[2nd POV]
Things are a bit different today. Usually, you would be training with Danny at the Acorn Castle to further your capabilities on using your Chaos Powers with more ease, but today was different. Earlier today, when you were talking with Sonic and Tails, a large ring appeared above you three and Rouge the Bat flew out of it. The three of you got ready to fight, only for her to start taking about that she wasn't here to fight and that she had information that you could use. Despite your better judgement, and that you still haven't taken down either Rouge or Scourge yet, Rouge was taken into questioning by the Chaotix while you and Sonic brought Fiona somewhere else to be questioned due to her telling you and Sonic that she knew some things about the bat thief. Espio the Chameleon, Mighty the Armidillo, and Ray the Flying Squirrel joined you and Sonic in Fiona's questioning.
"We really appreciate this, Fiona," Mighty tells the fox. "Everything will be confidential."
"Sure," Fiona says and then looking at Sonic in hopes of comfort. "Sonic, I..."
"I don't exactly have a stellar past, either," the Blue Blur tells his girlfriend. "It's cool, Fiona."
"Not a single person doesn't have no part of their past they wish they could change," you tell the fox. "This is a safe place, Fiona. No one is gonna judge you on things you regret now."
She looks at Sonic and then at you before looking at Sonic again, smiling right after.
"Thanks," Fiona tells you and Sonic and starts talking about Rouge. "Rouge is the best of the best. A spy, a thief, a fighter--it doesn't matter. I ran into her a number of times. She beat me and my team in an illegal fighting tournament and she beat me out of every treasure--both ancient and illegal."
And soon, an our passed as Fiona kept on telling you and everyone else in the room about her past encounters with Rouge and her colleagues. When she didn't know how to continue, both you and Sonic made sure she felt safe and comfortable. And as soon as the story started, Fiona finished her stories up and was cleared to leave.
You and Sonic walked with her as she made her way back to her home. She did feel a bit upset about how she had to tell all her new friends about her bad past. However...
"Cheer up, Fi," Sonic tells his girlfriend. "You did good back there."
"I know it must've been hard, but just know that none of us think any less of you for something you used to do which you now regret," you tell Fiona. "Know that you are still our friend and nothing can change that. No matter what anybody says."
"I know, but... you forgave Bunnie and the others for mistaking Scourge for you, right?" Fiona asks Sonic.
"Yeah. It's no big deal. Everything worked out," Sonic says. "Why?"
"Well... it's just that..." Fiona starts to ask, only for you to notice Tails near the three of you in front of a tree, shaking and sweating as though he was in pain and nervous.
"Tails? You okay?" you asked the child fox. "You look like your tails are about to be yanked off or something."
"S-Sonic... [Y/N]! I'm sorry!" the young boy tells the two of you. "They just snuck up and..."
Sleuth Dogg then appeared from behind the tree, holding Tails' tails as he held a laser gun to Tails' head.
"Sleuth?!" you question as Sonic and Fiona got ready to fight.
"I don't know how you escaped Dr. Eggman, but if you don't let go of Tails right now, I'll--" Sonic starts to say, only for a blur of lime green to knock him away.
"Sonic?!" both you and Fiona question as you watch the green blur bring Sonic inside the forest.
"I'm coming, Sonic!" you say, already knowing that Scourge is back and ready to kill and you go to help.
"I think you have more to worry about than your friend, human," Sleuth Dogg tells you, a blur of purple electricity doing the same thing Scourge did to Sonic to you.
The blur slams you into a tree, making you cough and you look to see...
You were being pinned up against a tree by a teen male with looks similar to yours. He had [S/C] skin with [E/C] eyes and rather long and spiky purple hair, which was much unlike your [H/L], [H/C] hair and had a psychotic look in his eyes and sadistic smile on his face. He wore no shirt or jacket over his upper body but had some strange machinery covering his arms and parts of his chest and stomach, all the machinery seemingly originating from his back as wires sprout out on some parts. He had torn and ripped jeans on his legs and iron-soled boots on his feet.
He smiled at you maliciously and spoke to you.
"Howdy, me! How's it going?" you asked yourself as you glare at yourself.
"Who the heck are you supposed to be?!" you asks the purple-haired you. "Some sorta cyberpunk, creepy clown me or something?!"
"Oh, I wish it were that simple, me!" you tell yourself. "But let's keep it simple for the ones reading!"
You pick yourself up and slam yourself into the tree you were pinning yourself against, crashing through it and crashing into the ground behind it.
"I'm you! Just from alternate dimension where everything is backwards! Good is bad and bad is good!" you inform yourself of your orgins. "And you can stop referring me as [Y/N], author! Just call me Anarchy."
"Hmph!" you huff out your breathe, covering yourself in green energy sparks and dashing at you--er... "Anarchy" and speeding away with him.
"Woo hoo! You're fast!" Anarchy tells you and plants his feet into the ground, halting your running. "Must be fun with the ladies, huh?"
