The Trovita Island Challenge

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As the Thousand Sunny got closer to Trovita island, the location where Ash's third Orange league gym challenge be, the crew saw that the island was surrounded by whirlpools and huge spiked rocks. Ash: "So that's it, Trovita island, right?" Nami: "That's what the map says." Usopp: "But how are we gonna get to shore with all of those whirlpools and rocks?" Nami: "No problem as you got me to navigate, not to mention Jimbei's skills on the helm as well." Pikachu: "Pika, Pi!, Pika, Pika!, Pikachu!" Ash: "What is it Pikachu?, what's wrong?" Pikachu: "Pika!" called out Pikachu, as he can see what looked like a little girl getting caught by the strong current. Then another girl around Ash's age appeared, and she had orange hair. When Ash takes a better look, he gasped. Ash: "That orange hair girl... that's Misty!" Robin: "You know her?" Ash: "Yeah, she's a friend of mine like Brock!, but what is she doing here?" Sanji: "We'll worry about that later, right now those young ladies need help." said Sanji, before he jumped into the sea and swam off to the girls, while Ash sends out Lapras to ride on in order to help out as well. Back with the girls in the strong current, Misty (voiced by Rachael Lillis), and the little girl named Mahri (voiced by Kayzie Rogers), were struggling on trying to keep their heads above the sea, when Sanji picked up Misty while Lapras got a hold on Mahri with her mouth and put her next to Ash on her back. Ash: "Are you okay?" Mahri: "Uh... yeah I think so... thanks." Misty: "Ash?!" said Misty in surprise, as soon as she sees the trainer when she got on Lapras' back with Sanji. Ash: "Hey Misty, it's been a while, huh?" Misty: "Yeah... but don't think this means you no longer owe me a bike!" Ash: "Yeah... didn't think so..." said Ash, completely unaware that he and the others were being watched by a young man on the island, who was really Rudy (voiced by Matthew Mitler), the Trovita island gym leader himself. As soon as the Thousand Sunny made it to shore, Ash, Misty, Sanji and Mahri jumped off of Lapras and stood on the beach. Ash: "So what were you doing out there?" Mahri: "Misty and I were playing with our water Pokémon when that current sucked us in." Misty: "An I'm guessing you're wondering why I'm here." Ash: "Yeah, I was wondering that myself, last time I saw ya, you, Me and Brock were at Vermillion city to get a way to the Orange islands." Misty: "Yeah, well I kind of got on the boat that goes to the Orange islands... just not the one that goes to the island where Professor Ivy was, instead it brought me here, but it wasn't all that bad, Rudy, Mahri's older brother, has treated me well here, like a lady as a matter of fact." Ash: "Rudy?, who's that?" asked Ash, when Rudy himself, came to the scene. Rudy: "That would be me, so you're the Ash Ketchum my girlfriend has told me about." Ash: "Girlfriend?!" Misty: "What's the matter?, jealous?" said Misty with a smirk on her face. Ash: "Not really, just surprised that someone would want you as his girlfriend, with your temper and all that." said Ash, which earned him a big bop on the head by Misty and her hammer. Misty: "Well you certainly won't get a girlfriend if you keep talking about girls that way!" Usopp: "Yikes... this girl is like a younger version of Nami..." Chopper: "Yeah, she's got the same hair color and temper." Nami: "What was that?" Usopp/ Chopper: "Nothing!" said both Usopp and Chopper at the same time, trying not to make Nami mad and face her wrath. That was when Mahri gasped in shock when she saw the pirate flag on the Straw Hats' ship. Mahri: "They're... they're pirates!" Ash: "Whoa it's okay!, they're good pirates, I mean I wouldn't be traveling with them if they weren't." Misty: "Well... they did saved us just now... so I guess they're okay." Luffy: "Yup, I'm Luffy, captain of the Straw Hat pirates." Nami: "I'm Nami, the ship's navigator, and the one with the swords is Zoro, despite his grumpy look, he's a goo guy." Zoro: "Shut up..." Usopp: "My name's Usopp, the ship's sniper." Sanji: "You young ladies can call me Sanji, the ship's cook." Chopper: "My name's Chopper, the ship's doctor." Mahri: "Aw!, he's so cute!~, I've never seen a Pokémon like him before~!" Chopper: "I'm a reindeer darn it!, and calling me cute won't make me happy you jerk~!" said Chopper while blushing and dancing around a little. Robin: "He's not good at hiding his feelings, but that's one of things that makes him loveable, I'm Robin by the way, the ship's archaeologist." Franky: "Wow!, name's Franky!, the crew super shipwright!" Brook: "Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho!, please to meet you all, my name is Brook, the crew's musician." Mahri: "A skeleton?!" Ash: "Don't worry, he might look scary, but he's really a nice guy, and he really knows how to play great music." Jimbei: "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm Jimbei, a fish-man and the crew's helmsman." Mahri: "A fish-man?" Nami: "They're like us, but with features of fish." Carrot: "And I'm Carrot, the crew's lookout and rabbit mink, Garchu!" said Carrot, before she gives Misty, Mahri, and Rudy and hug and a nip on the ear. Nami: "Don't worry, that's just her way to show affection." Rudy: "I can see that... but why does she wear a rabbit costume?" Carrot: "It's not a costume, a Mink like myself is like a human with furry mammal features." Misty: "Like a mammal version of a fish-man like Jimbei?" Carrot: "Huh... I've never thought of it that way... but yeah I guess." Mahri: "Oh in that case, thanks again for saving us." Ash: "No problem, I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you know where I can find the Trovita island gym leader here?" Rudy: "Well you're in luck, cause the gym leader happens to be me." Ash: "Really?" Rudy: "And I'll accept your challenge, if you can pass a certain small attack test first." Ash: "Sure thing." so with that, the