iii. relax, i'm always here

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Yoongi feels like breaking into pieces right now. His bones are aching and his muscles are sore; sweat is running down the side of his face and he briefly wonders why he has agreed to accompany Jimin to the gym in the first place. Goodness, Yoongi can't even lift a five pound barbel for heaven's sake, but since Jimin is literally like his little brother, he can't resist saying no.

So he drags his feet across the floor, still feeling sticky from all the things Jimin made him to do earlier. The apartment is quiet and peaceful without Hoseok's presence, since the latter has somewhere he needs to be at this time, but Yoongi feels sad and empty in this space where the sun doesn't shine.

Hoseok texted him earlier that he will be coming home late at night and that he shouldn't wait up for him. What a load of bull, Yoongi snorts to himself while pouring himself a coffee. How am I supposed to sleep when the bed is cold? Stupid Hoseok.

Hours pass by, and Yoongi has fallen asleep while watching whatever was on in the television. It isn't until somebody is nudging him awake that he finally stirs in his sleep. Pain shoots in his neck and he winces; his hand coming up to palm the side of his neck.

Shit, he must've slept for hours in a bad position on the couch. He tries to move but hisses instead as he slowly massages his neck in circles, hoping to somewhat relieve it.

Suddenly, familiar hands are all over him, soothing his sides in a manner that relaxes him. When he opens his eyes, he sees Hoseok hovering above him, eyes soft and a warm, greeting smile on his tired-looking face. Yoongi's pained expression turns soft, and his lips meet Hoseok's in the middle when the latter starts to lean down, eyes fluttering close as he sighs.

Hoseok tastes like convenience store coffee, and Yoongi melts in the way Hoseok holds him so gently. The younger man crawls into Yoongi's space, leaving no distance between them while angling his head to deepen the kiss. The couch creaks at their movements, which are slow, measured, and lazy, and the television is making noises in the background, but it's drowning—Yoongi's drowning in Hoseok's scent and in his kiss.

Finally, they break away to catch their breaths with their foreheads touching. Yoongi shifts his weight underneath Hoseok a little bit and winces when his neck protests, cursing under his breath. When he successfully snakes his arms around Hoseok and wraps his legs around the latter's legs, Yoongi drops his head back on the arm rest of the couch, heaving a deep sigh.

"Hey, I thought I told you not to wait on me, hyung," Hoseok's voice is barely above a whisper, and he nuzzles his nose against Yoongi's with a contented smile. "And now you got a cramp in your neck. Does it hurt?"

Yoongi's heart swells, and he cards his fingers through Hoseok's hair, scratching on his scalp and making the younger lean into his touch.

"I wasn't," he murmured, clearing his throat and blinking blearily to Hoseok. His words are slurred and thick in his Daegu accent when he speaks. "I fell asleep while watching. And my neck's fine. Did you just got home?"

Hoseok nods, sighing with his eyes closing. Yoongi sees the tiredness in his face, and he rubs his hands on Hoseok's back in comfort. "Yeah," he answers. "Why do you smell like sweat?"

"Um," Yoongi tries to form a sentence in his head, but the ridiculous look Hoseok is giving him has made him pinch the latter's skin. Hoseok jerks and yelps on Yoongi's hold, a surprised laugh bubbling up from his chest as he presses a kiss on Yoongi's cheek. "I went with Jimin to the gym. I think he got Jeongguk's muscle disease. Those two idiots should just invite each other out instead."

With a grin, Hoseok sits back up and smooths his hands down on Yoongi's torso down to his stomach, sending shivers down the elder's spine. "Well, they do suit each other," he muses, smiling. "Come on, let's get you washed up, hyung."

"Wait, wait," Yoongi groans as Hoseok begins to stand up. He holds onto Hoseok's wrist. "What time is it?"

"It's two in the morning."

Yoongi pauses, then he gets up. "Okay, quick, warm shower. Then sleep."

"Sure, whatever you say," Hoseok chuckles, slipping his hand into Yoongi's as they both walk to their bathroom.

Minutes later and Yoongi finds himself sitting on their bed, wearing a much more comfortable clothes and hair dripping wet onto the mattress. Hoseok is dressed only in boxers, and he fetches the towel from the chair to dry Yoongi's hair.

After they're done with cleaning,  drying, and preparing themselves to go back to sleep, Hoseok jumps and lands on the bed with a childish yell beside Yoongi. The mattress shifts beneath their weight, and soon, their bodies are tightly pressed together.

Yoongi sighs contentedly; the heat radiating from Hoseok's body and the scent of the latter's shampoo makes him feel at home. Before he slips into his sleep, he feels a pair of lips pressing against his forehead and Hoseok's soft voice whispering him goodnight, lulling him into a sweet, sweet paradise.

// hey, the titles dont even make sense. what do i do with my life. i stayed up til 1am just to finish this and i couldnt think of a proper title for it. im sorry. c:

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