• Remus x Sirius •

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TITLE: Laser Tag Betrayal
WORDS: 2,837
COMPLETED: 7/20/21

"Are you sure you want Moony on your team? Really, Evans? Over me?" James questioned, arching a dark eyebrow at the redhead that he'd been flirting with for the past few years. Meanwhile Lily rolled her eyes, seeming to not want to be a part of this conversation.

"Absolutely. You, Black, and Pettigrew are a complete disaster without Remus," Lily pointed out, nodding over towards Remus and Marlene, both of which were messing with the gear that they were going to be required to wear.

"Hey! Just because that's true doesn't mean that you need to say it out loud," Sirius Black retorted, pointing an accusatory finger in Lily's direction; she only smirked at his outrage.

"So it's the three of us against you, Remus, and Marlene?" Peter asked, seeming genuinely confused about the teams. Lily nodded with a smile on her lips, seeming to only have patience for Peter Pettigrew; Sirius and James pissed her off far too frequently.

"Yep. We're the red team and you three with be the blue team," Lily explained as James shook his head quickly.

"Absolutely not. We will be the red team. Being the Ravenclaw team is blasphemous," James determined as Sirius took this concept into consideration, then nodded along with his best friend.

"Fine... We'll be the blue team," Lily grumbled, sounding completely exhausted from arguing with James Potter and Sirius Black. Lily was convinced that the two of them probably shared a single brain cell.

The six Gryffindors began pulling on their designated gear, the two teams splitting up in order to discuss strategies. James was gesticulating grandly, waving his arms dramatically while fully captivating Sirius and Peter's attention. Meanwhile the other three huddled up and whispered among themselves.

"Do you have a plan, Evans?" Marlene questioned as Lily smirked and nodded to the two of them. She knew that she had Remus and Marlene's full focus.

"Absolutely, I do. But you two are going to have to be willing to hear me out on this. I truly think that only one of us is going to be alright with our assignment," Lily started as the other two nodded, already willing to do whatever was asked of them.

"Wonderful. Marlene, you're going after Pettigrew. He's desperate for any attention, especially when it comes from a female; therefore, we could use this to our advantage. I'm getting Potter. I bet the two of you cannot guess why I think I'd be able to distract him. Lastly, Remus, you have to follow Black," Lily laid out their plan, Remus giving the redhead an annoyed expression.

"Lily..." Remus muttered as Lily exhaled a sigh, offering him a weak smile.

"Look, I know you think it won't work, but you have to trust me," Lily promised as the Marauder shook his head.

"No, it won't. I know you think that setting us up together will make me admit something to him, but it won't," Remus explained as both girls rolled their eyes.

"Remus, you can't—"

"I don't even know if he's gay, Lily. All of his past relationships have been with females. Next piece of evidence, look," Remus started, motioning over towards the other team of Gryffindors. Currently, Sirius had a pretty brunette batting her eyelashes at him; Sirius Black, ever the attention whore, was flirting back.

"Remus..." Lily whispered, her voice suddenly filled with sympathy as her eyes remained trained on Sirius Black and the female he seemed to be attempting to seduce. Meanwhile James was still explaining their plan to Peter.

"It's fine, Lily. I just don't want you expecting me to suddenly talk to Sirius about my feelings or anything," Remus explained as the redhead slowly nodded, meanwhile Marlene kept her eyes on Sirius.

"I still can't believe that Remus Lupin has a crush on the biggest heartbreaker at Hogwarts," Marlene mused as Remus slowly nodded, understanding that not many people expected Sirius Black to be his type.

"Is your group ready, Evans?!" James hollered as Lily looked to Remus with a worried expression; the boy nodded in response. She proceeded to turn her attention back towards the other three Marauders.

"Ready when you are!" Lily replied as the six individuals walked back to the gear room, where an employee was waiting for them. He mentioned the rules in a rather bored tone, explaining that once they had their vests and guns they'd have to select names for themselves. Looking down at the small touchscreen on their guns, they had five characters to input their names. Each member typed their nicknames, then they appeared on the television in the equipment room.

1. Evans - B
2. Prong - R
3. Wormy - R
4. Pads - R
5. Moony - B
6. Marls - B

"Prong? Singular?" Remus questioned as James huffed out a sigh, meanwhile Sirius giggled at the misspelled name.

"I only had five characters!" James replied, the whole group bursting into a fit of laughter. James grinned, shaking his head at the rest of his friends.

"Your actual name is five characters long," Lily pointed out, watching as James thought that through; then he shook his head.

"I think we can all agree that Prongs is cooler than James," James explained as Lily took a glimpse over at Remus, silently wondering if James Potter was being serious. The sorry look that she received from the Marauder on her team didn't make her feel much better.

"But it isn't Prongs. You're Prong," Remus pointed out as James shrugged, not wanting to think too hard about that. Then they all seemed to have moved on, dropping the topic entirely.

