Chap. 1: Run, Live!

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Narrator's POV ~
"Mama, look at that pretty ladybug. Can I go get it, can I, can I?" a liitle five year old Ashny said, pointing at a ladybug on a leaf. "Sure honey, but don't wander off too far, ok" her mom said, while picking fruits near the forest. "Ok mama." she said. She went closer t o the leaf. She lifted her hands to catch it, but it flew away. "Oh, wait." she shouted chasing after the ladybug. Her mom shouted at her to come back but, Ashny didn't hear her. And she didn't even notice she chased the ladybug into the forest. Her eyes were only focused on the ladybug. Until she jumped and caught it. But then, she realised she was in a different surroundings, that she was now lost. "Mama?" she whispered. When she knew that no reply was heard, she started to cry. "Mama!" she cried.
The ladybug in her hands went loose and flew away, when she looses her grip on it. She cried and cried, walking around, finding a way to get out of the forest. But then suddenly, she heard a rustle on a bush, which made her stop crying, then she heard voices. "Hey, did you hear that? It sounded like a little kid." a man's voice said. "No, it's just a wild animal screaming or howling or something. No kid has the guts to come into this forest. Just ignore it. Right now, we've got some business to do here in this town." another man said. The voices were getting closer and the rustling gets louder.
She panicked. She looked around to find some place to hide. There she saw a big rock nearby. She walked to it and hid. "What're we gonna do when we finish our work here." another man said. "Once we're done here, we'll destroy this place and burn everything. And everyone." the same second man from earlier said. Ashny's eyes went wide in shock of what she heard. She covered her mouth to prevent herself from attracting noise. Then the men went away, headed to town.
When Ashny knew they were gone, she ran and ran until she saw light. She smiled to herself, thinking that she could see her mama. She went through it, and hot wind hit her. What she saw made her frown. People were screaming, running and killed. Houses were burned to the ground and blood was everywhere. Then a man was running passed by her, but was was killed in front of her. And it's blood splattered on her dress and cheeks. She couldn't move. There was nothing little Ashny could do to help. She just stared at everyone getting slaughtered one by one. Again and again.
"Hey, little girl." a man came to her, holding a gun. "What's a brat doing here alive. No matter, just get rid of her and make sure no one gets out of here, alive." another man said to his companion, but walked away. "My pleasure" said the man holding a gun while grinning sadistically. He was about to pull the trigger, when suddenly the man fell to the ground unconscious. "Run Ashny! Run! And whatever you do, don't look back!" she heard her mom cried, that was all bloody and holding a big log, that she must have used on the man. "Mama." Ashny finaly spoke. "Please honey, you have to run and don't, look, back." her mom said. "But Ma-" "Listen, if you don't run now, you won't get a reward. So go now before it's too late. Ok." her mom tried her best to smile at her. Ashny obeyed her mother and started to back away, then 'BANG!'. She stopped in her tracks. "Mama!" she cried shouted. "A-Ashny, run, run. A-And l-live, live for me honey, please." she heard her mom said and saw her smile. She nodded at her mother, while crying. Before the men who shot her mom noticed, she ran. But before she ran, she heard her saw her mom saying "Thank you." and mouthed an "I love you Ashny."
She ran for her life, crying. The last thing she remembered that flashback to her was her mom, smiling at her, knowing that she got away, and lived.

(A/N: Wahhh, I'm so sorry for the late update. But here's my second story now. Behold, the fdirst chapter. Hehe, I hope you would like this, even just a bit. I'd appreciate it. Please don't forget to read and vote. Thanks. Sayonara, minna.)

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