Matsukaze Tenma X (OC) Nozaki Lily

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Vexing Love.

[Heyy! So this is a Soulmate Au! Hope you enjoy!]

Lily sighed exasperated slamming her head against the table as the song boomed, echoing through the imaginary walls of her mind yet again. Dear Lord couldn't her soulmate give her a break? He's been singing this annoyance of a song for a week already! From sunrise till the hugely awaited sunset!

You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up and dust yourself off and back in the saddle

"Lily! Pay attention!" The teacher scolded and Lily sighed as she offered a polite apology and attempted to focus; key word: attempted. Well excuse her it was pretty hard to focus when your soulmate kept singing in the loudest most irritating voice you could ever begin to imagine.

You're on the front line
Everyone's watching
You know it's serious we're getting closer, this isn't over

By the second verse Lily gave up, sure she was kind, caring and compassionate but even the nicest of people had limits and Lily's was a continuous week of the same song from the dawn to the dusk of each day. She wanted to strangle her soulmate, as soon as the thought appeared she threw it away. She just wished he wouldn't bless her with his singing when she goes to the Inazuma Japan selection.

The pressure is on
You feel it
But you've got it all
Believe it

His voice was so off pitch that she cringed in a way that made her face appear like that of a Pug's. Lily began regretting her existence, 'Oh please, please don't sing in my matches' and with that thought the bell rang with no retained information much to Lily's dismay. It didn't help that she had a quiz the next day.

When you fall get up oh oh
And if you fall get up oh oh

Tsamina mina zangalewa
'Cause this is Africa

Oh please, give her a break.


Once out of school, Lily got into her car as to make her way to Tokyo for the selection match.

Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

As much as she loathed to admit it, once Lily closed her eyes she was greeted with the best sleep she'd ever had thanks to her soulmates gentle voice lulling her to her paradise of dreams.

Listen to your God
This is our motto
Your time to shine don't wait in line y vamos por todo

Huh? A soccer field? Lily looked around confusion written all over her adorable model-suited face.

People are raising
Their expectations
Go on and feed them this is your moment no hesitations

A light shined on a soccer ball and suddenly Lily was met with the image if her childhood friend, Matsukaze Tenma. "Tenma?" She called out; no answer.

Today's your day
I feel it
You paved the way
Believe it

Lily looked at the soccer ball in the middle of the vast dark field, walked towards it on instinct she didn't understand then shot it, "Sparkle wave!" And as she preformed her magnificent long distanced shoot her blue hair got freed from its suffocating ponytail and flowed with the air that carried it with a muse of angelic music.

If you get down get up oh oh
When you get down get up eh eh

As her shot pierced the goal the phantom like image of her childhood friend smiled, a smile so big it reached his ironic wind-like swirls all the way up in his hair.

Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

Lily woke up with a jolt after her dream, why had it been so weird? It was like she was sure the universe was sending her some sort of message, whatever that message was Lily was determined to find out, and with her stubbornness fueling her, she managed to successfully --to an extent-- block the music sounding in her mind.

Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh

Stubbornness could only fuel you for so long before you give up, Lily had been looking through the internet for hours on end for an expliantion that didn't seem to want to be found. Recuantly admitting defeat she sighed and put her phone away deciding on more sleep.


Once she reached Tokyo the sound in her head boomed louder than ever.

Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa

Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

"Will you please~
have your songs cease~
as my soul is in need of peace~" She sang in her ethereal voice that could be compared to the notes a harp releases when being played by angels. For a moment all was silent and Lily was content thinking he got the message; then the horrible singing resumed and she sighed.

Ame la mejole biggi biggi mubbo wa A to Z
Asi tsu zala makyuni biggi biggi mubbo from East to West
Asi waga waga ma eh eh waga waga ma eh eh
Tendency suna tsibuye 'cause this is Africa (Africa, Africa Africa)

The young model looked out her car as she began to accept a fate of endless singing by her Soulmate that seemed to adore 2010 worldcup's song.

Tsamina mina,
Anawa a a
Tsamina mina
Tsamina mina,
Anawa a a

Lily stepped into the field her hopes of not having the song play in the selection match vanishing-- but then she heard it, loud and clear to the air, the sound of her soulmate singing.

"Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa" He wasn't singing alone, his friends said with him and they were laughing all throughout the song.

Lily didn't know what came over her as she decided to join but she did, "Django eh eh
Django eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a."

Tenma's eyes widened once he heard the voice he could never mistake for any else, the voice that echoed through his mind only a few moments ago telling him to 'cease' his singing. He repeated after her, "Django eh eh
Django eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a."

They both smiled as they recognised one another, and honestly Lily couldn't be happier that her soulmate --no matter how much he had irritated her this past week-- was Tenma. They sang together in perfect harmony, "This time for Africa
This time for Africa."

As they laughed the team looked at them confused.

"Mind explaining what just happened?" Asked Shindou.

"I just found my soulmate." They both said at the sametime, then they looked at each other and doubled in laughter.

In the corners of her mind, Lily could hear the end of the song lingering in a phantom of a once existing echo.

We're all Africa
We're all Africa

Maybe the song wasn't so bad after all.


Lunar: this was requested by our lovely and patient.... Inazuma11Fangirl3923!! I'm so sorry this took so long and I hope you enjoyed!

Fudou: Well yeah? It was trash.

Lunar: we're back at insulting aren't we...

Kidou: he's just jealous that you managed to execute an Au involving Tenma and not him.

Fudou: Say what--

Lunar: Oh...

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