Chapter 12
I had spent the night and now the sun was rising. Escape was easy, it required little effort. I was a performer who had mastered the art. Tonight I was going back to the landlord, surely he would allow me to keep my belongings.
Anything worth value, I would sell. I'd rather live on the streets than lie in with Zackary. I had realised that now, the shock was wearing off and now I was calculative.
I could live up to my street name, but I wasn't going to sell the little dignity I still had left in me.
After a little convincing I gathered everything I had in a rugged suitcase, grabbing my phone which had been confiscated I called Alexis. I just wanted to hear his voice. On the first call, nobody answered. Deciding to leave it, I walked away handing back the keys.
Walking to the nearest library, I logged into the computers. I've had a training on IT before, I had hoped it was enough for a punny liitle job at Techno. It had been my dream to work under Lex tech but it was too prestigious and demanding for a employee like me to get accepted. It's one of the most leading companies in electronics with lots of national and international branches. Lex tech manufactures and regulate electronics which are then sold to other companies. They mostly get orders on how companies want their products, they even provide the government with the latest gadgets to be used.
In short, other companies produce the idea and Lex tech make it a reality. I had done my research and the one thing required was a masters degree to work in any field of the Lex tech. I wanted to go back to University to do the 2/3 years course to get my masters but I had no tuition fees. It was unaffordable so I sat back a year to work in a small business down the street, the pay was low due to the fact it was a rough area and I was in a unpopulated town. Still with my pay it would be insufficient enough for me to like in a apartment by myself. The least I go do with that money was buy tinned food to feed myself. Getting my dream job would have to mean I'd move into the city which was a few minutes away. The living expense was too much in the city which consisted of the upper class.
So I was surprised when I opened my email to see that Lex Tech company had emailed me. For the first time I felt my heart beat through my chest. In anticipation, I stared wide eyed at the screen. I had applied to a training programme, Lex Tech's CEO had a special scheme that you could apply with any degree or qualification for your desirable job in Lex Tech company. Since I had a bachelor's degree in IT I fit the criteria. They trained you with all the expenses paid and on top of that a chance to live in Lex Tech homes for a year free of charge (covering all your costs). The criteria applied from ages 18-25, and no masters degree was required. It was a once in a year/lifetime opportunity and out of the billion people who applied what were the chances that I was going to get chosen? So with shaking hands I opened the mail quickly scanning through the text.
I couldn't understand a single thing. Had I been accepted or rejected?
You have been accepted into the scholarship training programme, congratulations Ms. Jones.
I couldn't help it, the girl inside me squealed in excitement. This was an international billionaire branch. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, I didn't care about the glances I received from around. I was happy, ecstatic, over the moon. I spun in my chair my arms out inviting the air to hug me. Maybe it was my parents rewarding me from above, they must know the truth now that they're in the stars.
My mood suddenly dropped as I slouched in my seat. My parents, dead parents, my brother. He must know by now about their deaths. He must be here, in this shitty town. I had to go see him to tell him the good news. I had to, this was a new beginning for me. A new chapter, a fresh start to becoming independent and successful. I had to thank my parents even if they were in a coffin getting ready to be buried 6ft underground.
Never in my life did I think this day would come. I'd finally be away from Zackary, away from the pain, away from the lies, away from my dead parents. Just away.
My phone rings in my hand and this time the people around me glare at me for their disturbance. I scan the screen, it reads 'Private'. Rushing to a deserted corner I pick up the call.
"Hello?" I say, my voice giddy. I hide behind the bookcase, like a child playing hide and seek waiting to be caught.
"It's Alexis, I'm sure you know me," A thick angry voice deepens my mood.
"Alexis?" I breath.
"Yes Alexis," The uncanny reply comes.
Alexis Montigue.
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Billie Eilish is so cool, from such a young age she has achieved so much - bless her. She amazingly talented with her brother Finneas. I hope they never stop making music. This song in particular really breaks my heart because I can relate to it.
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