Chap. 4: New crewmate.

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Luffy's POV ~
"What?!" familiar voices shouted behind me. I turned around and saw my crew, Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Chopper. "Ah, minna. You all done collecting supplies?" I asked. "Well yeah, but did we just heard what we clearly just heard? 'Join my crew.' Nami said. "Yeah." I said. "Oi Luffy. We don't know who she is and where she came from. Or maybe she's working for the marines." Usopp said. "Hmm. Hey, are you working for the marines?" I asked the girl behind me. "No. I don't. I hate marines." she said. "See. She's good." I said. "Luffy, you can't just believe what people say directly. Maybe she's lying." Usopp said. "Or maybe, she has a
f-friend m-monster. Scary." Chopper said, hiding behind Nami. "Hey, are you lying? And do you have a monster friend?" I asked her again. "Neither. I don't do that kind of stuff." she said. "See." I said. They all face palmed, except for Zoro, who keeps staring at her. "Hey, my sword here wants to battle yours. Mind if we test it out?" Zoro said, gripping his own swords. "Sure. You're on."

Ashny's POV ~
"Sure. You're on." I said and unsheathed my sword. The greenhaired swordsman did as well. He took out two of his katana. We both charged at each other, clashing our swords. We both backed up a bit and charged again, only I quickly appeared behind him and tried to slice him, but he dodged it. It was his turn to attack, but I blocked it with Slash. But his other sword was coming at me, straight to my neck. I ducked down, backed up but he was quick and was now infront of me. He waved his sword directly to my throat. He was quicker than me and no time for me to dodge it. I closed my eyes waiting for the cold blade on my throat, but nothing came.
When I opened my eyes, he was back his sword. "Why didn't you finish me off." I asked. "My captain wants you. Besides, your strong and a good addition too." he said, walking back to his friends. "Addition? I almost forgot about that. How many are you guys anyway? And how many are you gonna recruit?" I asked him. "I need ten. We only have nine crew members. Now we're gonna be ten, including you. Shishishishi." Strawhat Luffy answered. "Why do you even want me."

Luffy's POV ~
"Why do you even want me." she questioned. "Well, because you're strong and good. And I want that in a crew, so that I don't need to worry about everyone. Because I know that they can make it out on their own. And i saw something like that in you." I said. "Nothings going to change your mind, is there." Usopp said. "Nope."
"Uh, where are your crewmates?" the girl asked. "Some are back at the ship, and so e are shopping maybe. But they must be back by now, right Nami?" I said to Nami. "Maybe." she answered. "Huh? Oi, you guys. Where's Zoro?" Chopper asked. "Dunno." we all said, except for the girl..

Zoro's POV ~
"Ugh..... Where are they. Why are they always getting lost." I said to myself, walking around, somewhere. "I'll just go find the ship."

Ashny's POV ~
"Huh? Oi, you guys. Where's Zoro?" the little reindeer asked. I didn't notice him earlier. So cute. "Dunno." they all said. They must be talking about the greenhaired swordsman, because he's not here. "Oh, that's right!" Strawhat Luffy turned to my direction. "Hmm?" I wondered. "I want to hear your answer. Join my crew." he said. I nodded and said "Ok. I don't have any friends either. Gladly I could have some here." he smiled widely. "Yosh. Let's go and meet up with the others." he said. I smiled to myself and said, "Aye aye, Captain."

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