Life support. (Bbc)

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It was Sherlocks fault, John and himself did a case, it was one of the more exciting, well that's how sherlock identified it. Though, it didn't end how he'd please, the detective, a man who could see through anything. Never would've seen this coming. John was shot, yes he made it to the hospital, but not quick enough, on the bridge of death they managed to sustain him on life support.

Sherlock was promised he'd be awake in a week, that was a year ago.

"You don't have to do this sherlock, you know that don't you? We can wait another month." Mycroft rubbed his brothers back, staring at his glass eyes. The once bold detective, just shook his head stepping away into the lifeless room. The room he'd come to everyday for months talking about his cases, the room he sobbed in, the room he'd occasionally stay the night in. "Sherlock, we can take the forms back. You don't need to give in." His brother pleaded, seeing the frail frame of his sibling shake.
"He isn't getting any better. There no sign of him waking up. Fuck sake Mycroft, this is my fault! I've put him through this pain! I did it all! So if you don't mind, can I have a moment?!" The brunettes voice cracked, he didn't want to break into a sob. Not yet. The closed the door leaving him alone, he turned to face his lover. He didn't say anything for a moment, just admired his fragile body. The once broad and strong, was now slim and delicate. "John.. John Watson. I didn't, and don't really know what I can do without you. I find myself constantly debating this decision, I find myself sobbing over the guilt I have that I did this to you, I shouldn't have asked you to come with me in the first place, it was a stupid choice. You should of continued your blog, like always. I was supposed to have been shot, and you had to pay. My John had to pay. And although I wish I could go back, and fix my actions. I'm not capable of that. And one day.. if afterlife is such a thing. I hope there is a space in your heart where you can forgive me, because, because," he paused to wipe his tears off his face. "I love you John Watson. And I don't think I will love anyone else as much as I do for you." The slender man broke down into a sob, staring at lifeless man's body. "If you can give me a sign, anything my love." Nothing, no reaction. "John?" He stepped closer, stroking johns hand, running his fingers through his grey hair. "I promise I'll never stop loving you, I promise, I love you." Sherlocks dark curls were pressed against johns chest as his tears were soaked up by the hospital gown. He lifted his head gently, planting a few precious kisses on johns face. Then he turned to the button, his hand shook as he stared down.

"I cant.. I can't do it love."

"Please forgive me. He squeezed the pale hand gently. "I love you." His thumb shakily pressed down, as he heard the click of the button.

"Im sorry John, im sorry i dont, i Never wanted to hurt you." Sherlock stroked his partners cheek, the heart monitor quickly dropped.
"I love you, John Watson I love you."

The monitor fell flat, a long beeping noise ran through the room.
"Goodbye my love." Sherlock gasped, staring at the door to see his brothers face sympathetically staring in.

John Watson was just a memory now.

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