"Damn, Meech! Why you keep fucking that part up?!"
Jayce yelled out at Meech as she continued to screw the same dance move up. I swear, if Kameron and I wasn't considered a handful, then you definitely have to come across these two.
"My fault, I'm trying to get it right!"
"Are we sure this duo shouldn't be called Jayce & Meech instead? Cause it sure feels like my name should go first."
Jayce snarled at Meech, taking a sip of her water. I sighed and walked over to the two.
"Jayce, calm down. Take it easy on Meech. It's not easy trying to learn how to dance if you've never been used to it before. It's a lot trying to make sure you have the singing and dancing on point at the same time. You both deserve to be in this position, no matter whose name comes first. Would yah like a ten minute break or something so we can get back to it?"
"Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you, Harley."
Meech grabbed her Fanny pack and rushed out of the rehearsal room. Jayce looked at me and I gave her a confusing glare back.
"What's wrong, Jayce?"
"I'm literally the you of this duo. I feel like Meech is the Kameron of it."
"Aye, now that's not a fair comparison. Kameron was into it for a while until she wanted to switch over careers. Meech is just starting out. She might not be the best dancer, but she sure has the voice. Take it easy on her, really. It'll come within time, no one is perfect."
"Yeah, I sure hope so."
"Why don't you go find her and talk to her real quick? I'm telling you right now, this isn't going to go well if you two are at each other's necks."
"Aight, I will."
Jayce grabbed her backpack and then made her way out of the rehearsal room. That's when Cyn, my assistant, walked into the room with the coffee that I asked for.
I definitely needed an assistant if I was going to become a manager. It's enough already managing two people at once, so sometimes you're not going to be able to take care of certain things.
"Here's the coffee that you asked for, Harley."
"Thank you, Cyn. Once again, I really appreciate you."
"You don't have to keep thanking me. This is literally my job."
"Yeah, but I thank you for taking the job. Days like this can be such a handful."
I gently grabbed the coffee from Cyn and took a sip of it. Cyn then looked at me concerned.
"What's wrong? Is everything okay?"
"These two are really something else. People used to think that Kameron and I were bad. Meech and Jayce are like ten times worse than us."
"Do you think that they're trying to compete to be the next you almost? Like the next Harley Parrish?"
"I would sure hope not. I keep telling them that's it's no comparison, we're all different people with different levels of talents."
"Well... you are on your way to being a legend, so it's understandable that they would want to be like you and tried to impress you."
"Makes sense. I don't need none of that extra shit."
Which is true; I don't need all the extra dramatics. I'm just here to give people the same opportunity that Raven once gave me and Kameron.
"I wouldn't want it either. Oh, before I forget, there's a girl outside waiting for one of the girls. I think it's one of their girlfriends. Do you want me to bring her in or...?"
"I'll go out there to see. You've done enough for me. Thank you, though."
I smiled at Cyn before walking out of the rehearsal space. Little more down the hallway was when I seen the girl that Cyn was talking about. As soon as she seen me, her face lit up in pure excitement.
"No fucking way! Harley fucking Parrish! I can't believe it! I know you're Meech and Jayce's manager but oh my god!"
"I'm taking it as you're a huge fan?"
"Hell fucking yes! You and Kameron have been my biggest celebrity crushes for forever! My name is Alexis. People call me Lex for short."
The girl known as Lex smiled her brightest and shook my hand. I smiled back at her and held my arms out for her to get a hug from me.
"You can gimme a hug if you want. I know you want to."
"I can't believe that this is really happening! Thank you!"
Lex giggled nervously and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me into the tightest hug I've had in a while. I smiled and then wrapped my arms around Lex's neck.
"No problem, shorty. So who you here to see? Which one of those aggy asses is your girlfriend?"
"Meech. What happened with them now? Fighting about not getting shit right still?"
"They do that with you too?"
"All the time! I think they're just under pressure because they just want to be perfect in your eyes. They look up to you a hell of a lot."
Who doesn't look up to me at this point? It's nothing new to me.
"They ain't gotta be perfect. Progress and practice is perfection to me. As long as they try their hardest on their craft, nothing can be wrong to me."
"Aye, baby. I see you met the legendary Harley Parrish before I can get the chance to introduce you."
Meech came over to where Lex and I were standing. We realized that we were both still in the hugging position, so we quickly pulled away from each other and let out small chuckles afterwards.
"Yessss! She seems so dope. You guys need to stop driving her crazy with the nagging of who's better."
Lex wrapped her arms around Meech's neck, leaving a kiss on her lips. Meech shrugged and gripped onto Lex's waist, pulling her closer with a smirk.
"Hush yo fine ass up. You know how annoying Jayce can be. Get on my damn nerves."
Suddenly, my phone started to go off with notifications. It went off about four times until I finally grabbed it from my pocket, checking who it was.
Tesehki and her fine ass...
Opening up the messages, I bit my lips at the best site that I've seen all day.
Sehki👅💦; missin you, daddy😏 hurry and cum home🤞🏽
Me; damn girl😩 I can't wait to get my hands on you😍
Sehki👅💦; cum then, papí🥴
Me; waitttt.... How you doing a photo shoot right now? Where is Ro? Ain't you supposed to be at Scotty's?
Sehki👅💦; Ro's downstairs watching TV and I'm upstairs with Scotty🤣
Me; hmmm... I'll see you when I get to the crib, baby🙂↔️
"Helloooo? Earth to Harley? You good?"
I snapped out of my phone as Meech snapped her fingers in my face. Lex laughed as I snapped back into focus at what was going on.
"Yeah, wassup? My fault, I had an emergency."
"Emergency? Yeah, right. Looks more like you might've been having phone sex with Tesehki."
"Not true! She was telling me something about our daughter, I had to make sure she was all taken care of."
"Why you lying, dawg?"
"Nigga, come on! We supposed to be rehearsing for YOUR performance. Let's go."
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