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In this story are Ross and rocky not related.

Rocky and Ryland are married and they decided to adopt a child. So they go to an orphanage. So when they look around they meet Ross who's 5 years old and really scared of everything because he had a hard past.~ AradhanaVanAssche

Rylands p.o.v

Rocky and I have been married for 3 years and we have decided to adopt a child. We just walked into the orphanage and up to the counter. There was a young-looking woman she had blonde hair and looked 26 ''Hi I'm Rydel you guys must be the lynches'' ''yes we are'' ''so what are you guys looking for'' ''0-5'' ''ok guys please follow me'' we followed her into a big room with kids from newborn babies to 5-year-olds as soon as we walked in i spotted a boy with blonde hair and brown eyes:

in a corner, by himself, while Rocky wandered off to look at other kids I went over to him and sat by him he looked scared so i spoke softly to him ''hi my names Ryland I'm here looking for a child with my husband Rocky.whats your name'' ''im...Ross'' Rocky came and sat by us ''im Rocky'' ''you Ry's husband'' ''yeah i Ross whats your favourite Colour'' ''wellow'' ''wow that's so cool mine green Rys is red'' we keep on asking him questions. Before we decide if we want him or not I ask Ross one more question ''Ross why did you look so scared when I came over'' ''old daddy and mummy used to beat Rossy and burn him if he was naughty I don't want that to happen again'' ''hey Ross its ok calm down'' while I try and calm him down I whisper in Rockys ear ''go sign the adoption papers and get his things were adopting him'' Rocky nods and gets up and walks to the desk. I look at Ross and say ''guess what?'' ''What?'' ''Rocky and I are gonna be your new daddies and were not going to be like your other parents'' he gets really excited and hugs me and I get up off the floor and walk to the desk to see Rydel and Rocky coming down the stairs with 2 bags. Rydel looks at Ross and says I'm really going to miss you Rossy'' ''im gonna miss you to tell Delly'' I put him down so he can hug her legs and then hold his and Rocky hold his other and we walk out the orphanage with our new son ready start a new life.

A/N Thanks for reading.leave some request down below.Thanks to AradhanaVanAssche again >3~Nicole

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