It was a beautiful day, a very beautiful, calm, serene and peaceful day; Here however comes the 'But'.
Even though it's such a beautiful day here you are waiting for the love of your life whom is your boyfriend to break-up, Why? He's so cold to you, and you after much thought are pretty sure he's playing you.
Kyousuke reached his destination panting, you stood there suppressing your tears as you were about to break your very own heart.
"Let's break up" you said, voice not cracking, unlike what you expected.
He looked at shocked "w-what, Y/n why? Let's talk this-----" before he could finish his sentence you've already shook your head and walked away.
Day 1:
Your phone ringed, you sighed seeing Kyousuke's name flash yet again, turning your phone silent you went to sleep.
Day 2:
You walked down the streets, it had been a stressful day at school and there was no better way of releasing stress more than playing soccer at the river back.
You cursed to yourself lightly as you saw Kyousuke there already, you turned around wishing that he hadn't noticed you, but your hopes went down the drain when you heard him call your name "Y/n!".
You ran away as if your life depended on it, you could hear his footsteps behind you, so you turned a corner to loose him.
Once you lost him you calmly walked back home.
Day 3:
You sighed as Kyousuke was following you down the halls, again "Stop following me!" You yelled walking away.
He had been constantly pestering you and you were SO annoyed because of it, he kept sitting behind you or beside you in classes attempting to talk to you, or he follows you around, just like now.
"KYO- TSURUGI! I SAID QUIT FOLLOWING ME!" you yelled once again storming off.
Day 4:
You were so done and annoyed with him spamming your social media, calling you, spamming you with texts and following you around.
You turned to face him "What do you want?" You asked with a sigh.
"I want to talk to you" he replied simply.
"Fine, today at the back of the school after practice" you walked away.
Both you and Kyousuke had finished your practice, and as promised you met up with him.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" You asked.
"Why did you break-up with me?" He asked you seriously.
You sighed "you're so cold and distant towards me, ever since we started daiting, I won't let you play me Kyous- Tsurugi"
He widened his eyes "I-I'm sorry, it's just, it's my first time daiting, heck it's my first time falling in love, I just don't know how show my feelings I guess.." he looked down.
He seemed genuine about his emotions and so you decided to forgive him "it's okay, I forgive you" you smiled.
He looked up at you shocked as his eyes lit up "So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked trying his hardest to keep his enthusiasm in.
You giggled ((I hate this word)) "I'd be honoured to"
Lunar: This one-shot was requested by the lovely Gin_Vodka_Lite
Hope you liked it!!
Tsurugi: *scoffs* whatever..
Hikaru: you were amazing Lunar-chan!
Lunar: hehehe... *inwardly blushes since I- for some reason- can't physically blush*
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