Wendigo Tommyinnit (part 2)

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/A/N nothing to say then I made this and I don't have the real acrylics 

For information it's the book of the Tales from the SMP. I did it by myself and it's surprisingly good. So if you wondering what I did the last days I did this. 

Also in this Au Dream and Punz have nothing to do with Technos escape. 

Enjoy the chapter. 


Dreams pov:

Dream was still pissed off of the fact that Tommy had escaped his wrath he was so near to have him but no that child had to run off. He first thought he would've run off to Techno but there was no evidence that proves that he was actually there. And Techno himself was not there too. So now he was in L'manburg which was empty but you could understand that since it was beginning to turn nighttime and since that child left there were not that many people outside anymore. But seeing Fundy and Tubbo standing in front of a wooden and glass cage confused him more then unlike normal bee or pet houses it had an iron door which seems to be only unlocked from the outside. And on the podium stand an execution mechanism with a bit red royal fur laying next to it. So they have probably used this on Techno helpful to know but it clearly did not help with Tommy's disappear. So he did most logical thing speak with Tubbo. 

,,Ah hello Mr. President mind me asking about what that is? "

,,No nothing at all Fundy could you please go and ask Ghostbur if he has more books about that thing a do a little research. "

Fundy walked away leaving the two leaders behind. 

,,So what we have here is a very dangerous creature called a Wendigo we found it hunting down near Technos cabin. Speaking of him once we had that thing pinned down he showed up to protect it so we used it against him"

Dream was kinda impressed by them catching a Wendigo and even using it against Techno was kinda good but he still hasn't seen it since it hid in the few bushes in his chamber. 

,,You do realize that need more room to move and due their massive Hunger two living animals a day and also could I go in and have a look for myself? Might figure out what species it is "

Tubbo was stunned with the knowledge of the man. Even that he knew that there were multiple species of Wendigos. 

,,sure if you must but it could possibly harm you and we want that thing to be still breathing when you come out. "

Tubbo guided him over to the iron door something he still wasn't fan of since the Dreamon phase but it was their land so he wouldn't complain. 

The chamber it self was poorly and fast maded. He started looking around until he met two glowing eyes. They were an icey blue and glossed over with fear and pain. Dream knew that they're eyes were like those of a cat and since it was daytime he could easily tell. The creature slowly came out of his cover and Dream could now finally tell it's Species. It walked on its four legs the front two were those of a feline creature and the Two others were those of a goat. The tail was long and at the tip coveret in a bit fur. The skull on its head was the most obvious thing two mighty antlers on top and sharp teeth some still had a bit blood on them. They're mane shone in a bright golden strawberry blonde and the more he looked at it he noticed something that could had been deadly. A large but still fore the creature manageable crack made its way through the fragile bone. And now he started feeling bad it was this kind that at a specific age would be stuck as an Wendigo forever till they die that means that this thing had been a human before and still had it's same mind then before and they weren't dangerous at all since they hate human flesh which is why they need two living animals a day. But that person must have been on his server since it was whitelisted. Blond fur, icey blue eyes and probably a young person since it looked like it had only reached his age of were they would be stuck in this form. 

Then it clicked the only person was Tommy-fucking-innit as first he was happy about it but then guilt had locked in he knew how Tommy must feel now locked away and hunted down by his friends. At the past they were best friends were did it go wrong? Ah right when Wilbur dragged Tommy into the war and when he himself had let the disc have so much power. And now he could have chance to make it go right again he still had his other friends but he had to make it up to the Wendigo turned child that was luckily not broken beyond repair.

He left the chamber and told Tubbo about the species of Tommy and left him without telling him that this was his former best friend. He now only had two goals right now freeing Tommy and make it up to him. But for that he would need some help. 


(925 words)  Sorry if you wanted Dream being a bad guy in this story but my mind had gone off while writing and when I came to write that scene it just screamed wholesome Dream and Tommy friendship. So don't blame me. 

And who ever can translate this sentence from German to English without help and the Google Translator can have a free decision about the next chapter whenever it's a new one or it's an old one being continued and also I want to to an Q&A so please sent me questions. 

Now here is the sentence it's simple if you know my language :

Ich kriege nur vier Stunden Schlaf pro Tag weil ich nur auf Wattpad und Ao3 lese. 

Till next chapter everyone Bay. 

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