Ace x Reader x Law - I don't belong here Pt2

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As you ran away from the area with two members of the heart pirates running after you. Before you can reach the shoreline. Penguin grabs you by your arm. "NO LET ME GO! I HAVE TO SAVE HIM!" You shouted Penguin was confuse what you're talking about. "Jumping into the sea is not going save anyone!" He shouted at you even know he was right but the burning paper in your hands was telling you other wise. You fallen to your keens knowing he was right you wanted save Ace but killing yourself not the way to do it. "Your part of the strawhats? Right?" Shachi asked. "I'm. My name is Y/N" As you put the burning paper into your pocket the fight between the  three captain started.  You can hear Kid's and Law's even Luffy's voices as she looked behind you the fight between them and the navy was getting heavy. After the fight with the navy Luffy grabs you arm then dragged you away with him. "Luffy." In soft voice your captain was grining as he ran with you as they meet up with the rest of the crew.

The fight between crew and Pacifista's was getting heated as one by one of the strawhats was vanishing by Kuma's powers. That leaves you and Luffy your captain pulled you into him as Kuma sent you guys flying through the skies together. After two days you and Luffy landed on  Amazon Lily together. As you woke up first your head was killing you beside that you was alive as you woke up your captain. "Where are we?" He asked you shake your head. "I'm not sure.." Even know you're lying it did not take long for Luffy to start running around the place like an mad man looking for food. After while you started to search for him only to fine him cover in those mushrooms. As three ladies walked out of the forest grounds. "Oh are you two are alright?" The large one said as the others stared at Luffy who was covered in mushrooms. "Ummm yeah.." You said "She ate those mushrooms did she?" You nodded you remember they think Luffy is an female.

After they taken you and Luffy to the village cleaning up luffy in an river you can't help to laugh an little bit when one of the girls started to pull on poor guys dick. Thinking it was an mushroom that was stuck to him. After while an older women came over to see what was going on. "What going on?" She asked before staring at Luffy with an shock. "That an Man!" She shouted cause the women to back away they never seen an man before.  It's wasn't long before they locked Luffy in an jail cell no clothes on. You had on to his hat your only person that wasn't behind those bars.

As Luffy woke naked this cause you to blush then pulled Luffy's hat over your eyes. "Y/N... Why do you have my hat... Why are you... What going on?!" He stared down at himself. "Why am I naked?!" The girls started asking questions about Luffy he answer them this cause you to blush deeper then before Luffy's arm grabs the hat that was resting on your head then remove it then place back on his own head. "Are you blushing Y/N" This was first place you saw an naked guy. "Y-Your naked B-BB-Baka!" Luffy laughed with an smirk  before the girls handed him his clothes. Once Luffy was dressed you can breath again.

After while Luffy was free from his jail running around on the island as the girls was chasing him the snake princess was going return soon. As the event with Boa and her sisters Luffy saved them from reliving their marks on their backs. Everyone decided to threw an party for the princess returns even Luffy was invited beside you. You wanted be alone as you founded an quite place to rest up. You pulled out the burning paper you wanted to save him. "Ace.." His name slipped through your mouth.

After the party Luffy was running away from the crazy women who wanted to touch him he smacked in you with an large piece of meat. "LUFFY!" You shouted as he drag you with him to the old women house. After arriving the older women was reading the paper that when Luffy notices the news about his brother being in danger. Soon after that your journey to Underwater Poison started. Soon after you and Luffy even Jinbe got out of the poison the paper in your hands was getting worst. Everyone arrived at Navy HQ where the fight beings between Navy and Whitebeards. As you stood  there watching the fight your lover was on stand getting ready to be killed. You are deeply wounded from the fight in poison. "ACE" you shouted this cause the male stare down as he notices you. "Y/N! WHY ARE YOU HERE! GO HOME AND TAKE LUFFY!" He shouted you shake your head.

"NOT WITHOUT YOU!" You shout even the promise he made to you he knew that was stupid idea he made in his life! he finally founded his true love he can't be with her! "Y/N" he started to cry as Luffy was getting closer once the cuffs was off he was free. "Your crazy Luffy! Same with you Y/N" He grabs both you and Luffy. Once he was free he ran with both you and Luffy. But his freedom was cut short when Sakazuki punched through Ace's chest. This cause you and Luffy to fall to the knees. The paper flew out of your hands as you watch it burn away. "A-ACE!" You shouted in tears was coming from your face

As Ace fallen into your arms you gripped him. "Y/N.. Luffy... T-Thank you.. For... Loving Me.." Before he died he kissed your lips for the last time he fallen to the ground. In state of shock you  sat there with tears in your eyes Luffy was more shocked then you was. They need get out here! you grab your captain who was dead quite. "Luffy stay with me!" You shouted as an yellow submarine appeared out of the water it relived Law and his crew. As you jumped into the air throwing Luffy at Jean Bart. As the large man catch him as you fallen near the sea you black out only thing you remember hearing was 'Room'

Upon returning to Amazon Lily you woke up in an medical room bandaged up. "Luffy.. Ace.." Those words slipped through your mouth before standing up to your feet the cold floor of the sub as you walked cross the steal floor. Holding one to the walls. "UGH WHY DID YOU TAKE ME BACK TO MY WORLD! I DON'T BELONG HERE" You shouted for no reason you broke down crying without warning an pair arms around you as you pulled into an warm of someone chest "Calm down Y/N-ya" Law's voice was calm he did not understand what you mean by you said. "You shouldn't be up also.. Come let go back to --" He was cut off as you  pulled away from him. "Luffy? Is he alright?" You asked.

"I'm not sure.. He haven't woke up yet.." He explained you sighed as you glazed into the darkness of the sub. "I lost everything to me... My first love.. My captain..." Law frowned as he pulled you back into his arms. "I'm not sure what you and Ace had.. But I want be there for you..." Those words you never thought hearing again even know Ace promise you. He pick you up then carried you back to his own room. "You can rest here for now. Don't get up." He order before fallen asleep in his bed.

Law's POV

Since the day I saw her back on Archipelago. I just can't get her off my mind. Even know Ace was one that loved her first. It heart beaks me to see her like this. As I removed her hair from her eyes she was asleep finally. "I'm sorry.. I wish I was there sooner.." In whisper as my finger brush against her lips. I lean over as his lips touched your. "I'll not leave you again.. I'll make you mine." With those words I left to check on Luffy.

Your POV

Feeling the soft lips on your thinking it was an dream you woke up to see no one around. As you placed your finger on your lips. "Did law?" You asked yourself you blushed before fallen asleep once more. But that did not last long as Luffy destroyed the sub this cause you tp jump out bed then ran out of the room heading outside the sub only see her crazy captain shouting and screaming about Ace. "Luffy!" You shouted you watches as Luffy ran off into the forest as fishman followed after him.

As you climbed down from the sub into the sunlight. "What did I say Y/N-Ya?" Law's voice came back to you. "Sorry Luffy woke me up." You rubbed back your head. "Don't worried I'm not going chase me.. I'll let Jinbe take care of him." You explained as Law nodded his head then pulled you back into his arms. "Ace might able keep his promise. I'll do it for him." He said before kissed your forehead. You blushed as you nodded before curling up in his arms fallen asleep in the sunlight. "I love you Y/N" In whisper that made you smile.

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