissing his opinion into trash, yet still he took care of me.
"Aren't you supposed to be in hospital?" Confusion laced his voice.
"I escaped," I slowly muttered ashamed. I watched the road as a car drove past.
"WHAT?!" The phone shook in my hand as I pulled it away.
"M-my p-parents, my parent's-" I sobbed into the phone, "T-they're gone," Wailing loudly I cried into the phone.
I was presented by silence, "What?" He repeated this time more gently.
I gulped, "They died in an accident," I elaborated.
I heard a loud sigh, "Li, babe? That gives you no reason to escape the hospital,"
"I-I can't go in there, he'll take me away. Please I can't stay with him, he hurts me," I cry even harder.
"Who hurts you, Li?" He demanded in the phone, concerned.
"Please take me, I'll work as your servant. Anything! I beg you, all I ask is for shelter and a piece of bread or rice a day and I'll do anything!" I begged my knees giving in. The wire stretched as I sobbed into my hand. My whole body shook furiously.
"Who hurts you Li?!" He voice is hard, trying to compose the bubbling anger in his blood. He demands for a name.
"Zackary!" I shout, "Zackary Coleman,"
"Jones, who is this 'Zackary' to you?" He dark voice is hard, coldness was detected. Hatred. With a thought I think back to that son of a-
"He's a psychopath whose addicted to me, he won't leave me alone. Ever!" I visibly shake, palming the glass window. The phone beeps, indicating I need to end the call soon. I can't wait longer for his reaction.
"I'm talking from a phone box, please come get me. I trust you," I say into the phone not waiting for a reply. "If you don't arrive, then I would like to still thank you, I will find a way to pay you pack. After all, I owe you twice,"
I then hang up, placing the phone back. I wobble as I stand, closing the door behind, I lean letting tears slide.
"Please save me, Alexis," I beg looking at the stars, "And I will repay you with anything you desire,"
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I have sobbed my eyes out listening to this countless times - I wonder how'll I deal with the live performance. I WOULD DIE!
Fun fact: Troye Sivan help write a little bit of this song. How cool is that? BTS are so caring. I love artists - that BTS give a chance to and allow them to have little involvement in their song - and not claim that it's entirely their work. *Cough Cough* People who use others for clout disgust me, they should be ashamed. However, it's our job to not give them people attention BECAUSE that's what THEY WANT. It's okay to feel angry and hurt but it's not angry to make others hurt and angry in return, no matter what they've done.
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