Ascension - HooH

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After the creation of the universe, life started to appear on multiple planets, be it intelligent or not.
On a planet called Regnum, appeared the first intelligent species. These beings were never names, however it was known that their bodies were very simple, a gathering of different geometrical shapes, they were mostly green because they used Photosynthesis in order to survive.
They thrived for a long time, but when the Leviathans arrived that peace was long forgotten, for this species either saw the Leviathans as gods, either saw themselves as gods and the Leviathans subjects, when the Leviathans arrived they started devouring the fresh fruits and the trees, as well as some children of the native species of the planet.
Some people decided that they were unhappy gods who demanded something. So they started offering them things, whilst some believed that they were made to destroy these demons.

There was one who didn't believe either.
He called themselves Threth, and whil they weren't the most recognized of their kind they left a big impression.
Seing the absolute chaos the Leviathans have brought, instead of trying to please them, or to annihilate them, they decided to make a contract with the Leviathans, where they somehow managed to make them only devour the things on one half of the planet, while his race thrived on the other side. After this, only good results came forth, everyone was pleased, and everything went smoothly from then.
Seeing the stability balance gave, they were devoted to keeping this balance, and they were so determined that when the Leviathans started devouring the things on the other side of the planet, Threth ascended in order to stop them and keep the balance of things, thus becoming who we know today as HooH.
They are the oldest aeon, and they lived for a long time. They make sure they are alive in order to pursue in their goal of perfectly balancing the world.
They gained their scales right after they ascended, they were extremely unbalanced at the time. Not knowing what they were, the curious HooH held out a hand to balance the scales, and as they did, almost all of the Leviathans on their planet had vanished.

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