Afterwards, the six of them were released into the arena, each one of them freezing in the doorway and gaping at the setting. There were random walls and fortresses staggered throughout the room, painted either black or some variant of a neon color. The entire room was dark, lit strictly with black-lights. Another feature was rolling fog, which masked up a rather large portion of the arena.

Then their vests buzzed, signifying the beginning of the grace period. Lily was the first to sprint into the obstacles, quickly followed by Marlene. The four boys came to their senses, beginning to make their way into the maze, as well. Remus glanced back, seeing Sirius following behind him while grinning like a shark.

"I declare war, Moony," Sirius prompted as Remus arched an eyebrow, keeping his eyes on the boy that he had a rather large crush on.

"Didn't you already declare war when you joined the opposite team?" Remus questioned as Sirius thought about that for a moment, then shook his head.

"No. I still think I'll be able to shoot you more than you'll shoot me, though," Sirius challenged as Remus rolled his eyes, feeling his gun and vest vibrate once more; grace period was over.

"Challenge accepted," Remus replied, instantly shooting Sirius square in the chest, resulting in Sirius already being paused as a penalty. Sirius looked down at himself, seeming a bit shocked with Remus's sudden willingness to play his game, then proceeded to smile back at the other boy.

"You're on, Moony," Sirius retorted before disappearing into the fog, sprinting to find his other teammates.

Remus shook his head, attempting to get a grip on himself. He followed Sirius's lead, beginning to run through the fog and throughout the forest of obstacles. Wooden walls had circular holes cut into them, which made for great cover while shooting at opponents. Remus could hear others shooting, eventually followed by James's loud shouting.

  A figure shifted out of the corner of Remus's eye, allowing him to know that he was being stalked. Unfortunately for that individual, Remus wasn't prey; his other half was a predator. Maybe that could be considered cheating, but Remus's sense were heightened. Besides, the boy knew how to trap prey; after all, he'd done it many times before, just in another form. Therefore, Remus found one of the fortresses, which could only be accessed by crawling inside of it from a circular hole that was against the floor. Rock wall grips were placed against the interior walls, which allowed people to climb up to a second story; Remus climbed up.

He heard the other person follow him, climbing up behind him. Turning at the last moment, Remus grabbed onto the individual's gun and pointed it away from him. Sirius Black smirked, almost as if he'd been expecting this.

"I think being a werewolf is technically cheating," Sirius pointed out as Remus gave him an annoyed look.

"My apologies. After all, you definitely know that I chose to become a werewolf just so I could cheat at laser tag," Remus sarcastically remarked as Sirius laughed. That was the exact moment that Remus realized he still had a firm hold on Sirius's gun.

Letting go of the other boy's weapon, Remus took a step away from him. Sirius stepped closer. Remus arched an eyebrow, taking another step back. Sirius took another brave step forwards. Remus felt his back hit the wall behind him, Sirius smirking when he noticed the predicament that he'd backed Remus into.

"Where are you going to run now, Moony?" Sirius questioned, tilting his head at the other boy. Remus glanced around, seeming to be searching for some path that would allow him to sneak out of this situation. He couldn't find anything helpful.

"Apparently no where," Remus admitted as Sirius grinned, taking another step closer. Remus felt his heart rate spike, the two of them only a breath away from one another.

"Perfect. Then I have you exactly where I want you," Sirius remarked as Remus arched a curious eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? And where is that, exactly?" Remus questioned as a sly smirk appeared on the shorter boy's lips; Remus tried so hard not to stare at Sirius's lips.

"Alone with me," Sirius breathed out, inching even closer to the other boy. Remus's heart raced within the confines of his ribcage, his face heating up. Then Remus quit thinking.

Unsurprisingly, Sirius Black was an amazing kisser. After all, the boy did have plenty of experience. The shorter boy completely dropped his weapon after feeling Remus Lupin initiate their first kiss, warm lips moving in sync. Sirius's hands caressed Remus's cheeks, thumbs running along some of the deep scars that divided the werewolf's face. Meanwhile, Remus's hands remained on his weapon, adjusting it in his grip and firmly planting the end of the barrel against Sirius's chest. The two boys kept kissing, unable to stop themselves. However, everything halted the moment Remus Lupin shot and Sirius Black's vest vibrated, explaining that he'd been hit.

Sirius looked down, shock on his expression as he stared at the gun Remus had pointed at him. Slowly, the shorter boy looked up at the taller one.

"You asshole," Sirius breathed with a grin dancing on his lips. Remus laughed, Sirius grabbing the laser gun out of his grasp and dropping it, too.

"Hey, I'm just trying to win our war," Remus replied as Sirius hummed.

"Truce?" Sirius offered as Remus arched an eyebrow at the other boy.

"For what?" The taller boy questioned, meanwhile the shorter grinned in a sinister manner.

