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It's been a month since I left Harley's house. I've been staying with Chrisean since I left. A huge part of me misses Harley, but then the other half of me is still angry at her.

For the past two weeks, I've been fucking around with Jayce, one of the girls who is in the music duo that Harley is currently managing. She wants to go sneak around with Ahna behind my back?

Well, then so be it. Two can play that game.

"Can I ask you a question? And be honest with me?"

Jayce questioned me as we just finished what we've been doing. I don't even know what I've been thinking, her sex isn't even that good. No one can fuck me as good as Harley does. I'm mainly doing it just to get back at her.

"What's up, Jayce?"

"Why do you even stick around Harley? She doesn't even seem like a good person."

"What do you mean? We have our ups and downs, but I still love her. You know I don't have any real interest in you. I'm just fucking you to get back at her."

"What am I supposed to do when she drops me and Meech from her label?"

"She most likely will keep Meech, not you though. Maybe you should've thought about that twice before agreeing to sleep around with me. Just saying."

I shrugged and sat up in Jayce's bed, beginning to get myself dressed. Jayce shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Maybe you two are perfect for each other after all. Have you even heard the new song she just dropped about you? It sounds like she really wants you back."

"Why are you concerned so much about my relationship with Harley? It's none of your business."

"It is my business when you're using me to get back at her. If you two are this toxic, you shouldn't even be together in the first place."

"I have to get back to my daughter. I'm not gonna sit here and listen to someone complain about my relationship when all you are is a wannabe Harley in the first place. By the way, I can see why you have no girlfriend. Your sex game is complete trash."

I laughed and grabbed my purse and keys, slipping my shoes on and starting to walk downstairs. As soon as I opened the front door, I seen Harley about to knock on it.

Shit... this isn't how this was supposed to go...

"Really, Latifa? You ask for space, so I give it to you. You don't come home for already a month, and now you're sleeping with someone I'm managing. Well, it's now was managing cause that shit is a fucking dub now."

"I've only been doing it two weeks. Her sex is garbage anyways. I wouldn't even advise an animal to fuck her."

"So just cause it's been two weeks, that makes it better than a month? Tell Jayce's bitch ass to get down here right now."

"What are you going to do, Harley?"

"Don't question me, Latifa. Call her down here, like I said."

Harley now had a death glare on her face as she was speaking to me. I started getting frightened, because I don't think I ever seen her at this level of angry before.

I quickly backed up front the door, going to the bottom of the stairs.


"What do you want, Tesehki?!"

"Come down here real quick, I need you to do something!"


My heart started to race as I heard Jayce making her way downstairs. As soon as she seen Harley inside of her house, she knew she done fucked up.

"This is what you do? I give you the opportunity of a lifetime, and you go behind my back and screw my girlfriend?!"

"It's not like you deserve her anyways —"


Harley rushed over to Jayce, pinning her up against the wall and holding a gun up to her head. My heart began racing even more. I wasn't sure if she was gonna shoot her in front of me or what.

"Baby, please! Don't shoot her, please! Calm down!"

"You're crazy! Let me fucking go!"

Instead of shooting Jayce, Harley then began to beat Jayce upside her head with the gun. She had to hit her at least twenty times before throwing her to the ground, then spitting on her.

"Let that be the last time you EVER come near my wife! You're dropped from my label! I'll gladly keep Meech. She's the star of the group anyways."

Harley rolled her eyes and snarled, staring me into my eyes. I was terrified cause I didn't know if she was on the verge of hurting me next. I tried backing up, but she gently grabbed my hand and pulled me close to her.

"What's wrong with you? You over here fucking wannabe me's now? You need your space but this is what the fuck you do?"

"Please don't hurt me, Harley... I'm sorry, I'm just hurt. She meant nothing to me. I was literally just using her to get back at you."

"You know I ain't finna hurt you. I would never hurt you. It's been a month. When you gonna stop playing with me and come home with our daughter?"

"Am I supposed to just pretend like you didn't just pistol whip someone in front of me and just come home to you like nothing? Harley, you need anger management. I can't have me and Royalty around your anger."

"I can calm myself down. I just want you guys back home. Please, Tifa? I miss you —"

"You need help, Harley! I've been noticing you spiral out of control for this last month that I've been gone! I've noticed you been lashing out in public, your social media posts have been concerning, you're losing it! And until you get the proper help, I can't be with you. You need to gather yourself together."

It took a long time for me to come to my decision, but I have to let Harley go for good. There's just too much stuff going on, and with all these extra secrets coming out, I'm not sure how much I can actually trust her.

I thought that Harley was the one for me, but it seems like she's never going to be willing to change. She was the same exact way she used to be with Ahna, and I don't ever see her changing her ways.

As much as it hurts me to let her go, it's not the right situation to be in.

"So what, you're breaking up with me?"

"I have to, Harley. You're creating environments that's not healthy for me and Royalty. I can't have her around that. We love you, but we can't. You're not willing to change, and that's fine. But I can't anymore."

"Baby, please. Don't do this to me. You know I love you more than anything —"

"If you loved me, you wouldn't constantly be sneaking around with your ex girlfriend. It's been four years, and you're still keeping contact with her. You don't love me, you just love the idea of me. Maybe dating my celebrity crush wasn't an ideal idea. I just ended up getting hurt in the end. I was stupid to even think that a girl like me can change a celebrity like you."

"Three years down the drain just like that? Do you know how heartbroken Royalty will be? That girl fucking adores me, Tifa. I fucking adore you both. I can't imagine a life without you. Please..."

"I'm sorry, Harley. But this is how it has to be. I wish things were different for us. I love you, and I hope you decide to get the help that you need."

I sadly looked at Harley in her eyes, knowing that this was probably going to be the last time that I would see her in person. It crushed my heart to know that I had to end our relationship like this.

Harley sighed and sadly looked back into my eyes, shaking her head afterwards.

"If you're going to do this, just promise me you'll never let Ro forget how much I love her. And even though you may not feel it, never forget how much I love you too. I just wish things were different. I wish I was different."

"Me too, Harley. Me too."

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