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Men, woman stand inline
We suggest not to whine
Yellow, red and blue too,
Someone is sick, I wonder who?

Mysterious creatures,
Bend down to feature
No-one in this world will survive,
This is a game to them, so isn't it better to just die?

The birds bend down to the key,
I'll take it, or is it better to be free?
Deathly blue, deep underground
Promise me, don't make a sound 

Empty pipes scattered around the city,
My, doesn't it look pretty?
Rats running around with a futile disease 
It's worse than the stinging of bees

Leather galore, be sure to use your luck
Blood on the ground, c'mon, lick it up
Hearts fall broken onto the stars,
While the souls fly far past mars

Birds on the ground, living freely,
They can't cure you, yes, really
All hope is now lost
For now, let's raise the cost

Disease? Or perhaps suicide?
Either way, we'll all die
We can't leave, our fates are set
This was the tale of the Colour Death.



This is my plague thingy called 'Colour Death' it might be stupid but at least my 2 AM brain tried to do something with it :D

lmao this is a bad idea


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