group went to Rudy's speedboat, where Ash must knock down all of the targets. Ash was successful on the first test with Pikachu, then Charizard, Lapras an Bulbasaur, which allows him to pass the test. Misty: "Wow Ash, you finally got Charizard to listen to ya." Ash: "Yeah, a lot happened since we last saw each other." when night came Rudy schedules a three round Pokémon battle for the next day. Rudy: "Now remember, whatever three types you choose, I have to use the same types." Ash: "Okay uh... I choose electric, grass and water." Rudy: "Then I'll use electric, grass and water as well." so with that, Ash was now getting ready for his battle. In the middle of the night, Nami was moving a bit in her sleep, as it turns out she was having a nightmare about her past, which involved a certain evil fish-man, and the death of her adopted mother, Bellamere. But what really made the nightmare terrible was that Ash, as a little kid was there and was about to be killed by the evil fish-man, which was what made Nami woke up with a scream, which alerted the rest of the Straw Hats and trainers. Sanji: "Nami!, are you alright?!" Nami: "Yeah... but where's Ash?!, is he okay?!" Ash: "Yeah I'm fine." said Ash, before Nami went over to him and gave him and Pikachu a hug, much to their confusion. Nami: "Thank goodness... it was only a nightmare..." Ash: "What do you mean?" Nami: "I uh... had a bad dream and... you were in it... as a little kid... who was about to be killed by... Arlong..." this made Ash gulped a little, as he didn't like the thought of himself getting killed, while Jimbei had lowered his head down, knowing what she was talking about all too well. Mahri: "Who's Arlong?" Nami: "A fish-man... you never want to meet..." the next morning came, and Rudy and Ash prepare their gym battle, which is located on top of one of the island's huge spikes, and Misty, Mahri, and the Straw Hats were watching the battle from some hot-air balloons as one wouldn't enough for all of them. As the match begins, Ash sends out Pikachu, while Rudy sends out a Pokémon called Electabuzz. Robin takes out Ash's Pokédex, which she asked to barrow from Ash earlier, to see what Pikachu was facing. Pokédex: [Electabuzz: The Electric Pokémon, with powerful electric currents constantly coursing through it's body, Electabuzz appears to glow.] Pikachu tries to take down Electabuzz with Thunderbolt and Quick Attack, but Electabuzz defeats Pikachu with Thunder Punch, giving the first victory to Rudy. Carrot: "Oh no!, poor Pikachu..." Chopper: "Yeah... I hope he'll be okay..." Zoro: "He'll be fine, I mean there is that Pokémon center and there's you." Chopper: "That's true I guess..." for the next round, Ash sends out Bulbasaur, while Rudy sends out Exeggutor, which was a Pokémon that looked like a walking palm tree with feet and faces on the coconuts. Robin takes out the Pokédex again, to see what Bulbasaur was facing. Pokédex: [Exeggutor: The Coconut Pokémon, also known as 'The Walking Jungle', it's three heads can think independently, but since they get along so well, there's never an argument.] Exeggutor easily managed to avoid Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf by dancing around to avoid the leaves, then knocks Bulbasaur down with an Egg Bomb attack. However, Ash quickly tells Bulbasaur to use Sleep powder, which puts Exeggutor to sleep, allowing him to win the second round. Brook: "Clever move there, using Sleep Powder to take own the opponent." Jimbei: "Perhaps... but the battle is not over yet." and Jimbei was right, for the third and final round, Ash sends out Lapras while Rudy sends out Starmie, and Robin takes out the Pokédex again to see what Lapras was facing. Pokédex: [Starmie: The Mysterious Pokémon, and the evolved form of Staryu, it's central core glows in seven different colors of a rainbow, some people value the core as a gem.] Nami: "Did it say a gem?" said Nami with dollar signs for eyes. Rudy: "Hey Misty, for my love for you, I dedicate this final battle to you." said Rudy with a wink, which made Misty roll her eyes a little bit before smiling at him. Misty: "Thanks, but try focus on the battle, Ash might not look it, but he's full of surprises." said Misty, before the final round of the battle begins. Lapras and Starmie both used Water Gun, and both attacks were strong, but eventually, the Mysterious Pokémon's attack got through and hits Lapras, but it wasn't all that effective due to being a water type as well. Ash: "Alright Lapras, use Sing!" Lapras: "La~~~." said Lapras, in a soft singing voice as she used Sing, which was an attack that is song based, that puts it's opponent to sleep, which was what happened to Starmie. Brook: "Well looky there, Lapras put Starmie to sleep by singing, like how I use my music sometimes." Robin: "And it looks like Starmie is not the only one." said Robin, looking at Luffy and Chopper, who have fallen asleep from Lapras' Sing attack too. With Starmie fallen asleep, Lapras became the victor, meaning that Ash has won the battle. Ash: "Alright Lapras!, great job girl!, we did it!" Lapras: "La~!" said Lapras in joy, before Ash ran up to her and hug her by wrapping his arms around her neck. Rudy: "Well done Ash, looks like Misty was right about you being full of surprises, you diffidently earned this Spike Shell badge." said Rudy, before handing over Ash the Spike Shell badge. Ash: "Thanks Rudy... alright!, I've got the Spike Shell badge!" Pikachu: "Pi, Pikachu!" Chopper: "Yay!, Ash won!" Carrot: "Hooray!" called out Chopper and Carrot, celebrating Ash's victory. Misty: "Should have known Ash would win this... it is Ash after all." and so Ash has won his third Orange League gym badge, but little did he knew that not too far away from the island, below the sea, a mysterious figure with sharp teeth was swimming towards the island, planning revenge on a certain pirate crew that ruined his plans on taking over the East Blue.

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