I Know

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In honour of season two coming out. I finished season one.

Pope was getting the boat de-attstched.
Kie was restocking the food. I was placing in the gas for the boat.
And JJ was making sure everything worked perfectly. So we were both on the engine part.

"Hey Kayla, you sure your okay?" He asked breaking the silence between the pair of us and I looked up at him nodding.

"Yes JJ I can handle a push or two." I told him and he nodded but he still didn't believe me. Yeah I got hurt bad on my back. But not as bad as JJ. He probably got kicked where he was just healing from his dad.

"Wanna talk about the whole boyfriend-"

I cut him of completley but passionately kissing him. I hope that gave him the right idea.

I pulled away and he stood there not knowing how to react and I just grinned at him. "There's your answer."

He just grinned keeping his mouth shut carrying on upgrading the engine and I was completley done.

"We should re-create the Titanic scene." JJ shit out of nowhere and I just widened my eyes looking at him. I let out a laugh shaking my head.

"No thanks. That's more of a you and Pope thing." I stated and Pope turned his head towards us hearing his name.

"You don't like the Titanic?" JJ asked and I nodded.

"Of course I do. But it's just stupid to think that you can fall in love with a person in like what fourty eight hours and then do everything to spend the rest of your lives with eachother."

JJ just starred at me listening about me complaining about movies. He was actually listening.

"There is one reason why I watched that movie. One specific blonde." I said talking about a specific young Leo.

"I guess your into blondes." JJ grinned and i just shook my head. "Nah, more into brunettes."

I teased sarcastically and JJ wrapped his arms pulling me closer to him placing a kiss on my lips.

"Your not funny." JJ said and that was a complete lie. I'm quite humourous. It's just more of a dark sensitive humour.

"So you didn't cry when watching it?" JJ asked and I nodded. Oh god I bawled my eyes out. Who didn't. It's Titanic.

"A tear or two slipped out. You?"

"Oh I cried. A lot." He admitted and I just giggled. "But then again I was high." He excused. Not a valid excuse.

"Your always high. I get high just from making out with you."

I told him and he knew it was true. "I think we should test that." JJ said and just shook my head. I'm not done complaining.

"Although one thing I hated about the movie was that she could've easily saved him. Like why did the bitch have to take up that much space. She could've moved over. There was more space on the freaking door!" I yelled annoyed.

Everyone just starred at me and JJ broke out of laughter as he starred right down at me cupping my cheeks pecking my lips.

"Kayla Carrera, I somehow manage to like you more every day." JJ said and I just smiled by his statement.

"Dude, where is he?" Kie asked starting to get worried as we were unraveling the last parts of the phantom.

"He'll be here. Give him a second." Pope told us and We heard sirens approaching us.

We all started freaking out. "Get back on the boat guy!" I yelled as the cop car approached us.

"Wait. No way." JJ stopped us and I looked up to see John B walking out the cop car.

"No fucking way." I said just starring at him casually walking towards us.

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin." He said and Kiebopened up her arms hugging him letting out a small chuckle.

"Okay I'll believe that. For now." Kie said hugging him and I walked over to him hugging him aswell.

"Well I can tick of riding a cop car of my bucket list." I told him and they all laughed.

"It wasn't easy, bro, but I got the Phantom for you, and she runs like she was made yesterday." JJ told him as he patted his shoulders placing the keys in his hands.

"Where's Sarah?" He asked and we all furrowed our eyes.

"She's not with you?" Pope asked and he shook his head.

"No, we got separated in the swamp.She said she'd meet me here." He told us but we all looked confused. Where the hell was she.

"No, we haven't seen her." Pope told him. "Okay, well, I'm not leaving without her."

He said and I scoffed. "Someone knock some sense into him." I told them and they all just started at me.

"I volenteer." JJ raised his hand. "John B, look at me. I know you feel bad for leaving, but there's no time, man. You've got plenty of gas, plenty of food. Once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp, okay? Once you get there, lay low, all right? Hang out for a couple of weeks and then go overland, cross the border at Brownsville,
you got that?"

JJ explained all the directions to him and John B just nodded along recalling everything JJ said.

"Brownsville." He repeated remembering it.

"All right. Saddle her up." JJ said looking towards me and I untied the rope letting the boat free and I walked back to join JJ as he placed his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer.

"So did you guys finally happen?" He asked looking at me and JJ and we just grinned and I pecked his lips.

"We were bound to break the rules anyway."

No pogue in pogue macking.

"Hey guys. In sorry for basically throwing us of a cliff. With this whole treasure hunt thing." John B said and we just grinned looking towards him.

"Hey, John B, yo...we were bound to run off a cliff at some point, right?" JJ said and we all nodded joining together looking up at him.

