Oh Shit

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(Ash's POV)

"*Slurp* haaah... I think it need a bit more sugar" as I said that I grabbed a single sugar cube from the counter and put it inside my coffee and stirred it till it's mixed.

*Slurp* I tasted a bit and nodded my head "perfect" a small smile on my lips as I grabbed my plate with four stacks of a bit burned toast and headed to sit.

As I turned around I sweep my eyes across the cafeteria to find a free table till my eyes lands on Alexsandr (Tachanka) sitting together with the Ursus students and from the looks of it he is probably telling a story to the girls as the fact that the girls seems to be listening intently to his story with their foods barely touched.

This got me to smile wider because of the last three months we've been here Alex have become a lot closer with the students, I personally am not sure why but I'm guessing it's because of the kinship between them, with Ursus being the Russian equivalent of Terra and from what we heard the girls have gone through... This got me to smile bitterly.

I shake the negative thoughts out of my head and walked to their table to an empty chair right next to Alex "Good morning Alex, girls" I said with a smile and a nod to the students and Alex.

"Good morning miss ash!" Said gummy and the others greeted me back "good morning Eliza" said Alex with his helmet off and on the floor next to him "can I?" I said as I gestured to the sit.

"Go ahead, I'm actually saving that seat for you" Alex said to me "I appreciate it, what are you girls listening to?" I ask as I took a sit next to Alex "he was telling us about his time as a wrestler" told Zima.

"Oh really? Well Alex, you can continue" I told him as he immediately continued his story on how he apparently wrestled with a grizzly bear once 'huh, that's new' I thought as I continue eating while hearing his story, that is until we were approached by the director of Rhodes Island herself Dr. Kalt'sit.

"Ash, Tachanka, girls" she addressed us as me and Alex stood up "Doc" I greeted back, she nods "I didn't interrupt anything important did I?" She ask us "don't worry Doc, we're just relaxing" answered Alex with a smile "good, because I have a mission for team rainbow so finish your breakfast and head to my office immediately, Blitz and Frost have been informed so the both of you don't need to go search for them, and have a nice breakfast" she said to the both of us and the girls.

"Well, it seems we need to end it here for now girls I'm sorry" Alex told them "It's ok, we can continue it when you aren't busy right girls?" Said Rosa as the other girls nodded.


(3rd POV)

Team rainbow is now gathered inside Kalt'sit's office waiting for the mission briefing, we can see Kalt'sit sitting behind her desk looking at her computer monitor scrolling with her mouse until she got to the correct report.

"Around 6 hours ago at 0200 at night we launched a raid to a supposed reunion bunker in the Urusian wilderness and was able to successfully dispatched it with minor injuries to our operators, after a sweeping of the bunker that belonged to an unknown Ursus based organization our operators there stumbled upon a... Worrying found and immediately contacted the doctor who is leading this operation and he contacted me which brings me to gathering you, team rainbow" she said all of it in a serious tone.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Doctor, but why are you being vague" questions Blitz in an interested tone. And Dr. Kalt'sit just stared and put her right index finger Infront of her mouth in a silencing gesture while staring at the door.

Getting the silent message the team stopped thinking of asking a question and instead to silently listen to her "your mission is to go there and help reinforce the defenses as your team have experience in that field, you will be going with elite operator Nearl and Blaze understood?" While she is saying all of this she moved her monitor so it faces the team and there's a text on it and she gestures the team to read it silently 'real brief: an object with the Russian flag have been discovered inside the bunker with the discoverer being operator Cutter who contacted the Doctor about her discovery, at which he immediately goes to her location and immediately told all operator except Cutter to set up a defensive perimeter on the bunker's entrance and told operator Cutter to not tell anyone about her discovery and when operator Cutter and the Doctor got deeper inside the bunker they discovered a large closed vault door with a Russian flag and a circle sign with a black outline and yellow background and a black dot In the middle circled by a black trefoil, after the discovery operator Cutter and the Doctor have been searching around the vault for any clue on what is behind it and discovered a control panel for the vault and since then have gotten to the bunker's entrance and have been on Standby'

Kalt'sit waited for them to finish reading where she can see each of the members eyes widen at reading it and when all of them nodded to her she nodded back "good, your transport is waiting on hangar A, dismissed" she said that as she moved back her monitor and delete all of the text and continue to work as team rainbow is exiting the room.


"ETA 2 minutes to location get ready" called the pilot as team rainbow is getting ready for landing Blaze who is curious about the real mission as she understands if they only need to improve their defences they only need Tachanka and Frost and not the entire rainbow team asked.

"Sooo what's your guy's mission?" Ask Blaze "as the briefing said, we are there to improve the defen-" as Ash was talking Blaze interrupted it "Stop, what I mean is your real mission" a smirk graced her lips as Nearl just sighs at her antic but also curious about it.

"... Are you the one that is outside Dr. Kalt'sit's door?" Ask Blitz actually not believing an "Elite" operator would do something like that "whaaat I don't know wh-" "yes she is" "Hey!" Retorted Blaze at Nearl for cutting her off and revealing the "truth".

