Chapter 21 - A Night To Remember

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Nami!" I yelled.

She suddenly collapsed on the floor.

"Everyone, come here! This is bad!" Vivi called the others.

"What is it, Vivi?" Luffy asked.

"It's Nami-san! She has a terrible fever!" Vivi replied.


"I have a favor to ask of everyone. I know it's not my place to ask this as a passenger on your ship, but my homeland is in a terrible state now, I'd like to hurry ahead! We can't waste even a single minute! So I want this ship to head for Alabasta at its fastest speed!" Vivi. (A/N: The first time I've watched this, I swear I was about to hate Vivi because I thought she's so insensitive. Good thing I did not. Hahaha.)

"Of course! That's what we promised!" Nami said.

"Nami, you should rest for a while." I said.

"I'm fine, (Y/N)." Nami assured.

"So let's find an island with a doctor on it right away! Let's cure Nami-san as quickly as possible and then go to Alabasta! That's this ship's fastest speed, right?" Vivi.

"Yeah! We can't go any faster than that!" Luffy.


Nami was heavily sweating and hot, like literally hot.

Vivi and I took turns in taking care of her.

"She needs to see a doctor as quickly as possible. At this rate, Nami-san will..." Vivi.

I carefully removed the towel on Nami's forehead and dipped it on a basin of water to wet it again. I gently put it back on her forehead after.

The boat started to shake.

"Why are we shaking?" Vivi shouted.

We held Nami so that she won't move.

"Hold the rudder! If anything happens to Nami, I'll gut you all!" Sanji yelled.

We heard a laugh. An unknown one. Sanji quickly ran upstairs.

"Vivi-chan! (Y/N)-chan! You're in charge here!" He said.

"Okay!" Vivi and I said.

"I wonder what's happening out there." I told Vivi as I arranged Nami's  blanket to secure that her whole body is covered (of course except her head).

*Sounds of gunshots*

"Gunfire?! Karoo! (Y/N)! Watch Nami-san! I'll be right back!" Vivi.

"Be careful, Vivi!" I said.


Vivi is with Luffy, Sanji and Karoo. They're looking out for Nami.

I was in the kitchen washing the dishes. Zoro is sitting on the chair with his palm on his chin, his elbow on the table and just boredly watching me do my thing.

"What happened earlier?" I asked.

"A bunch of pirates attacked." He said like it was one of the most normal thing that happens (Well, it is actually. We're pirates, so...yeah, it's expected.)

"Do you know them?" Me.

"No, but the one with a crown ate a part of our ship." Zoro.

"That b*tch." I commented.

"Luffy made him flew tho." Zoro.

"He deserves it." Me.

"Yeah." Zoro.


We have nothing to talk about now.

"So...uhh.." I stammered .

"Hmm?" Zoro asked. Sh*t, sh*t. His voice is husky. I just wanna melt into his arms. Wait...what the heck am I talking about? We're friends for heaven's sake!

"Uhhh...I-Ithink we should head back now. I'm finished already. I-I mean if you wanna stay, you can. I-I'll go n-now." Bro, why am I stuttering?! He's just Zoro! Zoro, my friend for how many months now!

"I'm coming with you." Zoro said and stood up.

He opened the door for me.

When I was about to get out, he pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead.

"I forgot I need to secure something. You can go in first. Goodnight." F*ck. F*ck. F*ck.

"G-G-Goodnight!" I said and ran to our room (at the bottom of the storage room).

Why the heck did I run?! That's so awkward! Why did he kissed my forehead?! Maybe we're best friends now? Maybe he's just like that with all his women friends? Right?! Yeah, right!


The night passed by and the morning came.

I was outside, sitting in the railings.

I am avoiding Zoro. I still can't face him! Just by thinking what happened last night, my cheeks are burning!

"Say, doesn't this area seem kind of calm and cold?" Sanji asked.

"Yeah, sudden, strange calms. I guess that's another thing that happens in the erratic Grand Line." Usopp replied.

"That's not necessarily so. It's probably proof an island is nearby. Sanji-san! Could you look carefully out at the horizon? A winter island is nearby. I'm certain of it. " Vivi uttered .

She also explained to us why the weather is unstable here in Grand Line. There are actually many islands and they have their own weather. The weather in each island affects the weather in the seas between them. So if there's a stable weather then there's probably an island nearby.

"Yeah! I see it! We found an island!" Sanji informed us.


"White! It's so white! It must be snow! A snow island?!" Luffy excitedly exclaimed.

"Hey, Luffy! Just so you know, we're not here to have an adventure! We're dropping by to find a doctor! We're leaving once we get Nami-san looked at!" Sanji reminded him.

"Snow is so nice and white!" Luffy completely ignore what Sanji said. He was too busy being excited.


"So, who's going doctor-hunting? No, I guess people-hunting comes first." Zoro.

"I'm going!" Luffy volunteered.

"Me too!" Sanji.

"Okay! Have fun!" Usopp.

"That's far enough, pirates!" A man's voice said.

I looked around and we are surrounded by people. They're pointing their guns at us.

"Hey. I found people." Luffy stating the obvious.

"But they don't seen too friendly." Usopp.

"Attention, pirates. Leave this place at once! This instant!" A man with a green outfit said.

"We came to find a doctor!" Luffy.

"We have a sick person onboard!" Vivi.

"We won't fall for that trick you filthy pirates!/This is our island! We won't let any pirate land here!/ Raise anchor and leave now! Or else we'll blow your whole ship up!" The villagers angrily said.

"They really hate our guts. And we've just met, too." Sanji.

"Don't talk back!" A villager said and shot Sanji. Fortunately, the bullet hit the floor instead of his foot.

"They're shooting!" Usopp.

"You didn't just do that! Bastard!" Sanji.

"Stop, Sanji!" Vivi said and hugged him to stop him.




Yippee! 900 reads! You guys are amazing! Thank you!

Date Published: June 17, 2024

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