"What the heck is your deal?!" you ask, letting go of Anarchy and backing off from him as you had no idea of what he could do.
"You're probably wondering why I'm so handsome, aren't you?" Anarchy tells you. "Or maybe why I'm acting like I am, just like the readers may be thinking. I'll tell ya. In my dimension, I was born with a mental illness that messes with my thought process and whatnot, so I don't really take anything serious. Oh, also I'm a bit psychotic as well!"
"What?" you question before being pounced on by Anarchy.
"NOW SHOW ME YOUR BLOOD!" Anarchy orders you, raising a fist into the air and slamming it into your face.
He laughed as he continued to pound his fists into your face, which hurt like Hell because of his metal gauntlets covering his arms. You form an energy shield in front of your face with the Ring Blades, bringing aid to your suffering face.
"What's with the shield?! Did the author really make you that cowardice?!" Anarchy asks you as he slams his fists into your shield. "COME ON AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!"
"As you wish," you tell your evil self, smiling as you release a large red blast. "Chaos Blast!"
The blast, mostly for show and not power, knocks Anarchy back and allowing you to get on your feet.
"Oh, come on! You have that much control of your powers already?!" Anarchy asks as both of you get to your feet. "It took me years to get a hold of my powers and it took you what? A week and a half?! Man, fuck you author!"
A/N: Language, Anarchy. This book isn't one to be made into a story that continuously curses.
"Okay, Captain America," Anarchy says, flipping the bird at the sky. "Like I said: fuck you, author."
Before any more fourth wall breaks could transpire, you tackle Anarchy and pinning him into the ground. Yiu raise your fist into the air and cover it in a green gauntlet made by one of your Ring Blades. You slam your fist into Anarchy, only for said anti-[Y/N] to catch it with subtle ease.
"What? Thought I would just take it like some dumbass villain from those animes we've watched? Not a chance!" Anarchy states. "The author made me better than that!"
The two of you go into a power battle, you trying to push your fist down into Anarchy's face while Anarchy was smiling devilishly as he kept your fist from reaching him. Soon, though, something beeps in Anarchy's ear and he presses two fingers to his ear, as if answering a call of sorts.
"What'dya want? I'm kinda busy!" Anarchy tells the caller.
"You are to return to base," a male voice tells Anarchy. "The mission is over."
"Tch! Fine! And just when I was having my fun, too!" Anarchy says, smirking at you and pushes you off of him and he gets up. "Welp, guess it's curtains for me! My time's up!"
"What? You aren't gonna stay and try to kill me or anything?" you ask your evil self.
"Dude, please! The only reason I came here was to start up some anarchy and chaos! Hence the name," Anarchy tells you, bowing mocking at you. "The other reason was because Scourge wanted to see his girl and I'm his best bud! Like I wouldn't try to help my buddy see his girlfriend again!"
"Girlfriend...?" you question, confused on what Anarchy was talking about.
"Eh! You'll find out later! Along with the readers that haven't read the Archie Sonic Comics!" the fourth wall breaker tells you and takes out a small ring from his pocket. "Until then..."
He tosses the ring into the air, it shinning around and growing in size as it grows closer to the ground.
"... toodle-loo!"
Anarchy hops into the rings, it closing soon after which makes you're eyes widen in shock.
"I'm not letting you get away!" you tell Anarchy, jumping at the ring and holding its sides to keep it from closing. "You ain't going anywhere, Anarchy!"
"Wait! You can hold open a Warp Ring?" Anarchy asks you. "Man! The author must just be giving you cool abilities left and right!"
"Who the heck is "the author"?!" you ask the purple-haired teen.
"Eh. He won't give you a straight answer," Scourge tells you, you soon noticing that he was with Anarchy, along with a white Echidna with glasses and a robe.
"Trust us, we've asked him many times and we still have no idea what he's talking about," Sleuth Dogg tells you.
"Oh, come on, guys! You're making the chapter longer than it's supposed to be!" Anarchy tells the Destructix and Scourge, turning to you as you struggle to keep open the "Warp Ring". "See ya, bucko!"
The counter-you kicks you in the face, knocking you away from the Warp Ring and letting it close. You fall to the ground and look back at where the ring was, only to see it gone.
"Dang it!" you shout in anger, slamming your fist into the ground.
"[Y/N]!" you hear Tails' voice call out to you from the sky, making you look up to see the twin-tailed fox. "You okay?!"
"I'm fine, Tails!" you inform the boy. "Just a bit scratched up! Just head back to Knothole! I'll be fine!"
Tails nods at you, flying off to probably meet up with Sonic and Fiona. You covered yourself in green energy sparks, speeding your way through the forest and back to Knothole to see what Rouge has said about whatever info she said she had. But there was just one thing one your mind: who was that white Echidna? And why did his presence make you uneasy?
What's this? [Y/N] has an anti, just like Sonic? And who exactly is this mysterious evil [Y/N] and the Echidna [Y/N] saw in the Warp Ring? And can Rouge's information truly be trustworthy since she's has a past of lies? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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