Dream |수카이|

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Soobin and Huening Kai

"You never even loved me!" He shouted.

I shook my head, my hands jostled, disagreeing, "That's not true! I love you so much, Kai—everything about you."

I always have—I don't show it as well as him. Even now, I can't handle this situation.

"Name one thing, Soobin."

My breathing became uneven, "I-I love...wh-when."

He stood there sternly with his arms crossed.

"When you're super excited to watch a new drama with IU in it—and when we lie down, you have that stupid grin on your face!

You get so excited that you subconsciously shake with joy!

And when it's over, we cuddle, and you always think I fall asleep first—but I don't!

I listen to your stupid—cute heartbeat that slows down as you snore!

And I love to cuddle with you.

I love you so much," I was out of breath.

Sometimes, being an introvert sucks. Kai deserves so much more, but I do notice the little things.

He looked shocked.

His crossed arms dropped to his sides.

He stepped forward, "Soobin, baby," He said slowly, hugging me.

I burst into tears and hugged back.

"I am so sorry," He took a deep breath. "I thought you were bored."

"I could never be bored of you," I mumbled into his hoodie. "I just can't show you how much I love you."

He pulled away, "I know you love me."

I sighed hastily, wrapping my arms around his neck, "Please don't be mad at me."

"Please don't hide your feelings from me, hm?"

I stood taller, looking at him, "Yeah, okay. I'm sorry."

He smiles, his beautiful eyes sparkling, "Thank you."

"I love you," I glanced away, moving my hands to the belt loops of his jeans.

"I love you too, Soobin," He turned my face back to him. "Don't be shy."

My cheeks heated up, "I love you," I sheepishly gazed into his eyes.

"There you go," He leaned in.

wc: 320


awww aren't they cute? i love sookai <3

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