"For me to keeping kissing you until your lips go numb," Sirius offered as Remus's face went bright red. He thought he'd been a fool to kiss Sirius the first time, only doing so in order to catch him off guard and shoot him; of course, there were some ulterior motives. But Sirius really wanted to hide away and just make out? And he didn't phrase it as a question; he knew that Remus wanted it.

"What if the others find us?" Remus questioned as Sirius simply shrugged.

"We shoot them while we have them in a state of shock," Sirius explained as Remus rolled his eyes, knowing that Sirius couldn't think too many steps ahead of the present.

"I see," Remus replied, though he couldn't deny the fact that he wanted to go back to kissing Sirius.

Sirius Black was finished with the pointless conversation. One thing was on his mind: Remus Lupin. Sirius shoved Remus back against the wall, instantly introducing their lips once again. Hands traveled along skin and beneath clothing, meanwhile kisses trailed from lips to necks. Soft gasps and weak moans escaped their throats, pleasure taking over both of their bodies. Sirius Black was going to ensure that Remus left with many bruises running up and down his neck and along his collarbones. Meanwhile Remus's teeth grazed against Sirius's earlobes, hot breaths bouncing against the interior of the shorter boy's ear; Sirius hummed, absolutely in love with the idea of having Remus this close to him. For these few moments, the boys strictly belonged to one another.

Their vests vibrated three times, signifying that the game was over. That was the moment that all the kissing halted. Panting heavily while less than an inch apart, the two attempted to catch their breath. Sirius couldn't stop grinning while Remus continued to allow his fingers to trail through the shorter boy's silky dark hair.

"What are you thinking about?" Sirius quietly whispered as Remus looked up, meeting intense grey eyes.

"Nothing," Remus muttered as Sirius rolled his eyes.

"You're always thinking about something. So, what now?" Sirius rephrased his request as Remus weakly smiled, knowing that the other boy was correct.

"I'm a bit confused, if you want me to be honest. I could've sworn that you liked girls," Remus explained; Sirius couldn't even stifle the laugh that escaped his lips. It was almost as if he'd found that statement completely absurd.

"I apologize for anything I've ever done that made you believe I was straight," Sirius replied as a weak smile spread over the shorter boy's lips. Remus arched an eyebrow in confusion.

"You were literally flirting with a girl before we walked into this room. So excuse me for seeming a bit shocked with your sexuality," Remus replied as Sirius grinned, paying close attention the the boy standing before him.

"Ah, you mean that thing I do in order to convince everyone I'm straight. You're supposed to be smart, Moony. I assumed that you'd figure it out," Sirius joked with a smirk settled confidently on his lips.

"Oh, I think I might've figured you out," Remus replied as Sirius laughed, pushing a careful kiss to the taller boy's lips.

"Perfect. All I needed was for you to know," Sirius explained as Remus weakly smiled, pulling Sirius close to him again and kissing him much more passionately than he had just a moment ago.

"Black! Lupin!" Marlene's voice shouted from outside the fortress, snapping the two boys back to reality. They carefully stepped away from one another, gathering up their weapons, then exiting the structure.

Marlene grinned when she spotted them, nodding for them to follow her out of the arena. Once they met up with the remainder of the group, James and Lily glared at the two of them with wide eyes and mouths dangling open. A moment too late, Remus recalled the markings that Sirius had left all over his throat.

"What the hell..." James mumbled, seeming uncertain as to how he should react to this. Instead, he just stared and blinked, almost as if staring would allow everything to make more sense.

"I told you, Remus!" Lily beamed, a wide grin on her lips as Remus felt his face go crimson. Sirius arched an eyebrow, seeming a bit confused with this exclamation.

"What are you talking about, Evans?" Sirius asked as Lily proceeded to smile.

"I knew you liked Lupin. You two stare at one another like you're mentally undressing each other," Lily pointed out as Marlene laughed, meanwhile Remus and Sirius both began glowing red. Because maybe, just maybe, Lily Evans had a point.

"Wait, what are you guys talking about?" Peter asked, seeming extremely confused as to what the others were discussing.

"We'll tell you when you're older, Pete," James replied as the others laughed, meanwhile Remus and Sirius took sneaky glances at one another. Though, maybe they didn't really need to be sneaky anymore.

Moments later, the team scores had come back. The blue team was victorious, Lily having scored the most points. The boys that made up the red team were completely outraged with these results. Arguments started, everyone yelling at one another. In the end, James was blaming Sirius for getting distracted; Sirius wasn't going to dispute that fact.

On the walk out of the building, Sirius grabbed onto one of Remus's hands. So, perhaps that whole day had gone far better than either of them had expected. Now, Remus knew that he had a chance with his crush. Now, Sirius knew that Remus Lupin was interested in him. Now, they were going to do anything possible in order to keep what they had. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin wanted to preserve this newfound relationship. So, they did just that.

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