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"So Fred and George kind of made our room prank central over Christmas. Anything fun happen here?" Zac asked as he and Marlene were walking hand in hand down the corridorย 

Marlene nodded, "I got to run as a wolf, in the snow. In the snow Zac. Do you know how strange that feels but amazing at the same time? It's...something special."ย 

"So having the rest of them, does that make it better?" Zac askedย 

Marlene nodded, "Running with them, through the woods is one of the best feelings I've ever had then waking up again in the cave knowing that I didn't hurt anyone or was hurt myself...oh no they look like they're on a mission."ย 

Just then Harry, Ron and Hermione came running down the corridor, "There was a mass breakout from Azkaban. The Ministry have said that it was Sirius." Hermione saidย 

Marlene sighed, "Of course they did."ย 

. . . . . . .

The group were walking down the aisles of tables in the great hall as Hermione said, "Dumbledore warned Fudge this could happen he's gonna get us all killed because he can't face the truth."ย 


They stopped walking when they saw Seamus stand up, "I er... I wanted to apologise. Now even my mum says the Prophet's version of things don't add up. So what I'm really trying to say is that...I believe you."ย 

Harry nodded, "Thanks Seamus."ย 

. . . . . . .ย 

In the room of requirement Marlene walked towards Neville who was standing in front of the notice board, "Neville?"ย 

Neville was looking at the picture of the Original order, "14 years ago a Death Eater named Bellatrix Lestrange used a Cruciatus Curse on my parents. She tortured them for information but...they never gave in. I'm quite proud to be their son but I'm not sure I'm ready for everyone to know just yet."ย 

Marlene nodded, "I get it." She pointed to her mum on the picture, "That's my mum. She was betrayed by someone she thought was her friend and he killed her. Framed..." She pointed to Sirius, "My dad for all of it, took away both of them..."ย 

"He didn't do any of those things?" Neville askedย 

Marlene shook her head, "None of it...we're going to make them proud Neville that's a promise."ย 

"Thank you." Neville saidย 

"For what?" Marlene askedย 

"You help and believe in me when no one else does".

Before Marlene could reply Harry and the rest of the group walked in

. . . . . . .ย 

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up." Harry said as he was walking around the group as they were trying to make Patronus'sย 

"Can you do this?" Theo asked as he walked over to Marleneย 

Marlene nodded as she took out her wand, "Expecto Patronum."ย 

A white light flew out of Marlene's wand and took the shape of a wolf, it ran around the room before disappearing, "Yeah that makes sense." Theo said as he began to walk away but Marlene grabbed his arm, "Hey have you seen Monty or Jasper they're not here."ย 

Theo shook his head, "No...that's weird right?"ย 

"I mean last time this happened Jasper was being held upside down over stairs." Marlene said

Theo nodded, "I'll go see if Adam knows."ย 

Marlene walked over to Zac who was sitting on the window ledge, "You not doing it?"ย 

"I can already do it." Zac saidย 

Marlene gave him a look, "And you didn't tell me! Show me." Zac shook his head, "Oh come on why not?"ย 

Zac took his wand out, "Expecto Patronum."ย 

A white light came out of Zacs wand and it took the shape of a wolf, "I wasn't expecting that one." Marlene saidย 

"It was a fox...then it changed...because of the way I feel about you."ย 

Before Marlene could reply the floor started to shake, the lights were flickering and they could hear a rumbling noise

Everyone gathered towards the door, and they all held up their wands when the mirror shattered

Harry grabbed Nigel and pulled him back as the wall exploded. Zac grabbed Marlene and moved her behind him as rock flew towards them.

Behind the wall was Umbridge, Filch and some Slytherins.ย 

Draco pulled Monty and Jasper from the side, "Get them!"

. . . . . . .

Marlene was walking down the corridor when she saw Kingsley, "Kingsley." Kingsley stopped walking and turned around, "What's going on?"ย 

Kingsley looked around before he said, "They wanted to take Dumbledore to Azkaban."ย 

"Wanted? They didn't do it?" Marlene askedย 

"Of course not, he got away...Umbridge is the new Headmistress but don't panic she can't expel people...yet, plus I threatened her if she tried to expel you so just be careful and stay out of trouble." Kingsley saidย 

Marlene nodded as she turned around and saw Filtch trying to pry of Marlene McKinnon's painting, "Oh hell no." Marlene said as she started to run towards themย 

Kingsley sighed, "What did I just say?"ย 

"What the hell are you doing?" Marlene asked as she stopped in front of Filtchย 

Filtch turned around, "Taking down the paintings."ย 

Marlene got in between Filtch and the painting, "Try it. See what happens."ย 


"No. You're not taking this down" Marlene said interrupting

Just then Marlene's wand got flown out of her hand and onto the ground, she turned around and saw Umbridge with Draco, Blaise and Goyle behind her, "Step away Miss Lupin...Black."ย 

When Marlene didn't move, Draco pulled her backwards, she looked up at him, "Hey cuz."ย 

"You're no family of mine. Halfbreed." Draco saidย 

Marlene chuckled, "Sorry to disappoint."ย 

Filtch took off the painting from the wall and Umbridge stepped forwards when she saw the small hallway then the door, "Well...what do we have here."ย 

"Professor please." Marlene said as Umbridge opened the doorย 

The group walked into the room and Draco pushed Marlene into the middle of the room, "Well this looks cosy." He saidย 

Umbridge walked over to the wall and saw the claw marks that were scratched into it, "Well..."

Marlene started to back up towards the wall and picked up some of the Weasleys flash bombs that were in a hole in the wall, "Ready to admit what you are?" Umbridge askedย 

"Not quite yet." Marlene said as she threw the flash bombs, they all ran out of the room and once Marlene got out her wand flew into her hand, she locked the door and waved her wand over the door and it disappearedย 

She turned around and saw Draco, Blaise, Goyle, Filtch and Umbridge rubbing their eyes, "What door? If I remember correctly Kingsley Shacklebolt said you can't expel me so...checkmate...headmistress." Marlene said as she walked past themย 

Thank you for readingย 

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