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"It's alright, I understand..." he said.

"Hoseok! I know you are mad... I just wanted to give you a chance..." I tried to convince him on the phone. I had told him I was dating Jimin the past week and he has been avoiding me since then.

"I already told you it's alright." He was clearly irritated.

"If it's alright then why are you talking to me like that?" I yelled at the phone.

"Y/n..." He signs in frustration.

"How can I be friends with you again? You know I have feelings for you... and whenever I see you with Jimin..." He stops.

"Alright... I'm sorry..." I said and cut the call holding back my tears.

It has been a week since I have tried convincing him. I have apologised countless time and tried my best to make up to him but I guess we will never go back to being best friends. I mean what can I do? I just don't see him that way...

I got up from my bed and headed downstairs to get some snacks and halfway I heard that person talking to someone... I could hear a female voice respond as well... I guess he bought someone over. Not wanting to face him I made my way back annoyed. 'It's my house and why am I not able to walk around freely' I frowned entering my room.

Not having anything to do I walk up to my study table and pick my new diary. I lost my old one a few days ago, at first I freaked out like hell and searched for it everywhere but there was no sign of it. Later I thought who would want to know about my boring life and let it go.

Dear Diary,
It has been a week since Jimin and I started going out and a week since I lost my old diary.... The past week as been quite eventful like... I was happy Dad was home but that creepy guy was staying at our house as he convinced dad that he was facing some kind of financial problem, I mean yeah you could say that just by just looking at him, so yeah I had to see my so-called uncle's face every day the past week. I try my best to ignore him but he always tries to start a conversation with me whenever he sees me.
Apart from home... I think I lost someone dear to me. It doesn't seem I can go back to being friends with Hoseok... He says he can't go back to being friends with me after I turned down his confession... I guess I get it... but what can I do if I don't feel the same way back.
As people say "You have to lose something to gain something...". I totally get what it means.
But the happiest part is Jimin. He isn't who I knew before, he is very caring towards me and does not let me feel lonely. He is everything I wished. It feels like I began a new life after my old diary disappeared in the blue...

~Next day at school~

"Y/niee~" Jimin called as he came and beside me with his lunch tray.

"Finally you are here," I said smiling at him playfully.

"Ahh... the line at the food counter was long..." He said handing me my chopsticks.

"Now show me how much you have practised."

I hold up my chopsticks and try to pick the kimchi. But again it was a fail... I picked it up again but it slipped through the sticks.

"Aishh!! I have been practising so hard to handle these damn sticks!" I cursed.

"Calm down y/n... things can't be learnt overnight, Just keep practising." He said patting my back.

I grabbed the spoon which was lying beside my plate with a pout on my face.

He chuckled looking at me and started chugging down his food.

We left to hang out in the school's terrace after finishing our food. We had been going there after lunch every day. It's so windy and peaceful there.

We were heading upstairs holding hands when I suddenly spotted Hoseok getting down the stairs.
I was going to greet him but he just walked past me.. just like that, we did not even have eye contact. After yesterday's conversation, it really felt like we are going back to being strangers.


I noticed how her face shrank when Hyung passed by us without even acknowledging us.

He has been like that for a week now, he has been ignoring and avoiding me at home and the others are also upset after knowing what happened. I tried to talk to him during everyday conversations but he acts like I don't exist. I am sad that he is not talking to me but it was Y/n's choice to choose between us and she chose me... why does he have to be harsh towards me...

"Hey! You okay?" I tapped her shoulder as we reached the terrace.

"Yea.. yaa totally!" She formed an obvious fake smile. She sat down crossing her legs.

"Wanna study together today?" I asked wrapping my hands abound her waist and side hugging her as I was sitting beside her.

"Yupp.. sounds good!" She replied.

"Then how about... we study at your place?" I asked holding her.

"My place? You mean my house?" She asked in surprise.

"humhh.." I nodded as I was resting my chin on her shoulder signing yes.

"Jimin I think I told you Dad is home."


" 'So'?! Yah are you kidding me?! Dad would tease the life out of me if he finds out that I really got a boyfriend!" She turned towards me.

"So, you don't want me to meet you, dad, as your boyfriend?" I pouted.

"Yahh! it's not like that..." She looked down.

"I was just kidding... We can't go to my place as Hoseok Hyung will be there... That's why I asked if we can go to your place." I clarified.

After a while, the bell rang and we went to our classes, the lectures were boring and all I could do is stare at Y/n, there is something about her that naturally attracts me... She is so different from others... whenever I am near her it feels like I can loosen up and I unconsciously let my guard down. I can't put it into words how happy I am when she's around.

At first, I mentally cursed the teacher who made me sit beside her but now I am mentally thanking her for it. It's so nice being near her... It feels peace.



"I am home!" I yelled as I threw my shoes to the side and entered the living room.

"Ohh... Hey Y/n!" That person greeted with his signature creepy smile. I just gave him a dusting look and asked where's dad.

He informed he was in his office room doing some work.

I walked up to my room and freshen up before Jimin comes over to study.

After an hour while I was scrolling through my phone I heard the house bell ring. I rushed down to open the door as I did not want anyone else not that person in particular to open the door.

I let him in and we headed to my room to study. I was so excited to show him my room so I had cleaned and decorated it as soon as I came home.

"Woah... I like your room." He said as he jumped on my bed.

"Yeah? Thanks." I giggled.

"We decided to study chemistry right?" I asked as he was taking out his books.
He hummed in response.

As we were going to begin

"Y/n, can I use the washroom real quick?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I smiled. Then I remembered my washroom's tap was not working.

"Jimin-ah my washroom's tap is not working, I'll show you the way to the other washroom downstairs," I said getting out of my bed.

"Y/n... I know the way don't worry." He said making me sit.

He got out of my room and headed down, 'He knows the way as he has been here before so I don't need to worry.' I thought.

I quickly got out of the bed and stood in front of the mirror checking my dress and hair.

I went back and started sliding through the pages of our thick chemistry book.


It had been 20 minutes and there was no sign of Jimin. 'Did he clog the toilet down there?' I thought as I was going to walk down when suddenly the door banged open.

It was Jimin, He was red as a tomato and his eye was teary, He rushed towards his belongings and started stuffing his books into his backpack hurriedly.

"Jimin! Where were you? What took you so long?" I asked seeing him act like that.

He finished packing he was about to open the door. I quickly grabbed his arm as he was about to open the door.I was clueless about why he was acting like this.

"Jimin! What happened?". He looked at me with a cold expression. That cold eyes.. colder then those eyes which he used to give me before we became friends.

"Let's break up."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter:)


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