Ibuki Munemasa x OC Hoshizora Yume

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A gentel breeze blew by making Yume smile lightly. It was going to be a good day she was sure of it because of the way the birds chriped and the sun shone, a good day indeed.

A little tap could be heard every time her foot made contact with the floor as she walked along the pavement, not that she heard it, She couldn't as she had music blasting through her ears at the moment.

"Yume!" She heard a distant voice call and so with her free hand she slid the headphones down where they could be wrapped around her neck, she smiled as she looked at the voice's source "Munemasa!"

Ibuki hurried to his wife grinning, it's been a while since they saw one another due to being chosen to represent Japan inthe world-cup.

Yume smiled as he now only stood a few feet away from her and held out a plastic bag with what seemed to be a tray in it "I made you cupcakes!" She said as her smile widened in a way that showcased her teeth.

The White-head hummed delightedly  in response, he had missedhis wife cupcakes very much and so this was a pretty pleasant surprise. "Thank you" he said taking the plastic bag from her hands before opening it and taking the tray out so he could finally taste those cupcakes again.

"Do you like them?" She asked tilting her head lightly like a curious child would as she saw him take a bite.

"What kind of Questionis that?" He asked, and for a moment Yume's smile almost fell before Ibuki added "Of course I do!" To her ultimate relief.


The absolutely adorable couple as said by many people walked around town, hands intertwined. Yume smiled as they passed a little play ground seeing kids play soccer.

"Hmm, I'd like to have a child with you, I have a feeling that raising one with you would be fun" commented Ibuki with a little smile "I'm up for more than one of course" he said to which she blushed, but that blush went away as soon as it came.

"Oh really?" She asked turning to him "We'll see how you'd like to children then" she replied making those stunning Violet eyes of his widen.


The next day after Ibuki got home he was surprised to find two kids chasing each other around with cushions, "Yume!" He called out to which the girl popped her head out of the kitchen with a mischievous smirk.

"Yes, Munemasa?" She asked with twinkling fake-innocent eyes.

"Who're they?"

"Why you said you wanted children? So I adopted some" she replied flashing him a grin, oh that damned grin always won him over.

He sighed, there was never a normal day with his wife around now was there? Though admittedly, these children could be a nice addition to the family, their laughs did ease him up a little.


Lunar: I've finally finished all my requests!! This one-shot was requested by the lovely peachyniel_

Fudou: Lunar... Will you please forgive me? I didn't mean it, I love you, please stop giving me the silent treatment! I can't handle it anymore!

Lunar: *eyes soften* alright... I forgive you *smiles gently* I love you too, Akio.

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