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"if you had my love and i gave you all my trust, would you comfort me?"

                            2 WEEKS LATER

Over the last 2 weeks, Ashtray made a schedule on when he should visit Aria. He would go Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5:30 pm. For some reason he couldn't Aria out of his head. He learned her name from her name tag which he should've done before if im being honest. But anywho, the days he would come he would always observe her. Her blackish hair that turns brown when the sun shines on her. Her wavy hair, her bubbly personality, her soft skin, the way she talke- ok you get the point.

Ashtray has a slight crush on her. Fezco, Ashtrays brother, also picked up on the new behaviour where he would disappear at 5:30 pm on those specific day. He didnt know what it was but he would eventually question it to him. Aria had also noticed how Ashtray would come on the dot at the specific days and time.

Ashtray trusted Aria, even though the two only talked when he was ordering his new favourite drink, hot chocolate. Just one glance at her and it feels like you can tell her anything. Which was true, she never judged, she listened, gave good advice. Ashtray knew by looking at her, she meant absolutely no harm at all.

It was Saturday and it was almost closing time, my brother, Alex, went to a meeting. So i had to close up by myself. No one was here so i started sweeping and closed up. Once i was out the door i swiped my hand against my blue plaid skirt and tucked in my white shirt a bit more. I didnt have my dinner yet, the corner store was still open so i make my way over. When i enter i see a ginger buzzcut with a beard and a girl with slightly curly hair in a bun and a blue and maroon dress and....Tattoo boy?

i grab a pack of ships and nestea and make my way over so they can ring this up and if they dont work here then..that would be really embarrassing.

"excuse me?" I say nicely

(kindness is always the key..ig)

"yo wassup" the Ed sherron looking guy says, his voice is very calming in soothing to be honest

"need me to ring that for you?" Tattoo boy says kindly

the ginger beard and the girl looks confused, not sure why

see now just because i knew Aria and Lexi my whole life it doesn't mean they met. I mentioned both to each other but they never met

"uh yes please" i say still puzzled at the confused face

"$6.45" he says

"Im fezco, but call me fez, and thats Lexi and ashtray" he says pointing, i nod

I quickly pay and run out of there, don't blame me the three were just staring

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