"... Are you actually serious?" Blitz ask still not believing it "no i-" "yes, she even dragged me there" "Nearl! Stop cutting me off" retorted Blaze not angry but more embarrassed by being discovered.

Blitz just blinks at this revelation and stared blankly while the other members just sighs at this "you'll know when the time comes" said Ash crypticly and this got Blaze to pout and Nearl to sigh again while Frost just lightly chuckled.

Before anything further could happen the helicopter is slowing down "Everyone we're landing" told the helicopter operator and the helicopter slowly descends till it hit the ground and the operators immediately got off the helicopter as it starts to power down.

"I'll be waiting inside the heli if you need anything" told the pilot to the group, as they walked and approach the bunker several guards are visible outside with Cutter and the Doctor at the entrance.

"Welcome, how was the ride?" The doctor ask casually to the group as he gestures for them to follow him inside "it was quite nostalgic" answered Tachanka.

The Doctor nods at this and continued talking as they passed operators talking with eachother some leaning to the wall while some are eating things from snacks, sandwiches, and that is until they saw a group of strangely dressed operator at a corner cooking what looks like a pizza in a makeshift oven using a fire arts.

'strange' thought Nearl as she continues to follow the Doctor while he is talking "as the briefing says you guys will be helping around the brand spanking new Rhodes Island compound!" This got the group confused before Ash ask "this will be a new base?" This got the Doctor confused before remembering something.

"Ah, yeah Kal haven't approved it yet but if she did this base will be our main base of operation in Ursus"
Told the Doctor before he stopped walking and turned around, behind him being a large open platform that acts like an elevator.

"Nearl and Blaze the both of you will be leading the other operators on erecting a defensive perimeter and planning strategies to any possible outside attackers understood?" Ask the doctor.

"Yes" "Got'cha" said the both of them as they turn around and walked to the entrance while Blaze is glancing backwards extremely curious about what's team rainbow is going to do, as they continue to walk until they're out of view by taking a turn, the Doctor finally said something.

"Let's go" he said while motioning them to follow as he and Cutter got on the platform first and The doctor got behind some sort of control and pushed a button, as the platform slowly goes down.

And when the platform got to the bottom team rainbow couldn't help but stood still as a statue as they see an enormous vault door with the Russian flag on the side of it and a radioactive sign below the flag.

"Here you go, we fou-" "don't get closer" exclaimed Tachanka and both the Doctor and Cutter stopped their movement "umm, is there something wrong?" Ask the Doctor.

"Inside of that vault are radioactive materials they're incredibly dangerous, even more dangerous orignium" this got Cutter and the Doctor tense "are you sure? I'm sorry but something like that is hard to believe" Ask the doctor as he and Cutter stepped back to the platform.

"Do you know what radioactive is?" Ask Ash as she looked around the vault room "I... Actually yeah I don't know it's one of your guy's thing yeah?" Answered the Doctor this confused Cutter who ask "they're thing?" "Wha- oh shit, I forgot your here Cutter, you... Aren't supposed to know this" actually surprised by his own idiocracy the Doctor grabbed his face plate and sighs.

"... We'll double your payment but you need to sign an NDA contract" he told Cutter who stood there thinking before nodding this got the Doctor to be relieved "ok good, so basically team rainbow is from another world entirely different yet similar to ours" the Doctor said casually as if his statement didn't matter a single grain of sand.

"... Huh, wait so... Ohhhh, that's why your guy's bullets goes a shit ton faster and that's also why non of you don't have animal features, I thought you guys are Ægir aaahhh, that makes more sense"she nodded amazingly not very surprised before stopping and asking "then, what race are you guys?" "Human, and it's getting off topic now Cutter" the Doctor answered and scold her.

After Cutter apologize, Tachanka said "I think it's safe, from what I can see there's no sign off high concentrations of radiation" he told the group as he steps forward "let's go explore" he said.

The group followed behind him cautiously "are you sure this is safe?" Ask Ash as they're closing in on the vault control panel "yes, I've encountered my fair share of radiation before" this interested the other members of team rainbow but brush it off to focus on the current mission.

As they got to the control panel Tachanka look at it before activating it and lo and behold it turns on "it is Russian" he said to himself more than the others, as he navigates to check any info about this place he found an instruction file and opened it.

"*Groaned* Blyat" he curses while rubbing his faceplate in a face palm gesture, the others surprised by the iconic Russian/ Urusian curse word ask him "what did it say, what's this facility about?" Ask the Doctor.

Tachanka stop rubbing his faceplate and told the group in one of the most serious tone they ever hear "Nuclear weapons facility".


AN: never thought people will be interested in this Welp I'll continue so long as I have interest in Arknights and also if you didn't get the message from the cooking pizza paragraph there will be a lot of pop culture background reference or a straight up chapter about things like... I don't know, react fics? Or things like YouTuber being operators of Rhodes Island? Or even operator files I don't personally know how this'll go but I'm excited to write it soo see ya

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