Rosinante: Just for you

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A/N: Sick!Reader.

"Hey, have you seen (Y/N)?" Asked Baby 5 as she ate her breakfast along the rest of the crew. Everyone shook their heads as they continued munching wildly. They looked as if they haven't eaten anything for days! 

Your absence was something very strange, since you were a morning person and liked to get up early, sometimes even the first one just to make breakfast. But not today. Corazon looked at the little eight-year-old girl and got up, leaving his cup of tea aside.

"Cora-san, are you going to look for her?" Chimed the girl with hopeful eyes and Corazon sighed, nodding as he exited the dining room, Baby 5 following him. Although he wasn't showing it, deep down he was scared and worried to death. What if you had been kidnapped? What would he do? You were more important to him than you will ever know.

They finally stood in front of your room, and Baby 5 looked at Corazon. He seriously hated children, but right now he couldn't care less and felt kinda grateful to the little raven-haired girl. She carefully pulled the door open and peered in, as did Corazon over her since she didn't even reach his waist.

"(Y/N)?" Baby 5 entered your room and so did Corazon, hesitantly. He really didn't want to invade your intimacy, but he had to make sure you were okay. Baby 5 gasped as he saw you wrapped between your sheets. "She's here. Do you think she will be sleeping?" Corazon shrugged his shoulders as he walked forwards, over to your bed. And the sight of you made his heart shatter.

You were squirming and turning in your bed as the sheets were becoming a tangled mess because of the constant movement. When he caught a glimpse of your face, he saw it red and sweaty, as your expression was a pained one. You couldn't breath steadily, as the air came out in ragged breaths and pants. Corazon put a gentle hand on your forehead, careful to not wake you up. You were burning. 39º to say the least. 

"Is she okay, Cora-san?" Asked Baby 5 worriedly, but Corazon didn't answer. "Um, so she's sick... Then I will call Law, he's studying to become a doctor!" Baby 5 rushed to the door until she heard scribbling behind her. Corazon showed her a note, handwriting messy and rushed.

'Don't call that snotty brat, I can help her myself. Go out.' Said the note and Baby 5 looked at Corazon curiously before an impish smile made it's way on her lips.

"Okay, good luck then, Cora-san." With that she exited the room, leaving Corazon alone with you squirming on your bed. This was going to be difficult, he thought. He gently patted your shoulder, in an attempt to wake you up. There was no way he could help you if you were asleep. You didn't wake up. He did it again, but it was in vain. He sighed and neared your ear. He could feel the burning heat radiating from you.

"(Y/N)..." He whispered, as if he was unsure he should talk. If anyone found out he would be really screwed. He didn't want Doflamingo to know it. You didn't wake up and he narrowed his brown eyes. "(Y/N)~." He blew into your ear and you shivered, making a smirk appear on his painted lips. You slowly opened your eyes and he felt something strange in his chest when he saw those beautiful (E/C) orbs look at him. You gasped at his sudden proximity, but once you recovered from the shock, you smiled.

"Oh, Cora-san... Good morning." You said, then felt an itchy feeling in your throat and looked away, putting your palm over your mouth and coughing violently. Corazon felt terrible to see you in such a state, as he gently patted your back. He helped you into a sitting position and you looked at him, heartwarming smile still on your face. 

'(Y/N), are you okay? Why am I asking? It's obvious that you aren't.' He wrote quickly and let you read it. You looked at him with innocent eyes.

"Is that so?" He nodded and you frowned sadly. "Oh, I won't be able to go on any mission then." Corazon rolled his eyes once again.

'You're not going on any mission while I'm here, understood. I'm going to take care of you.' Your eyes widened and sparkled at the notice. You smiled sweetly at him, and would definitely hugged him if it wouldn't worsen your headache. 

"Thank you."

So, what do I have to do now? Thought Corazon to himself as he looked around the room, back facing your coughing form. He snapped his fingers as the solution came to his mind, then rushed for the door, much to your confusion. But the confusion changed into amusement as he fell right as his hand was going to arrive the door frame. You giggled a bit and he exited the room.

He came back after a while with a little thermometer in his hand and he sat next to you on bed. He put it under your armpit and let it there as a comfortable silence built up. After five minutes he pulled the little object out and you looked expectantly at him. He showed it to you and you sighed: 41º, were you really this bad? 

"Maybe a cold shower could help." You suggested thoughtfully, and Corazon flinched. "Could you help me to get to the bathroom, please?" You saw his dozed state and snapped a finger in front of his face. "Are you here, Cora-san?" He nodded and got up, helping you to do so then. He wanted to say, or better write, something, but if he was supporting you like this he couldn't...

"Thank you for helping me to arrive. I will be out soon, sorry for being a burden." You bowed multiple times, as Corazon had to shook his head to tell you that it was okay, then you entered the bathroom. He stayed there with his thoughts. He was more than happy to know that it was just a sickness, and not a kidnapping. Although he hated to see you so dull and sad, being the cheerful and active girl you were.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the door beside him opened slowly. He saw your head peering out, (H/C) hair sticking to your face as it was wet. You had an apologizing expression with a hint of shyness. 

"Um... Cora-san, I'm sorry but my t-towel is not here." You said, voice going lower and shyer with every word. Corazon's eyes widened in surprise, then he stayed thinking for a bit. What could he give you to cover yourself? Got it! He took off the dark, feathery coat he always wore and stretched an arm, offering it to you. You gasped and looked at him as if asking for permission, then took the soft coat. "Are you sure? It will soak." He shook his head with a reassuring smile and you smiled yourself, getting into the bathroom again.

