Chapter 11

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Today I had to wake up at 4:30 am. To early for me! Our flight leaves around 6 am. Anyways when my alarm clock went off I quickly hit the off button as it was getting annoying. I tiredly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I jumped into the shower letting the warm water hit my skin making me wake up a little more. One I got out I brushed my teeth then put my tooth brush in my bag.

I put on black tights and an over sized janoskians sweat shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and put foundation on and that's it. I put the bags in my moms car she and Gina are driving us to the air port and we are picking up Daniel and James on the way. "Good morning sweetie" my mom greeted me. "Hi" I mumbled still tired.

Once me and my mom got in the car we parked the car in the brooks drive way so it would be easier for them to put their bags in. Gina greeted me with a hug like always and she hoped in the front with my mom. I sat in the side and Jai slid in next to me. "Good morning beautiful" Jai said and kissed my lips which I lazily returned "good morning babe" I said back. Beau slid in next to Jai but not without giving me a hug. Luke then gave me a quick hug and got in the very back.

When everyone was ready we drove to Daniels house and we waited for him to come out. He put his bags in the back and sat next to Luke in the very back. Next was James and he came out put his bags in and sat with Daniel and Luke. We are finally on our way to the airport.

"Babe wake up!" I heard someone say "Taylor" the voice became familiar. I must have fallen asleep on the way here. My eyes fluttered up and I saw Jai. I got out of the car more awake and got my bags. "I'm so excited" I said and all the boys agreed. Me and Jai held hands as we walked into the airport hearing tons of screaming. I looked around and there where fans everywhere holding signs and guards holding them back. The boys signed some stuff and took pictures since we had time.

Once they where done we went towards our terminal where we would be entering when we board. We where all quit because we where tired. I've never heard them be so quit before it was nice. After a while they announced that our flight so we started to say goodbye to everyone. I hugged my mom and she had tears in her eyes. I wasn't going to see her for 1 and half weeks! Once I was finished saying good bye to my mom I went to Gina.

"Goodbye hunny. I'm going to miss you so much!" She told me while giving me a hug. "I'm going to miss you to Gina!" I told her. After everyone was done saying goodbye they called for the final boarding. We walked through the terminal waving bye and going onto the plane. We all sat in our seats I sat next to Jai across from us was beau and James and behind us Daniel and Luke.

The flight was pretty easy I slept on Jai's shoulder and when I was awake he slept on my shoulder. I was so excited to see my best friends Samantha or Sam and Katie. They don't know I am coming and I can't wait to surprise him. And another thing me and Jai haven't done is tell the fans about us. We hold hands and stuff but we haven't made it official and I want to Do that but I'm scared. I got hate just for being the boys friend imagine being Jai's girlfriend. I'm sure some fans know but we haven't told anyone yet well you know except family ad stuff.

After 14 hours on the plane it was finally time to get off. We all got off the plane and went to look for our bags. It was middle of the day in Florida it's was so bright outside and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. Well guess how we spent that after noon sleeping. Right now it would be late at night in Melbourne so jet lag was kicking in.

After our long... Long nap I woke up it was 7 am the next morning. The rest of the boys where in different rooms my mom bought us a pent house thing at the nicest hotel near where I use to live. There is 3 bedrooms a living room and kitchen and a nice view of the beach. I wasn't sure when the boys would wake up and I was really craving pancakes so I ordered myself room service. Around 8:30 the boys finally woke up. "So... Where should we go today." Luke asked. Jai came out of our room and sat on my lap. "Jai!!" I whined. He chuckled and faced me "I want to tell the fans.." He smiled. "Yeah we should.. I pretty sure most of them know but yeah." I told him. "Beau take a picture of us.!" Jai said and threw his phone to beau.

"Ok 1...2..." Before 3 Jai grabbed my face and kissed me and I kissed back. When we heard the flash go off we pulled away and smiled. Beau looked disgusted it was funny. "I just watched my little brother and one of my best friends make up... Not the best thing to wake up to." Beau remarked and we laughed. I sat on Jai's lap and he edited the picture a little bit and posted it on Instagram, twitter, Facebook, and tumblr all his social media sites. I read the caption he put "my amazing beautiful girlfriend love her

"Ok!! I was thinking we could stop by my Best friends house I haven't seen her in for ever and he little sister she's 14 loves you guys so yeah!" I told them and they all agreed so we went to get ready. I took a shower and put on high waisted shorts and a black crop top with a watermelon on it and I put high top white converse on

-----(I got this off of Bethany she is a YouTuber Look her up she has two account @bethonyslife and @macbarbie07 she has really good fashion style)---

"Let's go!" I cheered as we all got in the elevator and got a taxi we had to take two since there wasn't going to be enough room. We pulled up to her house and we got out and I instantly grabbed Jai's hand. In her drive way I saw a way to familiar car. "Why is he here?" I thought to myself. I got up to sams door and knocked on it. The door opened revealing him. "Um... Hi Taylor.." He said looking confused. "Hi chase." I said slightly confused myself.

"Um SAM! come get the door!" He yelled. He looked down at my and Jai's hand and I could see some jealously in his eyes. "I'm... I'm just going to go.." He said awkwardly and left. "Who was that?" Daniel asked. "Just my ex" I said and I felt Jai's hand tighten. "Who's at the- TAYLOR!" Sam squealed "SAMMY!" I screamed and let go of Jai's hand and hugged her. "Oh my gosh I've missed you so much!" She told me. "I know!!" I agreed. "Sam! You will never believe who Taylors dating-" she was cut off when she came around the corner and saw my "uh hi Taylor" Sammy's little sister Jordan. "Hi Jordan!" I said and hugged her she was just like a sister to me. "So who am I dating?" I asked. She couldn't see who was around the corner "um Jai brooks?" She said.

"Ding ding ding! Correct" I laughed. "Jai! Luke! Beau! Daniel! James! Come here!" I yelled. I saw her eyes widen they all walked over and Jai's hand instantly joined mine again. "Boys this is Jordan, Jordan well you know who these faggots are" I laughed. She squealed and hugged them all and started talking. We all sat on the couch catching up. "So Sam are you and chase dating?" I asked her. "Um yeah... If you don't want me to it's fine! Because you know you guys kinda went out..." She said.

"No! No! It's fine Jai's my boyfriend" I smiled and looked at him. "Aww you guys are so cute." After 15 minutes of talking and catching up I decided we should go see my other best friend Katie. We all got in the car including Sam and Jordan and drove to Katie's. I knocked on the door and she looked up at me "TAYLOR!!!" She screamed and hugged me. "Katie!" I screamed back! We pulled away and looked behind me.

"Katie this is Jai my boyfriend, Luke, and beau, that's Jai's twin brother and older brother and Daniel and James their best friends. Boys this is Katie." I introduced them. "Hi Katie. " they All said at the same time. "Let's go to the beach it's beautiful out!" I suggested. "Yeah!" They all agreed. Me and the boys went back to the hotel and got changed and met back at Katie's and we took 2 cars to the beach.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The beach chapter is going to be in the next chapter since it's long (:

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