"Yeah." He let out a painful laugh.

"At least we did it together, though." JJ added.

"Pogue style."

We all had another moment before we realised he really had to get the hell out of here.

"Now go please." Kie told him and he nodded starting to set of. "Yeah before we see me cry. Not a pretty view." I told them and they all laughed.

"We'll see you in two months down in Mexico." Pope told him and he nodded tearing up as he hopped in the boat.

"Hey, wait... wait a second. Tell Sarah I said goodbye, okay?" He asked and we all nodded assuring him.

"Don't forget.
Cross the border at Brownsville, okay?" I reminded and he nodded.

"Got it."

We helped push the boat of as he started driving away and we all watched him go. JJ looked back at me and he smiled as he looked down at me.

He cupped his hands against my face and wiped my tears away. "I never believed the Kayla could cry."

JJ said trying to make me laugh and he did. He pulled me in for a hug and I looked over to Pope and Kie talking.

"You wanna talk about the whole boyfriend thing?" JJ raised his brow at me.

"I think we should wait till all of this is actually over. Then I promise you. It'll be you and me." I told him smiling at him as I slowly pressed my lips against his.

"That okay with you?" I asked and he nodded grinning. "Yep, yep deffinetly okay with me."

I looked over to see Pope and Kie kissing and I widened my eyes. Yeah I think that was way to much of a pitty kiss.

I heard sirens coming closer near by and I looked at JJ immediately ready to run. "Sorry to ruin the party but we gotta go right now."

JJ said but it was to late way to many cars parked up Infront of us.

Well this was deffinetly not part of the plan.

All you could see was flashing lights. They were leading us through the many cops surrounding us. The entire sherfis department was here.

They sat the four of us down talking to us but I couldn't hear a word they were saying. I was scared, for once. There's a storm, there's no way they're gonna make it unless they hide somewhere.

JJ realised I was starting to panic as he held onto my shaky hand holding it still and I placed my head on JJ's shoulder hugging his arm.

"JJ there's a storm. What if-"

"Kay, don't worry okay. They're gonna make it." JJ assured and I nodded along. He was trying to make it better but it wasn't working.

I was starting to hyperventilate. I couldn't control my breathing. "Kay. Hey focus." JJ tried but I couldn't.

"Kay, you need to calm down." Kie tried aswell but nothing was working. I couldn't breathe. I was having a panik attack.

"Kayla, look at me okay. Breathe." JJ told me and I shook my head. I could tell that a lot of cops were starting to stare.

"I can't breathe." I struggled and JJ held onto my hand not looking away. "Can we have some water please!"

Pope yelled at them and one of them immediately rushed towards me as JJ held the cup of water trying to give it to me.

"Hey count to ten with me okay?" JJ told me and I nodded. He slowly held up each finger and I started to count along.

I inhaled each time and slowly let my breath out holding it. It worked. I was able to controll my breathing after and JJ handed me the water as I took a sip out of it.

"You good?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah. I'm okay." I told him and he wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer towards him as I lay my head on his chest.


We had been waiting to hear some news for a while now. Kie looked like she was about to cry. JJ had his head down but he kept his hand locked with mine.

Officers walked in out from the storm and they didn't look to happy that's a good sign right?

We all stood up walking to them. "Did you find them?" Pope asked and Shoupe shook his head.


"So they got away?" Kie assumed and he shook his head again.

"We uh... We lost them. I'm sorry." Shoupe told us and I widened my eyes. "What do you mean lost them? Like they're dead?" I asked and he didn't know what to say to us.

"They took an open boat to a tropical depression Kayla." Shoupe told me and I could feel JJ starting to get mad.

"So they're dead." Kie said straight up and Shoupe shrugged. "We don't know."

"You don't know!" I raised my voices at them. "You drove them straight through the storm man! Are you kidding!"

JJ raced out for them trying to fight them but they were restraining him. "JJ! Hey get of off him!" I yelled at them racing out to JJ but one of the officers held me back.

"You killed my friends!" I screamed at them trying to reach out for them but I looked at JJ and his eyes were settled on someone behind me.

I turned my head to see my mom hugging Kie and my dad looked at me sympathetically. He opened his arms out and I ran towards him as he held me in his arms.

"Dad they're dead." I cried out and he just nodded trying to hush me. "I know."
I looked back at my mom who looked back at me and I hugged her for the first time.

"I'm sorry mom."
"Me to baby."

I pulled away looking over at JJ and he had no one to hug. He looked over at me and Heyward pulled him into a hug.

I walked over to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a hug as he cried out not my shoulder. He pulled me in tightly.

"He's fucking gone JJ." I cried out and he nodded.

"I know Kay. I know."

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