Goodbye Carl

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Carl's p.o.v:
I woke up with Elizabeth still on my lap. I softly got up trying not to wake her.
I walked into the kitchen and saw Debs
"We need food" Debbie said
"I'll go grab some" I said walking out of the house
It was about 12pm
I was half way to the store when I saw Brian.
"Yo go back to New York please" I said
He gave me a dirty look "I can't I thought Elizabeth would come crawling back to me so I bought a plane ticket back and I can't use it for another 3 days" brian said smirking
"Okay bye asshole" I said rolling my eyes
I could hear him muttering.
Brian's p.o.v:
"This asshole" I said watching carl walk away. He was walking past that hot prostitute, she stopped him, I could hear him saying "Lexi stop" but I wanted to get back at Carl and get my girl back
I pulled out my phone
"Perfect timing" I said snickering
Carl was trying to walk away but she grabbed his shirt. Carl's phone fell out of his pocket when she grabbed him so she picked it up and when she did she stuck her ass in his face.
I quickly took the picture so it looked like she was twerking on him. He just kept rolling his eyes at her and he finally screamed loud enough the whole Freaking down could hear "RAPE!" Carl yelled as Lexi ran away. Carl laughed and grabbed the hat filled with the money that she left.
I snickered again and sent the picture to Elizabeth
"Oh wait till she sees this" I thought

Elizabeth's P.o.v:
I woke up to a text wringing in my ear
It was from my ex. I didn't want to look at it but I was curious because it was a picture.
I opened my phone to see
"WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled waking up the whole house. I dropped my phone and ran upstairs packing all my stuff. "Elizabeth you okay?" Fiona asked me "why you packing" she said
"IM DONE!" I yelled "it's not you it's carl!" I said sobbing. "Just look at my phone it's on the ground next to the couch" I continued crying
Fiona went down stairs and a few seconds later I heard "CARL"
She came back upstairs and handed me my phone
"Im so sorry honey" she said hugging me "where are you gong to go?" She asked
"Hotel... I would love to stay here but I just can't look at him" I said waking downstairs
Debbie met me at the door "what's happening?" She asked me looking sad
"You can ask carl" I said "Debbie your my best friend but I can't stay here for a while" I said hugging her, "I'll be at the hotel next to the Grocery store" I said closing the door behind me
I saw the dick head
"Hey babe where are you going?" Carl asked me
"Don't you Fucking dare talk to me carl where over okay? Thanks!!" I yelled walking away
"What the hell?" Carl said catching up with me "get way carl now!" I said pushing him away
"Wha-" I cut him off
"Just check your mother Fucking texts and don't text me back" I said waking away
I screen shotted the text from Brian and sent it to Carl.
He texted back
Carl 😡: what the fuck?! That fucker brian took a pic of me and Lexi when she was legit raping me omg
Me: don't buy it all guys say it bye and tell Debbie I'm in room 163
Thanks! 🤗🖕🏻
And I blocked him just like that
Carl's p.o.v:
I ran into the house
I kept texting her but that weren't going through .
"Fuck fuck fuck" I said pacing around
Debbie walked past and scoffed "dick"
"What the hell!" I yelled "i didn't cheat!" "I wouldn't cheat! That girl means the fucking world to me! I would pass up Ariana Grande for her! I love her!" I said running my fingers through my hair and stressing
"Okay carl think" I said
"This happened right in the front of Kash and Grab" I thought to myself
I zoomed in into the picture
"Ahh ha!" I yelled
"There are video cameras and I think that capture sound to!" I said out loud
"Now I can show to Elizabeth what really happened" I thought
I sprinted out the door to Kash and Grab and asked Kash for the tape from earlier today
He gave it to me and I thought where could Elizabeth be. I ran home and went into Debbie's room "where is Elizabeth?!" I asked "not saying until your not a back stabbing cheater" she said with a disgusted look
"Well better tell me now because I'm not" I said
Holding the tape
"What's tha-" I cut her off
"Just come downstairs and watch" I said pulling her downstairs
I put the tape in the tv and Debbie and I watched it
First it was frank smoking weed for 30 min then leaving we fast forwarded it.
"There here!" I said pointing to the tv
It showed me walking past Lexi and her grabbing my shirt "c'ome on sexy" she said "get away Lexi I don't want you" I said on the recording "ugh babe" she said and Debbie and I watched me trying to get away from her but her pulling my shirt again.
Debbie saw my phone fall out and Lexi picking up whall she stuck her ass in my face
"Lexi what the fuck" i said "come on babyyy" she wined
I grabbed my phone
"RAPE!" I yelled and Lexi ran away
And I grabbed the money in her hat and walked away.
I paused the tape
"See" I said
"Come on let's go to the hotel we need to show Elizabeth this" Debbie said grabbing the tape and her phone.
Elizabeth's p.o.v:
I had just gotten into my room and unpacked my stuff
then someone started banging on the door.
It was Debbie
I opened the door to Debbie and.... Carl
I let Debbie in and slammed the door on carl
"What is he doing here?!" I asked Debbie
"And what's with the tape" I asked
"Put it in the VSR" Debbie said
"There isn't one" I said
"Oh my fuck" Debbie said
Debbie's p.o.v:
I didn't want to tell her without showing her he tape or she would get mad at me
Elizabeth's p.o.v:
"I'm done" I said opening the door "carl leave now!" I said
"I'm sorry Debbie but I just need time to myself right now" I said
"I understand" she said
"Bye" I said hugging her and she opened the door and left
I could hear carl crying through the door

He barley cries

I had a lot of things to think about
Hey guys! Whats going to happen to carl and Elizabeth's relationship? I'll post more tomorrow.

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