Tessa X Emilio (Prom)

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Tessa is 17 years old
Emilio isΒ  also 17 years old.
They both live in Los Angeles, California.
they live in team 10 house while finishing out their senior year of high school together.
Los Angeles, California.
Friday, April 14th, 2017

Tessa sighed as she laid across the couch in her hoodie and sweatpants, As she flipped through Netflix to see what movie may interest her.

Emilio and Ivan came downstairs. Both in white button up shirts, nice black pants, with some nice black shoes and red bow ties around their necks.

The twins weren't too much of "suit" wearing type guys. They liked to keep it classy yet simple.

"Tessa why you laying around? Come on let's go! Get ready we gotta leave in an hour." Ivan said sitting on the couch next to tessa.

"I'm not going.. My prom date found some other girl and dipped on me last minute.... she's prettier though so maybe his prom photos will be better too." Tessa said with a sigh as she chose a movie from Netflix.

"Uhhh, No girl is prettier than you. Fuck him and her and get dressed up because you're going." Emilio said, Turning the tv off.

"But-"Tessa was about to begin her sentence but Emilio cut her off by picking her up off the couch. Then putting her over his shoulder and heading for the stairs.

"But anything, Tessa.. you're going." Emilio replied as he went into Tessa's room and threw Tessa on the bed.

"Ah! Careful" Tessa squealed as she landed on the bed.

Emilio laughed and smiled softly. He opened her closet, Grabbed her prom dress and laid it across the bed.

"Why should I even go if I'm gonna be alone?" Tessa asked, Looking at Emilio.

"Because you're gonna be my date. You don't want me to look like a loser do you?" Emilio said, with a smirk.

"You'd really be my date?" Tessa asked, starting to smile.

"Uhm duh! I wanna show you off and show people how privileged I am to be even breathing the same air as you." Emilio said, causing her to blush as they went into her bathroom.

"You're too sweet, Emilio" Tessa said softly, as she looked up at him, staring into his pretty blue eyes.

Emilio blushes slightly as he stared back into her eyes. "I could say the same about you.. you're sweet like Pineapple" Emilio replied, as he looked at her counter and grabbed her hair straightener.

Tessa laughed. "You can't go three seconds without mentioning something that relates to anything pineapple!" Tessa said, continuing to laugh.

Emilio laughed, "what do you expect? Pineapple is my favorite thing in the world!... other than my brother.... or you" Emilio said, smiling.

Tessa blushes harder and looked away before Emilio could notice.

Emilio stared at Tessas hair. "Actually leave your natural hair, I like the curly haired Tessa more. It's cute" He spoke softly, kissing her cheek.

Tessa giggled softly "thank you" she replied quietly, as she watched Emilio grab her makeup.

"You're gonna do my makeup?" Tessa said laughing a little.

"Oh hell no, I tried doing my sisters when I was home for Christmas and it was a mess. I'm just handing the makeup bag to you" Emilio said, with a laugh.

Tessa nodded and opened her makeup bag.

As she started doing her makeup. Emilio could not help but stare at her and admire her beauty.

Emilio and Tessa have been flirting a lot since the twins arrived back in January. They even would share little kisses sometimes and cuddle up in bed together but They just never made anything official.

Emilio wanted to make things official, But he didn't know if Tessa was wanting a relationship right now and he didn't want her to feel pressured into one with him.

Emilio was so deep in his thoughts he didn't even realize Tessa finished her makeup and put her dress on.

"How do I look?" Tessa asked, Looking at Emilio.

Emilio was speechless, Tessa looked like an actual angel sent from heaven. Her dress is a flowy, sparkly pink blush colored dress that stopped at her knees. She had black heels on and had a little white clutch purse from Chanel.

"Do you not like it?..." Tessa asked nervously, Because Emilio stood there speechless.

Emilio snapped out of his thoughts. "I don't like it, Tessa.. I fucking love it.. You look so so beautiful" Emilio said, in a sincere loving tone. Causing Tessa to blush and smile ear to ear.

"Thank you.." She replied softly.

"I don't have those little flower things that go on your wrist but I do have my bracelet" Emilio said, laughing a bit.

Tessa giggled softly, admiring Emilio's dedication even on such short notice.

He took his bracelet off and put it on her wrist and adjusted it to her wrist size.

"There we go.. It's perfect.. Like you" Emilio said, Pecking her lips softly.

Tessa blushed once again, and pecked his lips back. She felt so many butterflies, her stomach doing flips, her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest.

"Come you two!" Ivan yelled from downstairs, Alissa offered to be Ivan's date for tonight because he didn't wanna go with some girl he didn't even really know.

Tessa and Emilio walked down the stairs.

"Damn T, look at youuuu" Alissa said, smiling.

"She's hot" Ivan said, Smirking.

"Thanks ivan" Tessa said, smiling.

"Back off she's mine" Emilio said, laughing a bit.

"Don't worry I ain't gonna take her, I got Alissa violet as my date. Guys gonna be jealous of us tonight bro" Ivan said, Smirking as he grabbed his car keys to his Jeep.

They all laughed as they went out to Ivan's Pink colored jeep. A few weeks prior to today, Emilio pranked ivan by having his Jeep painted pink.

"This pink color is actually starting to grow on me. I don't think I'm gonna change it back to black" Ivan laughed as they all got into the Jeep.


They all got back from prom, they were now all in their sweats, eating pizza, watching Netflix.

Jake walked in with a 24 pack of beer. "Well seeing as it was prom night, I'm gonna be a cool "dad" and give this to y'all but be responsible please" Jake said, sitting down between Emilio and Ivan.

"Thank you" they all said in unison as they grabbed one beer each and opened them.

"Hey dad can I have twenty dollars for a shirt?" Emilio asked, looking at Jake. They always had this little inside joke between them because when the twins first came to the states. Jake paid for everything until the twins got their banking figured out a few months after their move.

Jake playfully rolled his eyes. "Just shut up and drink your beer" He said, with a small laugh as he messed up Emilio's hair and then focused on the movie.
-after awhile everyone continued watching movies and relaxed and just enjoyed each others company-

Emilio looked at Tessa and slowly leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Emilio whispered softly, and God he was so nervous.

Tessa froze for a second and started smiling and blushing a lot. She slowly turned her head towards Emilio and nodded with smile. "Of course I will" she replied quietly, and with that, they kissed. Oh how sweet it felt, all the teasing and playing hard to get had came to an end and now they've started a new chapter together.
I hope you guys enjoyed this One-shot :)

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