Boggi x Ivan (First fight)

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Trigger warnings: None

Boggi's age: 17
Ivan's age: 21

Los Angeles, California. Friday, 9:45am.

Ivan and Boggi haven't been on the best terms since they woke up this morning.

This is their first serious argument since they've gotten together.

Boggi wasn't even sure of what he did that was so bad. All he knows is Ivan won't give him any attention. Not even a glance in his direction.

Boggi and Ivan have been living in an apartment together for a year because they just felt like it was good to take the next step and move In together on their 6th month of being together as a couple Plus Boggi's family kicked him about three years ago so he's been living with his friends but last year he met Ivan in a club and they hit it off pretty well. Boggi is just happy to finally have a stable place to settle down in with someone he loves.

The couple were standing in their kitchen, One ignoring the other.

Boggi sighed and sat on the kitchen counter then looked at his lover who was leaning on the other counters across the kitchen from boggi.

"What the fuck is your problem? You've ignored me all day for no reason! We're suppose to communicate remember?" Boggi said, Finally snapping since he was so tired of this childish behavior of who can ignore who the longest.

Ivan rolled his eyes and put his phone down on the counter and looked at his boyfriend in the eyes.

"Maybe I need some fucking space bitch. Ever thought about that?" Ivan asked, His tone of voice sounding ice cold.

"From me?" Boggi asked, In slight disbelief.

"Well no fucking duh. Yes you!" Ivan replied harshly.

"What the fuck did I do?" Boggi asked, Feeling bad for being the reason Ivan was upset.

"What the fuck haven't you done?! You literally crowd me 24/7!" Ivan said, Suddenly yelling at boggi. Forgetting Boggi gets scared when people angrily screamed around him or at him due to growing up with fights and abuse always going on in his household.

Boggi flinched, Trying to remain calm as he felt his heart beat quicken hard..

"I didn't know I crowded you.. You said you liked it when I was clingy cause it was cute..." Boggi said, As his voice began to become shaky.

"Well when you fucking suffocate me all the time it's not cute! It's fucking desperate!" Ivan said, Yelling louder.

"I-I didn't know... I'm-" Boggi began to apologize but Ivan was quick to cut him off.

"No wonder your fucking family didn't want you anymore and kicked you out. You're fucking annoying I don't even know why I'm with you anymore! Nobody wants an annoying clingy bitch." Ivan yelled, Not even realizing what he really said until it rolled off his tongue.

Boggi felt his heart drop, and physically felt his heart shatter. Tears began to sting in his eyes as he tried to hold them back.

Ivan's heart dropped after what he realized he said without even thinking. He loves boggi, He adores how clingy he is. He has no clue why he said any of this in the first place because he wasn't even upset with boggi.

"Baby.. I didn't mean it, I'm sorry" Ivan said softly.

Boggi began to walk out of the kitchen as tears fell down his precious cheeks but Ivan was quick to grab his waist and pull him close to him.

Boggi hid his face in Ivan's chest and broke down in tears. Crying hard.

Ivan felt like the worst person on this entire planet right now.

"I know nobody wants me b-but I thought you did so I w-was happy a-again thinking y-you wanted m-me" Boggi managed to say as he Cried hard into Ivan's chest.

Ivan felt his tank top get wet by Boggi's tears. Ivan hugged him tighter and kissed his head as he began to tear up

"How could I hurt this perfect happy person that always puts my needs and happiness before his?" Ivan thought to himself.

"No, No, it's okay, it's okay, Don't cry" Ivan said softly, as he pulled back a little from the hug to look boggi in the eyes.

"I want you baby I do... I really do and I'm sorry" Ivan said.

"You don't have to be sorry you're just telling the truth" Boggi said as his cries began to soften.

"It's not the truth and you know it. I would go insane without you. I love when you're clingy as fuck to the point where I can't even shower without you joining. I love how you get clingy during movie time and lay completely on top of me, I love your clingy side. I love you and everything about you and I'm sorry I yelled at you and I'm sorry I said those things.. Emilio and I got in a fight over a video idea before you woke up and I didn't wanna take my anger out on you but that's exactly what I did.. and I'm sorry.... I will never ever forgive myself for saying those things babyboy... I'm deeply sorry" Ivan said, His voice slowly becoming shaky as he spoke, As tears fell down his cheeks

Boggi could tell he was genuinely and deeply sorry.

"It's f-fine... Let's just forget about it.." Boggi said softly as he looked down.

"Hey.... Hey look at me." Ivan spoke softly.

Boggi looked up at him, Ivan slowly kissed his lips gently, It gave them both butterflies as if it was the first time they ever kissed. This feeling never got old, The sparks, The energy of love pulsing through them, The butterflies. It was ecstatic.

They both pulled away slowly from the kiss. Ivan picked boggi up, Boggi wrapped his arms around Ivan's neck and legs around Ivan's waist.

"Let me make it up to you baby, In my own special way" Ivan said, Slowly kissing Boggi's neck in a hot seductive manner.

Boggi moaned softly as Ivan kissed his sweet spot right under his right ear.

"Mhm, I like that idea" boggi managed to say in between soft moans.

Ivan smirked and carried boggi to their room and closed the door with his foot.


Hiiii I hope you guys loved this chapter. sorry if it's bad :(

if y'all have any one shot ideas please dm me or comment! it would be very appreciated!!

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