Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Get well soon.

Those three words were enough to fill the empty hole in my heart. It seemed now that it was beating for someone else, because it no longer belonged to me. Moreover the small peck had won over my soul. In all those years I was craving for a little bit of love and I seemed to have got it from a stranger. It may be he did it out of sympathy, who knows? Who cares? I was content with the fact I had received the emotion I was deprived from for so long.

And suddenly like that I found the will to live again. That my life once again had a purpose. To get to know him. I looked at his retreating back, he was so demonic in a handsome manner. I retracted that thought immediately and decided he was in no way demonic, he was just an angel in disguise. He knew there was no bullets in that gun, still he took me to hospital because I fell unconscious.

"We have informed your parents," I think I heard the doctor say. My eyes widen, he left me. I wanted to scream for him to come back but I just couldn't. It seemed as though I was in a state of shock paralysis.

"We are sorry for Mr Montigue's behaviour," He informs me, he looks at the monitor in anxiety. "Nurse! Sedate her immediately!" He shouts, the feeling from before returns. "You must be tired, you need rest. Your parents will be here shortly,"

My breathing feels laboured and my body convulses as my chests heaves up and down.

The nurse runs up to me, pulling the injection from the drawer. Running to my side she pats my wrist injecting its contents into my veins.  

No, not my parents. There will be no University. I will be punished for disobedience.

I wake up feeling hazy, the urge to vomit my guts out, overwhelming my mind. This time I notice the doctor has disappeared and a nurse is sat in the corner reading a book. I shift slightly moving my hands, "You're awake," The feminine voice calls out lifting her head from the book. Placing the book down she walks to my side in slow small strides.

" You suffered from a neurogenic shock which mostly likely occurred from severe emotional disturbance resulting in low blood pressure. The doctor has recommended for you to stay on best rest under the monitoring of hospital care. If it would help the doctor has prescribed some drugs for when you discharge, if you wish to leave early," She says in a professional manner.

"Your parents are on the way," She informs checking the monitors attached to me. She removes my oxygen mask and pats me compassionately on the shoulder while I try to rack some excuses for my parents. I look at the time, it's nearly midnight.

What could I say to them? 

Suddenly the phone rings as the nurse attends to it promptly. She looks at me softly while listening to the other end of the phone.

"Yes she is awake."


The nurse gives me a short glance, "Yes she seems stable."


"Are they doctors orders?"


"Yes I agree,"

"Okay, I will inform her immediately,"

She hangs up, my heart sinking as she walks towards me. Her eyes hold deep sympathy for what she's about to tell me.

"Brace yourself Miss, I have terrible news," She tells me.

"Is everything ok?" I asked worried, my throat slightly dry. "I have had strict orders to tell you but if it was up to me you shouldn't know,"

"What?" I clutch the bed sheets in my hands pushing myself to sit up on the bed, tears threatening to fall. Something terrible is going on, I could feel it.

She intakes a heavy breath, her hands slightly shaking. Closing her eyes she informs me, "Your parents were involved in an accident with an oil truck. They are both dead," She almost cries with a slight quaver in her voice.  

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Jackson wang is my spirit animal! COULLLLDDD YOOUUU LOVE ME THHHEEEE SAMMMMEEEE?!!! *Sings it like RM*

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