You went out and stood shyly next to him, wanting to arrive your room now. Corazon looked at you and blushed at how damn cute you looked. The coat was way bigger than your usual attire, so it reached your ankles, and you had to assure it too well to make sure it doesn't slip off your now wet skin and leave you in your birth clothes in front of everyone... in front of Corazon. The thought made you blush hard as you started to walk towards your bedroom, Corazon trying to catch you up. He put an arm over your shoulder and helped you along the corridors. He would briefly look at your reddened face, which hadn't that color just because of the fever, and admire the journey of single water droplets that fell from your wet hair to your face, then marked your cute nose, your soft-looking lips and your jawline. 

Lost in thought he misstepped and fell to the floor, dragging you with him. You let out a little squeak as you collided with his toned chest. He groaned silently and looked up to see your face inches away from his, your hands clutching the fabric of his white, heart-decorated, shirt. You blushed as you tried to get up, careful to not remove the large, soft cloth off your body. Corazon got up after you and slipped his hands in his pockets, taking out one of the numerous notes he had and started writing.

'I'm sorry.' You read and smiled at his sorry expression. 

"Don't worry about that. Now let's go to my room, shall we?"

So you were finally laying on your bed, properly clothed -you obviously dressed up with Corazon's back facing you and you then gave back his coat-. You were comfortably silent with him. Seriously, what did this man have with the silence? He suddenly got up and reached for the door, raising a finger as if telling you to wait.

Corazon entered the kitchen to see Baby 5 eating some ice cream along with Law and Buffalo. They looked at him and the little girl rushed to his form, as Buffalo continued too focused on his ice cream and Law had a grumpy expression on his hace.

"Cora-san. How is (Y/N)? Is she better now?" Corazon nodded and went to the fridge. "What are you doing?" Asked Baby 5 curiously and Corazon sighed, making a gesture as if he was going to cut something with a knife. Cooking. He was going to cook. As he was about to get the ingredients he needed for a soup, Baby 5 gasped, stopping him on his tracks. "Wait! If you cook you will die! We will die! The kitchen will die! Even the entire ship will die! Think of Dellinger, he's too cute, small and innocent to die!" Said Baby 5 holding up a squeaking Dellinger who came out of the blue, and the baby nodded comically at him. Corazon sighed and scribbled something down.

'Okay. Then, cook yourself.'

Corazon pushed your door open with his foot, tray on his hands which had a steaming bowl, a glass of water, an apple and a little tube that you supposed contained pills. You smiled at him as he let the tray on your night stand, then he sat next to you.

"You brought me my breakfast?" You asked excitedly and Corazon laughed silently, no voice left him.

'Well, it's most likely your lunch, but enjoy it anyway. It was Baby 5 who cooked it, but I'm sure it will be better like this.' He scribbled down quickly and showed you the note, making you giggle. You sipped your soup silently, discretely looking at him. He was being so nice and cute to you, not to mention you liked him more than in a crew mate way, not that you were going to do something risky and suffer a rejection.

You finished the soup and looked at the pills, then at Corazon. He pointed at his neck, concretely his throat and you nodded, these were for the coughing. You took one and forcefully swallowed it, drinking some water afterwards. Then it was just the apple, but you didn't feel like eating it. Corazon saw your intentions and wrote something down.

'You are eating the apple.' You read as he started to cut some pieces with a knife. You flinched, knowing that being the clumsy man he was -no offense- he would cut himself. But he didn't, surprisingly. 

But what was more surprising was the fact that he put one of the pieces in his mouth. Before you could react, his hand was massaging your scalp and he neared your face to his, eventually pressing your lips together. You gasped, eyes wide as he kissed you passionately. He pushed the piece of apple into your mouth when you gasped, and you started to chew it as he worked with his lips. Once you had swallowed the piece he let his tongue enter your mouth. It felt so good. His lips, his hands, one caressing your hair and the other tracing your figure. However you were too surprised to kiss back, also scared. He pulled away confused. Oh, no. He was a fool, you looked so scared.

"Cora-san..." You muttered breathlessly and he felt like disappearing. "You kissed me..." You said touching your now hot and wet lips with your fingertips, then looked at him worried. "You could become sick too, fool!" Corazon looked at you dumbfounded, he couldn't hold it any longer. He burst out in laugher, a noisy and loud laugh. Your eyes widened upon listening to his voice. "W-What?"

"Don't worry about that. It will be worth it." He said. Yes, said. Because he actually spoke. You were speechless and his smile fell. "Oh, crap."

"Y-You... speak... But how?" You desperately wanted to know and Corazon sighed, there was no way he could hide it from you any longer. 

"Yes, I ate the Nagi Nagi no mi, I'm a silent man." He explained calmly and you looked at him shocked, but nodded slowly when you recovered. "Now, it's time to sleep." He took off his coat for the second time that day and started to lean back onto your bed until the sheets were caressing his back. He looked at you with a smirk "Are you coming or not?" You nodded shyly and lay down next to him.

"B-But I don't want to sleep, I'm not sleep-" When you wanted to finish the sentence you couldn't, you couldn't find you voice, quite literally. Corazon chuckled amused, the sound of his voice sent a shiver up and down your spine.

"As much as I love that angelic voice of yours, it's better if we don't hear your complains, don't you think?" You tried to huff, but nothing came out and you crossed your arms over your chest. Then you felt his arms wrap around your torso and you blushed. "Now promise me that you won't say that I can actually talk to anyone." You nodded, knowing that there was no use in trying to speak. "Great. I love you, (Y/N)." He suddenly snapped his fingers and you found the ability to speak again, but you used it for just one thing before falling asleep against him.

"I love you too, Cora-san."

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