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"... she's pouting... isn't she..?" Mitsue asked, setting the oven for his sponge cake to bake. He watched as you violently rolled the gumpaste.

"She totally is..." Hano nodded, smoothing the fondant on the cake. The other members also nodded.

"Wonder what senpai is mad about?" One of the first years asked, decorating the cupcakes.

'...I'll squish that bug flat.' You thought as you rolled the gumpaste. It's been a few days. And you haven't seen or heard a thing from that midget. Everyone was quite surprised by how you were acting lately. Never, and I mean never have you worked while showing any signs of emotion.

"Now, now, let's leave the empress alone..." Mitsue chuckled, clapping his hands and telling the others to keep working. He walked over to you, tapping your shoulder and making you pause your work, going back to normal, ice block mode. "(L/N)-san, please remember to show only intended emotions in your work. No outside entities, only love and happiness. It's the first thing you thought us."

You nod, taking a deep breath and getting rid of your anger. 'I'm getting to worked up...' You thought, calmly placing the gumpaste on the dough sheeter. 'He's the eighth seat anyway...'

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"Alright! Thank you for your hard work!" Mitsue said to the driver as the truck drove away from the building. 'Well... now that's taken care of. I need to talk to the empress...'

He made his way back inside the building and went to the third floor, on the white door and entered. "Empress, everything has been taken care off and the order is on their way."

Yes, you've turned this whole RS into a business and made a name for yourself outside of school and gained a lot of customers. But just like any important students in the school, your service needs at least a five month reservation. There was one rich young master that wanted you to make his wedding cake, for next month.

Let's just say that he was never allowed to step into Totsuki ever again. It's nice to have connections sometimes.

You motioned for him to come closer. You then handed him a letter that was unopened. It looked hella cute and that only meant one thing. Ever since first year, there was someone that wanted you to work for them.

"Ah... looks like the fourth seat is coming later..." He mumbled, opening it and reading through the contents. "Looks like she's here for the same reason... well at least she sent a word in advance, unlike someone."

You placed your fork on the plate harder than you should've. 'Get the preparations ready... I'll make desserts...' One look and it was enough for him to know what you were thinking.

"Understood, empress." He said with a closed eye smile, placing the letter on the table. "I'll tell everyone to prepare and get your kitchen ready." With one last boy, he left the room.

The white door on the third floor was meant for your use and private use only. Like when family comes to visit, this is where they would be served. Only you, Atsue and Hano are the only ones that can use this. And if the other members want to use this room, they would have to show that they have the capabilities to.

Well, you did personally train Atuse and Hano and they trained the other members, so everyone here at least has the skill to survive in Totsuki. And also that title of Empress started as a little joke from the nickname you got in junior high, but now it stuck to them, so you have to bear with that nickname.

'Well then... time to make something that the fourth seat will like..' You stood up from your chair, taking the plate with you and made your way outside. 'And declined her again.'

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"Finally!" Kuga exclaimed, jumping out of the chair and holding into the various papers in his hands. What is he doing, you ask. Well, he's kept thinking of what to make for you. There was a lot of food in Sichuan Cuisine that he couldn't pick one, so he made a list and he wanted you to pick one.

He just didn't expect it to take a few days to list them off.

"Now, time to go to (Y/N)-chin 'empire'!" He rushed out of his RS building, a few of his members following behind him. He skipped along happily, swinging his arms on his side as if he was running through a field of flowers with a pretty sundress. 'What kind of description was that!?'

The members also seemed happy. Hell, they were also imagining the same thing as Kuga. Well, how could they not be excited? The last time they went there they had hands-on experience of a high-class restaurant. And had mouth-watering desserts and snacks, even the tea tasted expensive.

Now that Kuga knew the right way to the building, he didn't get lost. But, just as they got closer and closer, two figures he knew a lot suddenly got clearer.

"Ah?" They all stopped walking, glancing over each other, wondering what the other was doing there. "What are you doing here?" They asked each other. "Pastry and Sweets RS." They answered at the same time.

"Hmph... Momo was the only one who gave them a letter..." Akanegakubo Momo, also known as the current fourth seat and the top patissier in the school, with you just behind her. Well, not like you want to be the top anyway. "Momo should be the only one here."

"Aw~ don't be like that! I also wanted to try the so-called 'Empress of the North' sweets! I'm not going to say snake because snakes obviously cannot live in the cold. I'm going to make Tsukasa change her nickname!" Kobayashi Rindo, the second seat of the elite ten. "What are you doing here, Kuga? Still trying to recruit her?"

Momo squished Bucchi upon hearing what Rindo just said.

"Not really." Kuga shrugged. "Just call it a friend visiting a friend!" He laughed, crossing his arms and walking with the two, Momo still glaring at Kuga.

The walk was quite... noisy. Kuga and Rindo were talking a lot, well they were mostly arguing while Momo just walked ahead of them.

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"Welcome, fourth seat, Akanegakubo-sama. We have pre...pared...?" Mitsue couldn't finish his usual greeting as he stared at the group in front of him. 'Well this was more than we hoped would come... now we have the second and eighth seat... no matter. As someone who works in this empire, this is-'

"See, only Momo was invited." Momo said, glaring at the two people behind her. "Leave. Momo wants to talk with (Y/N)-myan."

"Buuuuut, I walked all the way here!" Rindo complained. "I wanted to try out the 'Empress' sweets since I haven't tried them!"

"There is no need to argue." Mitsue said in a calm one, calming the three seats before they started arguing. "In our RS, we make sure that we are ready to take and entertain our guests! So having a few more people isn't a problem!"

He clapped his hands and a few people moved away from the line of students and into the third floor while the others went to the kitchen.

"Now then, since adjustments take time, allow me to show you to the reception room." Mitsue led the three of them in the reception room and they took a seat while he and Kuga's members stood to the side.

"Wow, that great service! This is my first time here and I feel like I just went into a high class restaurant!" Rindo said, helping herself with the snacks prepared on the table. "How did you do it!?"

"Thank you for your words, Kobayashi-sama." Mitsue said with a smile. "(L/N)-sama was the one who personally implemented this service for guests and business partners. Everyone here is trained and taught how to serve and cook."

'That's amazing...' Kuga thought, examining the room. He didn't come here last time. He was shown to the silver door and left after 'talking' with you that time.

"Mitsue-san, the room is prepared." A member said.

"Now, then, dear guest, please follow me to your room."

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"(Y/N)-myan. Work for me after you graduate." Momo said, taking a picture of the cute piece of blueberry cheesecake. It was the one you made, for Momo, and not for the extra guests that came out of the blue.

You shook your head, refusing her proposal again. You had no plan working for anyone. 'I'm already starting my own business anyway. All I need to do now is to graduate and I'm done.'

"This is amazing!" Rindo cheered, eating more of the fruit tart that were made because they suddenly showed up. "It's a shame that I didn't come here sooner! If I did, I wouldn't have to share them!"

"But still, how come Momo-senpai is the one who gets the blueberry cheesecake?!" Kuga complained, not satisfied with his food. "(Y/N)-chiiin! I came to visit you but you didn't even give me the one you made!"

'Because she's originally my guest and you two didn't send word that you were going to come. And those tarts were available because the second years are making some. And also because Momo-senpai said not to give you two some.'

Rindo chuckled, already finished two plates, her eyes glued on the cheesecake in display. Within a flash, two pieces were gone and placed in front of Kuga and Rindo, making.

"Hey, that was Momo's!" Momo pouted, pinching Bucchi.

And so, they began to argue in the background while you just ate your food, watching them argue. What a nice host you are. 'Honestly, it's hard to believe that these three are part of the elite ten...'

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